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Drawing a Gantt chart Description This example reads a predefine schedule for a job-shop problem from a free-format file and displays a representation of the tasks per machine in the form of a Gantt chart. Animation of SVG display (visibility, opacity, motion). Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel Language Reference', Chapter 'mmsvg'
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Data Files schedule.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel graph examples ==================== file schedule.mos ````````````````` Produces a Gantt chart with rectangles per task, colored per job. - Using SVG animation - (only visible with browsers supporting SVG animation) Uses functions from the mmsvg library to draw a "User graph" in SVG format. (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation Creation: 2002, rev. Sep. 2017 *******************************************************!) model schedule options noimplicit uses "mmsystem","mmsvg" declarations NUMM=6 NUMJ=6 MACHINES=1..NUMM JOBS=1..NUMJ job: array(JOBS) of string curmachine, curjobs, curt: integer ! Iterators n1,n2,n3,mint,maxt: integer DURANIM=10 ! Duration of animation in sec SCALE=10 ! Display scaling factor DFACT: real axml: text end-declarations ! svgsetgraphviewbox(0,0,60,7) ! Define graph colours forall(j in JOBS) do job(j):="J"+j svgaddgroup(job(j), "Job "+j) svgsetstyle(SVG_STROKE,SVG_GRAY) svgsetstyle(SVG_FILL,SVG_CURRENT) svgsetstyle(SVG_FILLOPACITY,0.8) end-do ! Read data from file and draw a Gantt chart fopen("schedule.dat",F_INPUT) readln(mint,maxt) DFACT:=DURANIM/(maxt-mint) forall(i in MACHINES) do readln(n1,n2) ! Read the machine number and number of jobs per machine writeln("Machine ",n1," Jobs:",n2) curmachine:=n1 curjobs:=n2 forall(j in 1..curjobs) do readln(n1,n2,n3) ! Read the job number, start time, finish time writeln("On machine ", curmachine," job ",n1," starts at ",n2, " and finishes at ",n3) svgaddrectangle(job(n1),n2,curmachine*10,n3-n2,0.5*10) curt:=svggetlastobj svgsetstyle(curt, SVG_VISIBILITY, "visible") ! Adding SVG animation changing the transparency level over time axml:='<set attributeName="visibility" attributeType="CSS" to="hidden" begin="0s" dur="'+(n2-mint)*DFACT+'s"/>'+ '<set attributeName="visibility" attributeType="CSS" to="visible" begin="'+(n2-mint)*DFACT+'s" dur="'+(n3-n2)*DFACT+'s" fill="freeze"/>'+ if(n3<maxt,'<set attributeName="fill-opacity" attributeType="CSS" to="0.4" begin="'+(n3-mint)*DFACT+'s" dur="'+(DURANIM-(n3-mint)*DFACT)+'s"/>',"") svgsetstyle(curt, SVG_ANIMATE, axml) svgaddtext(job(n1),(3*n2+n3)/4,curmachine*10+1,"Job "+n1) svgsetstyle(svggetlastobj,SVG_COLOR,SVG_BLACK) end-do end-do fclose(F_INPUT) ! Draw a line indicating the makespan (=termination of the schedule) svgaddgroup("Makespan", "Makespan", SVG_GREY) svgaddtext(maxt, 6, "Makespan="+maxt) svgsetstyle(svggetlastobj, SVG_TEXTANCHOR, "end") svgaddline(maxt, 9, maxt, (NUMM+0.5)*10+1) ! Animate the line to move from 0 to the end of the schedule svgsetstyle(svggetlastobj, SVG_ANIMATE, '<animate attributeName="x1" attributeType="XML" from="0" to="'+maxt*SCALE+'" begin="0s" dur="'+DURANIM+'s"/><animate attributeName="x2" attributeType="XML" from="0" to="'+maxt*SCALE+'" begin="0s" dur="'+DURANIM+'s"/>') (! Equivalent: svgsetstyle(svggetlastobj, SVG_ANIMATE, '<animateMotion path="M -'+maxt*SCALE+' 0 0 0" begin="0s" dur="'+DURANIM+'s" fill="freeze"/>') !) svgsetgraphscale(SCALE) svgsetgraphlabels("Time", "Machines") svgsave("schedule.svg") svgrefresh svgwaitclose("Close browser window to terminate model execution.", 1) end-model
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