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Using the AEC2 package with XPRD Description A simple Java program for testing the AEC2 package. Further explanation of this example: Reference manual 'AEC2: Managing Amazon EC2 from Mosel'
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aec2test.java /******************************************************* * Mosel Example Problems * * ====================== * * * * file aec2test.java * * `````````````````` * * A simple program for testing the AEC2 package * * * * (c) 2011 Fair Isaac Corporation * * author: Y. Colombani * *******************************************************/ import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.*; import java.lang.*; import java.io.*; import com.dashoptimization.*; public class aec2test { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { AEC2 aec2=new AEC2(); List<AEC2Instance> instances; AEC2Instance ainst; byte buf[]=new byte[80]; XPRD xprd=new XPRD(); XPRDMosel minst; XPRDModel rmod; // Load config and make AWS silent aec2.loadConfig("aec2.acf"); LogManager.getLogManager().getLogger("com.amazonaws.request").setLevel(Level.WARNING); // Let's try to find a running instance ainst=null; instances=aec2.getAllInstances(); if(instances.size()>0) { System.out.println("+ Found the following running instance(s):"); for(Iterator<AEC2Instance> itm=instances.iterator();itm.hasNext();) { AEC2Instance i=itm.next(); System.out.println("\t"+i.getId()+"("+i.statetext()+") from image "+i.image); if((ainst==null)&& (i.state==i.RUNNING)) ainst=i; } if(ainst==null) System.out.println("None of these instances can be used"); } else System.out.println("+ No instance running."); System.out.println(); if(ainst==null) { System.out.print("+ Starting a new EC2 instance.");System.out.flush(); ainst=aec2.runInstance(); if(!ainst.waitIsReady(300,true)) { System.out.println("\nFailed to start instance!"); ainst.terminate(); System.exit(1); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println("+ Starting Mosel on instance "+ainst.getId()); // Start a Mosel instance in the cloud... minst=xprd.connect(ainst.getConnString()); System.out.println("+ Remote instance system information:"+minst.getSystemInformation()); System.out.println(); // generate a simple model for testing PrintStream mexm=new PrintStream("minimod.mos"); mexm.println( "model minimod\n"+ "writeln('Hello from EC2')\n"+ "end-model"); mexm.close(); System.out.println("+ Compile a model remotely (bim file saved on the remote instance)"); // Now compile then load... minst.compile("","rmt:minimod.mos","tmp:m.bim"); System.out.println("+ Load then run:"); rmod=minst.loadModel("tmp:m.bim"); rmod.run(); xprd.waitForEvent(); xprd.dropNextEvent(); System.out.println("\n+ Execution finished!"); minst.unloadModel(rmod); System.out.println("+ Disconnecting Mosel."); minst.disconnect(); System.out.print("\nWould you like to shut down Amazon instance "+ainst.getId()+" ?");System.out.flush(); if((System.in.read(buf)>0)&& (Character.toLowerCase((new String(buf)).charAt(0))=='y')) { System.out.println("Terminating Amazon instance."); ainst.terminate(); } } }
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