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Implementing a source coverage testing tool Description This example program uses the debugger interface to create a source coverage testing
tool: the program executes the given model and reports
whether all statements have been executed and, for each
procedure or function, how many times it has been called. Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel Library Reference', Section 1.3 Debugger interface
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mmcover.c /********************************************************/ /* Mosel Library Examples */ /* ====================== */ /* */ /* file mmcover.c */ /* `````````````` */ /* Example for the use of the Mosel libraries */ /* (using debugger interface) */ /* */ /* (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation */ /* author: Y. Colombani, 2004 */ /********************************************************/ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "xprm_mc.h" int MM_RTC dbgcb(void *dctx,int vmstat, int lindex); void print_report(XPRMmodel mod); int *count; int nbstat; int main(int argc,const char *argv[]) { XPRMmodel mod; char filename[256]; int rts; if(argc!=2) { printf("Usage: %s modname\n",argv[0]); return 0; } else { rts=XPRMinit(); if((rts!=0)&&(rts!=32)) /* Initialize Mosel */ return 1; sprintf(filename,"%s.mos",argv[1]); if(XPRMcompmod("G",filename,NULL,NULL)) return 2; /* Compile the model with debug info */ sprintf(filename,"%s.bim",argv[1]); if((mod=XPRMloadmod(filename,NULL))==NULL) return 3; /* Create a table to store the number of times */ /* each statement is executed */ nbstat=XPRMdbg_getnblndx(mod); count=(int *)malloc(nbstat*sizeof(int)); memset(count,0,nbstat*sizeof(int)); /* Disable model output */ XPRMsetdefstream(mod,XPRM_F_OUTPUT,"null:"); XPRMdbg_setbrkp(mod,0); /* Put a breakpoint before the first statement */ printf("Running model..."); XPRMdbg_runmod(mod,&rts,NULL,dbgcb,NULL); printf(" done.\n"); print_report(mod); XPRMresetmod(mod); return 0; } } /*********************/ /* Debugger callback */ /*********************/ int MM_RTC dbgcb(void *dctx,int vmstat, int lindex) { count[lindex]++; /* Increase counter for current statement */ return XPRM_DBG_STEP; /* Continue until next one */ } /***********************************/ /* Display results after execution */ /***********************************/ void print_report(XPRMmodel mod) { int l,line,type; const char *name,*symb; int never_done; void *ref; XPRMproc proc; XPRMalltypes value; /* Count statements that have never been executed */ never_done=0; for(l=0;l<nbstat;l++) if(count[l]==0) never_done++; XPRMgetmodprop(mod,XPRM_PROP_NAME,(XPRMalltypes *)&name); printf("%.2f%% (%d) of the %d statements of model `%s' have been executed.\n", 100.0-(double)never_done*100/nbstat,nbstat-never_done, nbstat,name!=NULL?name:"*"); /* Look for all subroutines... */ ref=NULL; while((symb=XPRMgetnextident(mod,&ref))!=NULL) { type=XPRMfindident(mod,symb,&value); if(XPRM_STR(type)==XPRM_STR_PROC) { proc=value.proc; do { /* Display location */ l=XPRMdbg_findproclndx(mod,proc); XPRMdbg_getlocation(mod,l,&line,&name); printf("%s `%s' at (%s:%d)", XPRM_TYP(type)==XPRM_TYP_NOT?"procedure":"function", symb,name,line); /* Display number of times it has been called */ if(count[l]>1) printf(" has been called %d times\n",count[l]); else if(count[l]==1) printf(" has been called once\n"); else printf(" has never been called\n"); /* Do the same for all overloaded routine */ }while((proc=XPRMgetnextproc(proc))!=NULL); } } }
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