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Jobshop scheduling - Generating start solutions via parallel computation Description The job shop problem is solved by sequentially sequencing tasks on a single machine and then loading this
initial schedule as an initial integer solution (jobshopas.mos). A parallel version of the algorithm is
also presented. In the parallel version, the single machine sequencing models are solved concurrently, exchanging data in memory with the parent model.
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Data Files jobshopas.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file jobshopas.mos `````````````````` Job shop production planning, second, generic formulation. (c) 2012 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Sep. 2012, rev. Sep. 2022 *******************************************************!) model "B-3 Job shop (2)" uses "mmxprs", "mmsystem" parameters DATAFILE = "mt10.dat" ! mt06.dat : Fisher and Thompson 6x6 instance ALG = 1 ! 0: Default solving, 1: Add partial solution, ! 2: Augment Jobshop problem with one sequencing problem end-parameters declarations NBJOBS: integer ! Number of jobs NBRES: integer ! Number of resources end-declarations initializations from DATAFILE NBJOBS NBRES end-initializations declarations JOBS = 1..NBJOBS ! Set of jobs TASKS = 1..NBRES ! Set of tasks (one per machine) TASKSM1 = 1..NBRES-1 ! Set of tasks without last RESOURCES = 0..NBRES-1 ! Set of resources taskUse: array(JOBS,TASKS) of integer ! Resource use of tasks DUR: array(JOBS,TASKS) of integer ! Durations of tasks RESIND: array(RESOURCES,JOBS) of integer ! Task index per resource BIGM: integer MAXDUR: array(RESOURCES) of integer cutoff: real bbindex: integer end-declarations initializations from DATAFILE taskUse DUR as "taskDuration" end-initializations forall(m in RESOURCES,j in JOBS,t in TASKS | taskUse(j,t) = m) RESIND(m,j):=t BIGM:=sum(j in JOBS,t in TASKS) DUR(j,t) ! Some (sufficiently) large value forall(m in RESOURCES) MAXDUR(m):=sum(j in JOBS) DUR(j,RESIND(m,j)) declarations start: array(JOBS,TASKS) of mpvar ! Start times of tasks comp: array(JOBS,TASKS) of mpvar ! Completion times of tasks makespan: mpvar ! Schedule completion time y: dynamic array(RESOURCES,JOBS,JOBS) of mpvar ! Disjunction variables heursol: dynamic array(set of mpvar) of real rank: array(JOBS,JOBS) of mpvar ! =1 if job j at position k jcomp,tstart: array(JOBS) of mpvar ! Start time of job at position k SeqProblem: mpproblem pos: array(JOBS) of integer end-declarations ! **** Create disjunctive constraints **** procedure disjunctiveconstraints(m:integer) forall(i,j in JOBS | i<j) do create(y(m,i,j)) y(m,i,j) is_binary !=1 if i>>j, =0 if i<<j start(i,RESIND(m,i))+DUR(i,RESIND(m,i)) <= start(j,RESIND(m,j))+BIGM*y(m,i,j) start(j,RESIND(m,j))+DUR(j,RESIND(m,j)) <= start(i,RESIND(m,i))+BIGM*(1-y(m,i,j)) end-do end-procedure ! **** Single machine sequencing problem **** procedure sequencemachine(m:integer) ! One job per position forall(k in JOBS) sum(j in JOBS) rank(j,k) = 1 ! One position per job forall(j in JOBS) sum(k in JOBS) rank(j,k) = 1 ! Sequence of jobs forall(k in 1..NBJOBS-1) tstart(k+1) >= tstart(k) + sum(j in JOBS) DUR(j,RESIND(m,j))*rank(j,k) ! Start times (release date = min total duration for preceding tasks) forall(j in JOBS) REL(j):= sum(t in 1..RESIND(m,j)-1) DUR(j,t) forall(j in JOBS) DURSUCC(j):= sum(t in RESIND(m,j)+1..NBRES) DUR(j,t) forall(k in JOBS) tstart(k) >= sum(j in JOBS) REL(j)*rank(j,k) ! Completion times forall(k in JOBS) jcomp(k) = tstart(k) + sum(j in JOBS) (DUR(j,RESIND(m,j))+DURSUCC(j))*rank(j,k) forall(j,k in JOBS) rank(j,k) is_binary ! Objective function: minimize latest completion time forall(k in JOBS) makespan >= jcomp(k) end-procedure ! **** Status of loaded solutions **** procedure solnotify(id:string, status:integer) writeln_("Optimiser loaded solution ",id," status=",status) end-procedure ! **** Main problem: Job-shop scheduling problem **** ! Precedence constraints between last task of every job and makespan forall(j in JOBS) makespan >= start(j,NBRES) + DUR(j,NBRES) ! Precedence constraints between the tasks of every job forall(j in JOBS,t in TASKSM1) start(j,t) + DUR(j,t) <= start(j,t+1) ! Disjunctions forall(r in RESOURCES) disjunctiveconstraints(r) ! Linking start and completion times forall(j in JOBS,t in TASKS) start(j,t)+DUR(j,t) = comp(j,t) ! Bound on latest completion time makespan <= BIGM starttime:=gettime if ALG>0 then ! Solve the single machine sequencing problems setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE", false) forall(m in RESOURCES) do with SeqProblem do sequencemachine(m) ! Formulate the problem minimize(makespan) ! Solve the problem if getobjval>cutoff then cutoff:= getobjval; bbindex:=m end-if writeln_("*** (", gettime-starttime, "s) Machine ", m, ": ", getobjval) forall(j in JOBS) pos(j):= round(sum(k in JOBS) k*rank(j,k).sol) end-do forall(i,j in JOBS | i<j ) heursol(y(m,i,j)):= if(pos(i)<pos(j), 0, 1) loadprob(makespan) ! Make sure problem is loaded if ALG=1 then id:="mach"+m addmipsol(id,heursol) ! Load the heuristic solution writeln_("Loaded solution Id: ",id) setcallback(XPRS_CB_SOLNOTIFY,->solnotify) end-if delcell(heursol) ! Delete saved solution values reset(SeqProblem) ! Delete subproblem definition end-do writeln_("(", gettime-starttime, "s) Best lower bound: ", cutoff) ! makespan >= cutoff if ALG=2 then MD:=max(m in RESOURCES) MAXDUR(m) forall(m in RESOURCES) bbindex:=if(MAXDUR(m)=MD, m, bbindex) writeln_("Bottelneck machine: ", bbindex) ! Add the subproblem that has provided the largest lower bound sequencemachine(bbindex) ! Connect subproblem to main problem forall(j in JOBS) 1 + sum(i in JOBS | i<j) (1-y(bbindex,i,j)) + sum(i in JOBS | i>j) y(bbindex,j,i) = sum(k in JOBS) k*rank(j,k) end-if if ALG=1 then ! Re-inforce use of user solutions by local search MIP heuristics setparam("XPRS_USERSOLHEURISTIC",3) end-if end-if ! ALG>0 setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE", true) setparam("XPRS_SOLTIMELIMIT", 5) ! Solve the problem: minimize latest completion time minimize(makespan) ! Solution printing writeln_("(", gettime-starttime, "s) Total completion time: ", getobjval) forall(j in JOBS) write(strfmt(j,8)) writeln forall(m in RESOURCES) do write(strfmt((m+1),-3)) forall(j in JOBS) if(DUR(j,RESIND(m,j))>0) then write(strfmt(getsol(start(j,RESIND(m,j))),4), "-", strfmt(getsol(start(j,RESIND(m,j)))+DUR(j,RESIND(m,j)),3)) else write(strfmt(" ",6)) end-if writeln end-do end-model
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