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Reading and writing data using the 'bin:' format Description This example shows how to generate and read data files using
the 'bin:' data format from a C (bdrv.c) or a java (bdrv.java)
program. Further explanation of this example: 'BinDrv library reference manual'
Source Files By clicking on a file name, a preview is opened at the bottom of this page.
bdrv.c /********************************************************/ /* BinDrv library example */ /* ====================== */ /* */ /* file bdrv.c */ /* ``````````` */ /* Example of use of BinDrv */ /* */ /* (c) 2011 Fair Isaac Corporation */ /* author: Y. Colombani, 2011 */ /********************************************************/ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include "bindrv.h" static void writeit(void); static void readit(void); static void *dummy_malloc(size_t s,void *ctx); int main() { writeit(); readit(); return 0; } /*****************************/ /* Create a BinDrv data file */ /*****************************/ static void writeit(void) { FILE *f; s_bindrvctx bdrv; unsigned char data[]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; f=fopen("bindata","w"); bdrv=bindrv_newwriter((size_t (*)(const void *,size_t,size_t,void*))fwrite,f); bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_LABEL); bindrv_putstring(bdrv,"A"); bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_OPENLST); bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_OPENNDX); bindrv_putint(bdrv,1); bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_CLOSENDX); bindrv_putreal(bdrv,0.45);bindrv_putreal(bdrv,-31.02); bindrv_putint(bdrv,-28); bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_CLOSELST); bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_LABEL); bindrv_putstring(bdrv,"B"); bindrv_putbool(bdrv,1); bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_LABEL); bindrv_putstring(bdrv,"C"); bindrv_putstring(bdrv,"sometext"); bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_LABEL); bindrv_putstring(bdrv,"D"); bindrv_putlong(bdrv,(BINDRV_LONG)INT_MAX*11); bindrv_putctrl(bdrv,BINDRV_CTRL_LABEL); bindrv_putstring(bdrv,"E"); bindrv_putdata(bdrv,data,sizeof(data)); bindrv_delete(bdrv); fclose(f); } /***************************************/ /* Read and display a BinDrv data file */ /***************************************/ static void readit(void) { FILE *f; s_bindrvctx bdrv; union { int i; double r; char b; char *str; void *data; BINDRV_LONG l;} val; size_t size,i; f=fopen("bindata","r"); bdrv=bindrv_newreader((size_t (*)(void *,size_t,size_t,void*))fread,f); /* By default the library will allocate strings (returned by 'getstring') */ /* using 'malloc'. The following routine allows to replace 'malloc' by some */ /* user-defined memory allocation routine (that gets a context as an */ /* extra parameter) */ bindrv_setalloc(bdrv,dummy_malloc,NULL); while(bindrv_nexttoken(bdrv)>=0) { switch(bindrv_nexttoken(bdrv)) { case BINDRV_TYP_INT: bindrv_getint(bdrv,&(val.i)); printf(" %d",val.i); break; case BINDRV_TYP_DATA: bindrv_getdata(bdrv,&(val.data),&size); printf(" "); for(i=0;i<size;i++) printf("%02x",val.str[i]); break; case BINDRV_TYP_REAL: bindrv_getreal(bdrv,&(val.r)); printf(" %g",val.r); break; case BINDRV_TYP_STR: bindrv_getstring(bdrv,&(val.str)); printf(" %s",val.str); break; case BINDRV_TYP_BOOL: bindrv_getbool(bdrv,&(val.b)); printf(" %s",val.b?"true":"false"); break; case BINDRV_TYP_CTRL: bindrv_getctrl(bdrv,&(val.i)); switch(val.i) { case BINDRV_CTRL_SKIP: printf(" *"); break; case BINDRV_CTRL_LABEL: bindrv_getstring(bdrv,&(val.str)); printf("\n%s:",val.str); break; case BINDRV_CTRL_OPENLST: printf("["); break; case BINDRV_CTRL_CLOSELST: printf("]"); break; case BINDRV_CTRL_OPENNDX: printf("("); break; case BINDRV_CTRL_CLOSENDX: printf(")"); break; case BINDRV_CTRL_NIL: printf(" ?"); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Unexpected control\n"); exit(1); } break; case BINDRV_TYP_LONG: bindrv_getlong(bdrv,&(val.l)); printf(" %lld",val.l); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"Unexpected token\n"); exit(1); } } bindrv_delete(bdrv); fclose(f); printf("\n"); } /* A dummy malloc function using a static region */ static void *dummy_malloc(size_t s,void *ctx) { static char buf[1024]; return (s>1024)?NULL:buf; } | |||||||||||||
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