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Hybrid MIP-CP problem solving: concurrent solving Description The problem of scheduling a given set of jobs on a set of
machines where durations and cost depend on the choice of
the resource may be broken down into several subproblems,
machine assignment and single-machine sequencing.
The main problem (machine assignment)
is solved as a MIP problem and the sequencing
subproblems solved at the nodes of the branch-and-bound
search generate new constraints that are added to the
main problem using the cut manager functionality of
Xpress Optimizer. Several implementations of this
decomposition approach are available, either using a
hybrid MIP-CP formulation or a second MIP model for
solving the subproblems. The solving of the subproblems
may be executed sequentially or in parallel.
Source Files By clicking on a file name, a preview is opened at the bottom of this page. Data Files sched_main.mos (!**************************************************************** CP example problems =================== file sched_main.mos ``````````````````` Scheduling with resource dependent durations and cost, subject to given release dates and due dates. Combined MIP-CP problem solving: cut generation for MIP model by solving CP subproblems at nodes in the MIP branching tree. *** This model cannot be run with a Community Licence for the provided data instance *** (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, March 2005, rev. July 2023 *****************************************************************!) model "Schedule (MIP + CP) main problem" uses "mmsystem", "mmxprs", "mmjobs" parameters DATAFILE = "Data/sched_3_12.dat" VERBOSE = 1 end-parameters forward procedure define_MIP_model forward procedure setup_cutmanager forward function generate_cuts: boolean forward procedure print_solution declarations NP: integer ! Number of operations (products) NM: integer ! Number of machines end-declarations initializations from DATAFILE NP NM end-initializations declarations PRODS = 1..NP ! Set of products MACH = 1..NM ! Set of machines REL: array(PRODS) of integer ! Release dates of orders DUE: array(PRODS) of integer ! Due dates of orders MAX_LOAD: integer ! max_p DUE(p) - min_p REL(p) COST: array(PRODS,MACH) of integer ! Processing cost of products DUR: array(PRODS,MACH) of integer ! Processing times of products starttime: real ! Measure program execution time ctcut: integer ! Counter for cuts solstart: array(PRODS) of integer ! **** MIP model: use: array(PRODS,MACH) of mpvar ! 1 if p uses machine m, otherwise 0 Cost: linctr ! Objective function totsolve,totCP: real ! Time measurement ctrun: integer ! Counter of CP runs CPmodel: Model ! Reference to the CP sequencing model ev: Event ! Event EVENT_SOLVED=2 ! Event codes sent by submodels EVENT_FAILED=3 end-declarations ! Read data from file initializations from DATAFILE REL DUE COST DUR end-initializations ! **** Problem definition **** define_MIP_model ! Definition of the MIP model res:=compile("sched_sub.mos") ! Compile the CP model load(CPmodel, "sched_sub.bim") ! Load the CP model ! **** Solution algorithm **** starttime:= gettime setup_cutmanager ! Settings for the MIP search totsolve:= 0.0 initializations to "raw:" totsolve as "shmem:solvetime" REL as "shmem:REL" DUE as "shmem:DUE" end-initializations minimize(Cost) ! Solve the problem writeln("Number of cuts generated: ", ctcut) writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "sec) Best solution value: ", getobjval) initializations from "raw:" totsolve as "shmem:solvetime" end-initializations writeln("Total CP solve time: ", totsolve) writeln("Total CP time: ", totCP) writeln("CP runs: ", ctrun) !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Define the MIP model procedure define_MIP_model ! Objective: total processing cost Cost:= sum(p in PRODS, m in MACH) COST(p,m) * use(p,m) ! Each order needs exactly one machine for processing forall(p in PRODS) sum(m in MACH) use(p,m) = 1 ! Valid inequalities for strengthening the LP relaxation MAX_LOAD:= max(p in PRODS) DUE(p) - min(p in PRODS) REL(p) forall(m in MACH) sum(p in PRODS) DUR(p,m) * use(p,m) <= MAX_LOAD forall(p in PRODS, m in MACH) use(p,m) is_binary end-procedure !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Xpress Optimizer settings for using the cut manager procedure setup_cutmanager setparam("XPRS_CUTSTRATEGY", 0) ! Disable automatic cuts feastol:= getparam("XPRS_FEASTOL") ! Get Optimizer zero tolerance setparam("zerotol", feastol * 10) ! Set comparison tolerance of Mosel setparam("XPRS_PRESOLVE", 0) ! Disable presolve setparam("XPRS_MIPPRESOLVE", 0) ! Disable MIP presolve command("KEEPARTIFICIALS=0") ! No global red. cost fixing setparam("XPRS_SBBEST", 0) ! Turn strong branching off setparam("XPRS_HEUREMPHASIS", 0) ! Disable MIP heuristics setparam("XPRS_EXTRAROWS", 10000) ! Reserve space for cuts setparam("XPRS_EXTRAELEMS", NP*30000) ! ... and cut coefficients setcallback(XPRS_CB_OPTNODE, ->generate_cuts) ! Define the optnode callback setcallback(XPRS_CB_INTSOL, ->print_solution) ! Define the integer sol. cb. setparam("XPRS_COLORDER", 2) case VERBOSE of 1: do setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE", true) setparam("XPRS_MIPLOG", -200) end-do 2: do setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE", true) setparam("XPRS_MIPLOG", -100) end-do 3: do ! Detailed MIP output setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE", true) setparam("XPRS_MIPLOG", 3) end-do end-case end-procedure !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Define and solve the sequencing problem for one machine function solve_CP_problem(m: integer, ProdMach: set of integer, mode: integer): boolean declarations DURm: dynamic array(range) of integer sol: dynamic array(range) of integer solvetime: real end-declarations ! Data for CP model forall(p in ProdMach) DURm(p):= DUR(p,m) initializations to "raw:" ProdMach as "shmem:ProdMach" DURm as "shmem:DURm" end-initializations ! Solve the problem and retrieve the solution if it is feasible startsolve:= gettime returned:= false if(getstatus(CPmodel)=RT_RUNNING) then fflush writeln("CPmodel is running") fflush exit(1) end-if ctrun+=1 run(CPmodel, "NP=" + NP + ",VERBOSE=" + VERBOSE + ",MODE=" + mode) wait ! Wait for a message from the submodel ev:= getnextevent ! Retrieve the event if getclass(ev)=EVENT_SOLVED then returned:= true if mode = 2 then initializations from "raw:" sol as "shmem:solstart" end-initializations forall(p in ProdMach) solstart(p):=sol(p) end-if elif getclass(ev)<>EVENT_FAILED then writeln("Problem with Kalis") exit(2) end-if wait dropnextevent ! Ignore "submodel finished" event totCP+= (gettime-startsolve) end-function !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Collect the operations assigned to machine m procedure products_on_machine(m: integer, ProdMach: set of integer) forall(p in PRODS) do val:=getsol(use(p,m)) if (val > 0 and val < 1) then ProdMach:={} break elif val>0.5 then ProdMach+={p} end-if end-do end-procedure !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Generate a cut for machine m if the sequencing subproblem is infeasible function generate_cut_machine(m: integer): boolean declarations ProdMach: set of integer end-declarations ! Collect the operations assigned to machine m products_on_machine(m, ProdMach) ! Solve the sequencing problem (CP model): if solved, save the solution, ! otherwise add an infeasibility cut to the MIP problem size:= getsize(ProdMach) returned:= false if (size>1) then if not solve_CP_problem(m, ProdMach, 1) then Cut:= sum(p in ProdMach) use(p,m) - (size-1) if VERBOSE > 2 then writeln(m,": ", ProdMach, " <= ", size-1) end-if addcut(1, CT_LEQ, Cut) returned:= true end-if end-if end-function !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Cut generation callback function function generate_cuts: boolean returned:=false; ctcutold:=ctcut forall(m in MACH) do if generate_cut_machine(m) then ctcut+=1 end-if end-do if ctcut-ctcutold>0 and VERBOSE>1 then writeln("Node ", getparam("XPRS_NODES"), ": ", ctcut-ctcutold, " cut(s) added") end-if end-function !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Solution callback function procedure print_solution declarations ProdMach: set of integer end-declarations writeln("(",gettime-starttime, "sec) Solution ", getparam("XPRS_MIPSOLS"), ": Cost: ", getsol(Cost)) if VERBOSE > 1 then forall(p in PRODS) do forall(m in MACH) write(getsol(use(p,m))," ") writeln end-do end-if if VERBOSE > 0 then forall(m in MACH) do ProdMach:= {} ! Collect the operations assigned to machine m products_on_machine(m, ProdMach) Size:= getsize(ProdMach) if Size > 1 then ! (Re)solve the CP sequencing problem if not solve_CP_problem(m, ProdMach, 2) then writeln("Something wrong here: ", m, ProdMach) end-if elif Size=1 then elem:=min(p in ProdMach) p solstart(elem):=REL(elem) end-if end-do ! Print out the result forall(p in PRODS) do msol:=sum(m in MACH) m*getsol(use(p,m)) writeln(p, " -> ", msol,": ", strfmt(solstart(p),2), " - ", strfmt(DUR(p,round(msol))+solstart(p),2), " [", REL(p), ", ", DUE(p), "]") end-do writeln("Time: ", gettime - starttime, "sec") writeln fflush end-if end-procedure end-model | |||||||||
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