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Defining and retrieving annotations

  • annottest.mos: Defining and accessing annotations
  • annotdisplay.c: Retrieving annotations into a C program (requires annottest.mos)
  • Retrieving annotations into a Java program (requires annottest.mos)
Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel User Guide', Section 18.1 Accessing annotations

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   Mosel User Guide Example Problems

   file annottest.mos 
   Defining and accessing annotations.
   (c) 2015 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: Y. Colombani, S. Heipcke, Mar. 2015, rev. Aug. 2021
model "Using annotations"
 uses "mmreflect", "mmsystem"
 public declarations
  @value.first 5
  @value.second 0
  @descr A scalar value
   myint: integer   
   AnnNames: set of string          !@descr Set of annotation names
   Ann: array(string) of string     !@descr Annotation values
   mytxt: text                      !@descr Default input data file
 !@descr Annotations test
 !@furtherinfo Simply displays all defined global or specific annotations
 ! Get all global annotations defined in this model:
 getannotations("", "", AnnNames, Ann)
 writeln("Global annotations:")
 forall(a in AnnNames) writeln("  ", a, " = ", Ann(a))

 ! Get all annotations for "myint":
 getannotations("myint", "", AnnNames, Ann)
 writeln("Annotations defined for 'myint':")
 forall(a in AnnNames) writeln("  ", a, " = ", Ann(a))

 ! Retrieve all annotations starting with 'value.' and that are
 ! associated to 'myint'
 getannotations("myint", "value.", AnnNames, Ann)
 writeln("'value' annotations for 'myint':")
 forall(a in AnnNames) writeln("  ", a, " = ", Ann(a))


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