Basic embedding tasks
- ugcomp.c: Compiling a model into a BIM file (requires burglar2.mos, burglar.dat)
- ugcomptmp.c: Compiling a model into a BIM file saved in Mosel's temporary directory (requires burglar2.mos, burglar.dat)
- ugexec.c: Execute (compile/load/run) a model (requires burglar2.mos, burglar.dat)
- ugrun.c: Executing a BIM file (requires burglar2.bim, burglar.dat)
- ugdefstream.c: Redirecting the model output (requires burglar2.mos, burglar.dat)
- ugarray1.c, ugarray2.c: Accessing modeling objects: sparse arrays (requires transport.mos, transprt.dat)
- ugcb.c: Retrieve model output via a callback (requires burglar2.mos, burglar.dat)
- ugparam1.c, ugparam2.c: Passing parameters to a Mosel model (requires prime2.mos)
- ugsol1.c, ugsol2.c: Accessing modeling objects and solution information (requires burglar3.mos, burglar.dat)
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Mosel User Guide Example Problems
file ugcomp.c
Compiling a model into a BIM file.
(c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
author: S. Heipcke, 2001
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "xprm_mc.h"
int main()
if(XPRMinit()) /* Initialize Mosel */
return 1;
if(XPRMcompmod(NULL, "burglar2.mos", NULL, "Knapsack example"))
return 2; /* Compile the model burglar2.mos,
output the file burglar2.bim */
return 0;