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Solving a non-fixed Mosel model using a REST webservice, from Mosel Description In this example, the Xpress Executor should first be configured with the runzippedsubmodel.mos model. Then, you
run the blendxe.mos model locally; this uses REST webservice requests to send the blend3c model and blend.csv file to the Xpress
Executor and remotely solve the model using this, then downloads and displays the results. This demonstrates
how the Xpress Executor can be used to run many different models. This example
requires a local installation of Xpress.
Source Files By clicking on a file name, a preview is opened at the bottom of this page.
Data Files runzippedsubmodel.mos (!****************************************************** Xpress Executor Example Model ============================= file runzippedsubmodel.mos `````````````````````````` Unzip input to local directory, and run submodel.mos (c) 2017 Fair Isaac Corporation author: J.Farmer, Jul. 2017 *******************************************************!) model "Zipped Model Runner" uses "mmsystem","mmjobs" parameters SUBMODEL_PARAMS='' end-parameters declarations submodel: Model end-declarations ! Unzip input file writeln("Unzipping input file") unzip("input") if getsysstat<>0 then writeln("FAILED to unzip input file") exit(1) end-if ! Load submodel writeln("Loading submodel.bim") load(submodel, "submodel.bim") ! Execute submodel writeln("Starting submodel") run(submodel,SUBMODEL_PARAMS) ! Wait for submodel to complete wait evt := getnextevent if evt.class<>EVENT_END then writeln("Unexpected event ",evt.class) exit(2) end-if ! Check submodel completion writeln("Submodel completed") if getstatus(submodel)<>RT_OK then writeln("Error ",getstatus(submodel)," within submodel") exit(3) end-if exit(getexitcode(submodel)) end-model end-model | |||||||||||||||
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