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Goal programming

This example tries to construct a production plan which meets four different goals in order of priority.[download all files]

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  Goal programming example

  An example of lexicographic goal programming using the Xpress
  multi-objective API.

  A company produces two electrical products, A and B. Both require
  two stages of production: wiring and assembly. The production plan
  must meet several goals:
  1. A profit of $200
  2. A contractual requirement of 40 units of product B
  3. To fully utilize the available wiring department hours
  4. To avoid overtime in the assembly department

  (c) 2022-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation

using System;
using Optimizer;

namespace XPRSExamples
    class GoalProg
        private static readonly int COLS = 8;    // Number of columns
        private static readonly int ROWS = 4;    // Number of rows
        private static readonly int ENTITIES = 2;    // Number of entities

        // Column indices
        private static readonly int COL_PRODUCE_A = 0;
        private static readonly int COL_PRODUCE_B = 1;
        private static readonly int COL_SURPLUS_WIRING = 2;
        private static readonly int COL_DEFICIT_WIRING = 3;
        private static readonly int COL_SURPLUS_ASSEM = 4;
        private static readonly int COL_DEFICIT_ASSEM = 5;
        private static readonly int COL_DEFICIT_PROFIT = 6;
        private static readonly int COL_DEFICIT_PROD_B = 7;

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            GoalProg example = new GoalProg();

        private void Run()


                prob = new XPRSprob();

                // Tell Optimizer to call OptimizerMsg whenever a message is output
                prob.AddMessageCallback(new MessageCallback(this.OptimizerMsg));

                // Create two integer variables and six continuous variables
                double[] ub = new double[8];
                char[] coltype = new char[8];
                int[] colind = new int[13];
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    ub[i] = XPRS.PLUSINFINITY;
                    coltype[i] = i < 2 ? 'I' : 'C';
                    colind[i] = i;
                prob.AddCols(8, 0, new double[8], new int[8], null, null, new double[8], ub);
                prob.ChgColType(8, colind, coltype);

                // Add one row per goal
                int ncoef = 0;
                char[] rowtype = new char[4];
                double[] rhs = new double[4];
                int[] start = new int[4];
                double[] rowcoef = new double[13];
                // Goal 1: profit must meet or exceed $200
                colind[ncoef] = COL_PRODUCE_A; rowcoef[ncoef++] = 7;
                colind[ncoef] = COL_PRODUCE_B; rowcoef[ncoef++] = 6;
                colind[ncoef] = COL_DEFICIT_PROFIT; rowcoef[ncoef++] = 1;
                rowtype[0] = 'G'; rhs[0] = 200;
                // Goal 2: production of product B must meet or exceed 40 units
                start[1] = ncoef;
                colind[ncoef] = COL_PRODUCE_B; rowcoef[ncoef++] = 1;
                colind[ncoef] = COL_DEFICIT_PROD_B; rowcoef[ncoef++] = 1;
                rowtype[1] = 'G'; rhs[1] = 40;
                // Goal 3: hours of wiring should be close to the available 120 hours
                start[2] = ncoef;
                colind[ncoef] = COL_PRODUCE_A; rowcoef[ncoef++] = 2;
                colind[ncoef] = COL_PRODUCE_B; rowcoef[ncoef++] = 3;
                colind[ncoef] = COL_SURPLUS_WIRING; rowcoef[ncoef++] = -1;
                colind[ncoef] = COL_DEFICIT_WIRING; rowcoef[ncoef++] = 1;
                rowtype[2] = 'E'; rhs[2] = 120;
                // Goal 4: hours of assembly should be close to the available 300 hours
                start[3] = ncoef;
                colind[ncoef] = COL_PRODUCE_A; rowcoef[ncoef++] = 6;
                colind[ncoef] = COL_PRODUCE_B; rowcoef[ncoef++] = 5;
                colind[ncoef] = COL_SURPLUS_ASSEM; rowcoef[ncoef++] = -1;
                colind[ncoef] = COL_DEFICIT_ASSEM; rowcoef[ncoef++] = 1;
                rowtype[3] = 'E'; rhs[3] = 300;
                prob.AddRows(4, ncoef, rowtype, rhs, start, colind, rowcoef);

                // Define objectives to minimize deviations, in priority order
                // Goal 1: minimize profit deficit
                prob.ChgObj(1, new int[] { COL_DEFICIT_PROFIT }, new double[] { 1 });
                // Goal 2: minimize production deficit
                prob.ChgObjN(1, 1, new int[] { COL_DEFICIT_PROD_B }, new double[] { 1 });
                // Goal 3: minimize deviation from wiring hours target
                prob.ChgObjN(2, 2, new int[] { COL_SURPLUS_WIRING, COL_DEFICIT_WIRING }, new double[] { 1, 1 });
                // Goal 4: minimize deviation from assembly hours target
                prob.ChgObjN(3, 2, new int[] { COL_SURPLUS_ASSEM, COL_DEFICIT_ASSEM }, new double[] { 1, 1 });

                // Set up objective priorities and tolerances
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    prob.SetObjIntControl(i, ObjControl.Priority, 4 - i);
                    prob.SetObjDblControl(i, ObjControl.AbsTol, 0);
                    prob.SetObjDblControl(i, ObjControl.RelTol, 0);

                // Solve the problem

                // Print the result
                if (prob.SolveStatus == SolveStatus.Completed &&
                    prob.SolStatus == SolStatus.Optimal)
                    double[] sol = prob.GetSolution();
                    Console.WriteLine("Production plan:");
                    Console.WriteLine("Product A: " + ((int)sol[COL_PRODUCE_A]) + " units");
                    Console.WriteLine("Product B: " + ((int)sol[COL_PRODUCE_B]) + " units");
                    Console.WriteLine("Profit: $" + (int)(7 * sol[COL_PRODUCE_A] + 6 * sol[COL_PRODUCE_B]));
                    if (sol[COL_DEFICIT_PROFIT] > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Profit goal missed by $" + ((int)sol[COL_DEFICIT_PROFIT]));
                    if (sol[COL_DEFICIT_PROD_B] > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Contractual goal for product B missed by " + ((int)sol[COL_DEFICIT_PROD_B]) + " units");
                    if (sol[COL_SURPLUS_WIRING] > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Unused wiring department hours: " + ((int)sol[COL_SURPLUS_WIRING]));
                    if (sol[COL_DEFICIT_WIRING] > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Wiring department overtime: " + ((int)sol[COL_DEFICIT_WIRING]));
                    if (sol[COL_SURPLUS_ASSEM] > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Unused assembly department hours: " + ((int)sol[COL_SURPLUS_ASSEM]));
                    if (sol[COL_DEFICIT_ASSEM] > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Assembly department overtime: " + ((int)sol[COL_DEFICIT_ASSEM]));
                    Console.WriteLine("Problem could not be solved");
            catch (XPRSException e)
                throw e;

        public void OptimizerMsg(XPRSprob prob, object data, string message, int len, int msglvl)
            switch (msglvl)
                case 3:
                case 4:
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}" + message, data);

        private XPRSprob prob;

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