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Defining a package to handle binary trees Description
The model file 'exbtree.mos' shows how to create a tree and work with it using the functionality of this package. To run this example, you first need to compile the package (resulting in the BIM file 'bintree.bim'). You may then execute the example in the same directory that contains this BIM file.
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bintree.mos (!******************************************************* Mosel Example Problems ====================== file bintree.mos ```````````````` a package that provides the functionality for handling binary trees (c) 2021 Fair Isaac Corporation author: Y. Colombani, 2006 *******************************************************!) package bintree declarations public btree_node=record value:real left,right:integer end-record public tree=dynamic array(range) of btree_node end-declarations forward procedure show(t:tree,n:integer) forward procedure makelist(t:tree,n:integer,l:list of real) !************************************************************** !* Public declarations !************************************************************** !************************** ! Insert a value in a tree !************************** public procedure insert(t:tree,v:real) if t.size > 0 then j:=1 repeat p_j:=j j:=if(t(j).value > v , t(j).left,t(j).right) until (j=0) if t(p_j).value <> v then with lastnode=t.size+1 do t(lastnode).value:=v if t(p_j).value > v then t(p_j).left:=lastnode else t(p_j).right:=lastnode end-if end-do end-if else t(1).value:=v end-if end-procedure !*************************************************** ! Check whether a value is already stored in a tree !*************************************************** public function find(t:tree,v:real):boolean if t.size > 0 then j:=1 repeat if t(j).value > v then j:=t(j).left elif t(j).value < v then j:=t(j).right else break end-if until (j=0) returned:= j<>0 else returned:=false end-if end-function !***************** !* Display a tree !***************** public procedure show(t:tree) write("<") if t.size > 0 then show(t,1) end-if writeln(" >") end-procedure !************************************************* !* Return the sorted list of all values of a tree !************************************************* public function tolist(t:tree):list of real if t.size > 0 then makelist(t,1,returned) end-if end-function !************************************************************** !* Private declarations !************************************************************** !******************** !* Display a subtree !******************** procedure show(t:tree,n:integer) if n > 0 then show(t,t(n).left) write(" ",t(n).value) show(t,t(n).right) end-if end-procedure !***************************** !* Append a subtree to a list !***************************** procedure makelist(t:tree,n:integer,l:list of real) if n > 0 then makelist(t,t(n).left,l) l+=[t(n).value] makelist(t,t(n).right,l) end-if end-procedure end-package | |||||||||||||
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