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Formulate and solve a Facility Location Problem Description Formulate and solve a Facility Location Problem Further explanation of this example: Xpress R Reference Manual
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facility_location.R ##################################### # This file is part of the # # Xpress-R interface examples # # # # (c) 2022-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation # ##################################### #' --- #' title: "Facility Location Problem" #' author: Gregor Hendel #' date: Dec. 2020 #' --- #' #' ## ----Loading Libraries-------------------------------------------------------- # load the Libraries suppressMessages(library(xpress)) # for plotting the data library(ggplot2) library(magrittr) library(reshape2) library(dplyr) library(RColorBrewer) #' #' Facility Location is an optimization problem which aims at connecting customers #' to facilities at minimum costs. Costs in this optimization problem comprise an #' initial cost for operating a facility, and additionally connection costs between #' facilities and customers. #' #' The Facility Location Problem (FLP) is a classical application of mixed-integer #' optimization and comes in many variants. We consider the capacitated facility #' location problem, in which facilities can only serve customer demands up to a #' given maximum capacity. #' #' This example is the baseline for many of the quick examples, during which we #' will read the base model as an LP file and impose various additional #' constraints. #' #' # Mathematical Formulation #' #' Let's review the mathematical formulation of Capacitated Facility Location. Let #' $m,n \in \mathbb{N}$ and denote a set of facilities by $F = \{F_1,\dots,F_m\}$ #' and a set of customers by $C = \{C_1,\dots,C_n\}$. Furthermore, we have: #' #' - demands $d_j \geq 0$ for each customer $C_j$. #' - capacities $u_i \geq 0$ for each facility $F_i$. #' - opening costs $r_i \geq 0$ for each facility $F_i$, #' - connection costs $s_{ij} \geq 0$ for connecting facility $F_i$ with customer $C_j$. #' #' With these parameters, we are ready to formulate the FLP: #' #' $$ #' \begin{align} #' &\min & \sum\limits_{i = 1}^m r_i x_i + \sum\limits_{i=1,j=1}^n s_{ij}y_{ij}\\ #' & & \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n y_{ij} & = d_j & j = 1,\dots,n\\ #' & & \sum\limits_{j = 1}^n y_{ij} & \leq u_i x_i & i = 1,\dots,m\\ #' & & y_{ij} & \geq 0 & i=1,\dots m, \ j = 1,\dots,n\\ #' & & x_i & \in \{0,1\} & i=1,\dots m\\ #' \end{align} #' $$ #' We use binary variables $x_i$ to model the yes/no decision #' whether to open facility $F_i$. Nonnegative continuous variables $y_{ij}$ are #' used to model how much service customer $C_j$ receives from facility $F_i$. The #' objective is formulated to incorporate the opening and service costs together. #' The constraints ensure that the demand of each customer is satisfied, and that #' no capacity is exceeded. #' #' Next, we turn this into an R model from standard data frames and solve it with #' the FICO Xpress Optimizer. #' #' # Problem Data Preparation #' ## ----Data Preparation--------------------------------------------------------- # six customers in a data frame customer_df <- data.frame( Demand=c(2,6,4,10,7,4) ) # 5 facilities facility_df <- data.frame( Capacity=c(14,11,6,16,15), Opening=c(3000, 4000,3500,8000,5000) ) # some useful shorthand notation m <- nrow(facility_df) n <- nrow(customer_df) mTimesN <- m * n set.seed(811) # for reproducibility of the below random number generation connection_df <- data.frame( Facility=rep(1:m, each=n), Customer=rep(1:n, m), Cost=runif(mTimesN, min=1000, max = 2000) ) #' #' We visualize the generated data. #' ## ----Visualizing the Generated Data, echo=FALSE------------------------------- colors <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(10, "RdYlBu")[c(2,10)] connection_df %>% ggplot(aes(Customer, Facility, fill=Cost, label=format(Cost))) + geom_tile() + scale_fill_gradient(low = colors[2], high = colors[1]) + geom_text() + ggtitle("Heat Map of Connection Cost") #' #' # The R Problem Data #' #' In order to load the model into Xpress at once, we fill a list object `problemdata` which #' we pass into `xprs_loadproblemdata`. #' #' Each row of the `facility_df` data frame corresponds to one $x$ variable. #' Each row of the `connection_df` data frame corresponds to one $y$ variable. #' ## ----Problem Data, collapse=TRUE---------------------------------------------- # create an empty model as list object problemdata <- list() # Objective: opening costs for the x variables, connection costs for the y_ij variables problemdata$objcoef <- c(facility_df$Opening, connection_df$Cost) # global entity types: binary for the x variables # # an alternative is to specify all column types # problemdata$columntypes <- c(rep('B', m), rep('C', mTimesN)) problemdata$coltype <- c(rep('B', m)) # the coltype approach requires us to specify the indices # of the binary variables explicitly. We have to use 0-based # indexing for Xpress! problemdata$entind <- 0:(m-1) # demand constraints: 1 constraint for each customer demand_matrix_transposed <- sapply(1:n, function(x) c( rep(0,m), connection_df$Customer == x)) # capacity constraint on each facility capacity_matrix_transposed <- sapply(1:m, function(x) c(ifelse( (1:m)==x, -facility_df$Capacity[x], 0 ), connection_df$Facility==x) ) # we transpose and glue both matrices together into the final A problemdata$A <- rbind( t(demand_matrix_transposed), t(capacity_matrix_transposed) ) # right hand side declaration: customer demand for customer or 0 problemdata$rhs <- c( customer_df$Demand, rep(0, m) ) # lower and upper bounds on the variables problemdata$lb=rep(0,m+mTimesN) problemdata$ub=c(rep(1,m), rep(1e+20, mTimesN)) # sense of the rows: #'E'quations, #'L'ess/'G'reater than (<=/>=), #'R'ange rows, 'N'onbinding (neutral) rows problemdata$rowtype <- c( rep("E", n), # n equalities to satisfy demands rep("L", m) # m inequalities not to exceed capacity ) # declare column names problemdata$colname <- c( sprintf("x_%d", 1:m), sprintf("y_%d_%d", connection_df$Facility, connection_df$Customer) ) # declare row names problemdata$rowname <- c( sprintf("Demand_%d", 1:n), sprintf("Capacity_%d", 1:m) ) #' #' Let's have a graphical look at the matrix to verify that we made no errors. For #' a better display, we have flipped columns onto the vertical axis. It appears #' that we translated the matrix correctly. Remember that variable $y_{35}$ models #' the amount of service between facility $F_3$ and customer $C_5$ As expected #' $y_{35}$ appears in 2 constraints with a coefficient of 1, namely the capacity #' constraint of $F_3$, and the demand constraint of $C_5$. #' ## ----echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- a_slim <- reshape2::melt(problemdata$A) a_slim$rowname <- problemdata$rowname[a_slim$Var1] a_slim$colname <- problemdata$colname[a_slim$Var2] a_slim %>% dplyr::filter(value != 0) %>% ggplot(aes(rowname, colname, fill=value, label=value)) + geom_raster() + geom_text() + scale_fill_gradient2(midpoint = 0, mid="white") + theme_bw() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(size = 5, angle = 30), axis.text.y = element_text(size = 6)) #' #' # Solving the Model with FICO Xpress #' #' It is now very easy to input and solve this model using FICO Xpress. #' ## ----Solving The Problem------------------------------------------------------ problemdata$probname <- "FacilityLocation" # load the problem into a newly created problem p <- xprs_loadproblemdata(problemdata=problemdata) # enable output to console setoutput(p) # save the problem in an LP file writeprob(p, "flp.lp", "l") # call optimize summary(xprs_optimize(p)) #' ## ----Displaying the Solution-------------------------------------------------- # get solution and split it into facility and connection sol <- getsolution(p)$x facility_sol <- sol[1:m] connection_sol <- sol[m+(1:mTimesN)] # print the open facilities: print("Open facilities:") print(sprintf("F_%d", which(facility_sol > 0))) # print the connections: print("Connections:") connection_df$TotalCost <- connection_df$Cost * connection_sol # use a slight numeric tolerance to filter the actual connections print(connection_df[connection_sol > 1e-9,])
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