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Project scheduling problem with disjunctive resource constraints Description Project scheduling problem with disjunctive resource
constraints and minimum and maximum delays between tasks, formulated
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Data Files bridgescheduling.mos (!**************************************************************** CP example problems =================== file bridgescheduling.mos ````````````````````````` Project scheduling problem with disjunctive resource constraints. We wish to schedule a set of tasks for the construction of a bridge. Each task uses a particular resource (excavator, pileDriver, ...) and can only start after the completion of its predecessor(s). A resource can only be used by one task at a time (disjunctive resources). The aim is to minimize the total duration of the schedule (PE). *** This model cannot be run with a Community Licence for the provided data instance *** Copyright(C) 2008 Artelys S.A. and Fair Isaac Corporation Creation: 2005, rev. Apr. 2022 *****************************************************************!) model "Bridge Scheduling (CP)" uses "kalis" declarations RESOURCES: set of string ! Set of resources TASKS: set of string ! Set of tasks DUR : array(TASKS) of integer ! Durations of tasks USE : array(TASKS) of string ! Resource used by a task NPREC: array(TASKS) of integer ! Number of predecessors of a task PRECS: array(TASKS,range) of string ! Predecessors of each task SetEE, SetES, SetSS, SetSE: range ! Index sets of distance data DISTEE: array(SetEE,1..2) of string ! End-to-end max. distance DISTES: array(SetES,1..2) of string ! End-to-start max. distance DISTSS: array(SetSS,1..2) of string ! Start-to-start min. distance DISTSE: array(SetSE,1..2) of string ! Start-to-end min. distance end-declarations initializations from "Data/bridgescheduling.dat" [DUR, NPREC, USE] as "TASKDATA" PRECS DISTEE DISTES DISTSS DISTSE end-initializations forall(t in TASKS | USE(t)<>"") RESOURCES += {USE(t)} setparam("KALIS_DEFAULT_LB", 0) setparam("KALIS_DEFAULT_UB", sum(t in TASKS) DUR(t)) declarations start: array(TASKS) of cpvar ! Start times of tasks Disj,Disj_crane,Disj_brick: set of cpctr ! Disjunction constraints Strategy: array(range) of cpbranching ! Branching strategy end-declarations !****************************************************************** ! **** Create disjunctions between tasks using the same resource **** procedure disjunctive_constraints(r:string) declarations usedby: set of cpvar durby : array(cpvar) of integer end-declarations nbr := 0 forall (t in TASKS | USE(t) = r) do usedby += {start(t)} durby(start(t)) := DUR(t) nbr += 1 end-do if (r="crane") then disjunctive(usedby,durby,Disj_crane,0) elif (r="bricklaying") then disjunctive(usedby,durby,Disj_brick,0) else disjunctive(usedby,durby,Disj,0) end-if end-procedure ! **** Distance constraints between starts or ends of certain task pairs **** procedure distance_constraints forall(i in SetEE) ! End-to-end max. distance start(DISTEE(i,1)) + DUR(DISTEE(i,1)) + 4 >= start(DISTEE(i,2)) + DUR(DISTEE(i,2)) forall(i in SetES) ! End-to-start max. distance start(DISTES(i,1)) + DUR(DISTES(i,1)) + 3 >= start(DISTES(i,2)) forall(i in SetSS) ! Start-to-start min. distance start(DISTSS(i,1)) + 6 <= start(DISTSS(i,2)) forall(i in SetSE) ! Start-to-end min. distance start(DISTSE(i,1)) + DUR(DISTSE(i,1)) - 2 <= start(DISTSE(i,2)) end-procedure !****************************************************************** ! **** Model definition ***** setparam("kalis_auto_propagate", false) ! Do not post constraints at definition forall(t in TASKS) setname(start(t),t) ! Set variable names ! Precedences between a task and its predecessors forall(t in TASKS, i in 1..NPREC(t)) start(PRECS(t,i)) + DUR(PRECS(t,i)) <= start(t) ! Disjunctions between tasks using the same resource forall(r in RESOURCES) disjunctive_constraints(r) ! Define min/max distance between certain starts and ends of task pairs distance_constraints ! Post all constraints if not cp_propagate then writeln("Problem is infeasible") exit(1) end-if ! Define the branching strategy: branch first on bottleneck resources Strategy(1) := settle_disjunction(Disj_crane) Strategy(2) := settle_disjunction(Disj_brick) Strategy(3) := split_domain(KALIS_LARGEST_MAX, KALIS_MIN_TO_MAX) cp_set_branching(Strategy) ! Uncomment to limit computation time setparam("KALIS_MAX_COMPUTATION_TIME", 10) setparam("KALIS_VERBOSE_LEVEL", 1) if not cp_minimize(start("PE")) then writeln("Problem is infeasible") exit(1) end-if ct:= 0 forall(t in TASKS) do write(t, "=", getsol(start(t)), if(ct mod 10=9, ",\n", ", ")) ct+=1 end-do writeln("\nMakespan: ", getsol(start("PE"))) writeln("Proof of optimality in:") cp_show_stats end-model
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