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Column generation for a cutting stock problem Description
Further explanation of this example: paper.mos, papers.mos, papersn.mos: 'Mosel User Guide', Section 11.2 Column generation, and the Xpress Whitepaper 'Embedding Optimization Algorithms', Section 'Column generation for cutting-stock' (also discusses a generalization to bin-packing problems); for the multiple model versions paperp.mos, paperms.mos see the Xpress Whitepaper 'Multiple models and parallel solving with Mosel', Section 'Column generation: solving different models in sequence'.
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cutstk.mos (!******************************************************* * Mosel Example Problems * * ====================== * * * * file cutstk.mos * * ``````````````` * * Example for the use of the Mosel language * * (Cutting stock problem, solved by column (= cutting * * pattern) generation heuristic looping over the * * root node) * * * * (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation * * author: S. Heipcke, 2001 * *******************************************************!) model CutStock ! Start a new model uses "mmxprs","mmsystem" ! Load the optimizer library ! Declare functions and procedures ! that are defined later forward function colgen:real forward function knapsack(c:array(range) of real, a:array(range) of real, b:real, N:integer, xbest:array(range) of integer):real declarations NWIDTHS = 4 ! Number of different widths RW = 1..NWIDTHS ! Range of widths MAXWIDTH = 91 ! Max. roll width EPS = 1e-6 ! Zero tolerance WIDTH: array(RW) of real ! Possible widths DEMAND: array(RW) of integer ! Demand per width PATTERNS: array(RW, RW) of integer ! (Basic) cutting patterns pat: array(range) of mpvar ! Rolls per pattern dem: array(RW) of linctr ! Demand constraints minRolls: linctr ! Objective function solpat: array(RP:range) of real ! Solution values for variables pat end-declarations WIDTH:: [25.5, 22.5, 20.0, 15.0] DEMAND:: [78, 40, 30, 30] PATTERNS:: [3,0,0,0, 0,4,0,0, 0,0,4,0, 0,0,0,6] forall(j in RW) create(pat(j)) ! Create NWIDTHS variables pat minRolls:= sum(j in RW) pat(j) ! Objective: minimize no. of rolls ! Satisfy all demands forall(i in RW) dem(i):= sum(j in RW) PATTERNS(i,j) * pat(j) >= DEMAND(i) forall(j in RW) do pat(j) is_integer ! Variables are integer and bounded pat(j) <= integer(ceil(DEMAND(j)/PATTERNS(j,j))) end-do setparam("zerotol", EPS) ! Set Mosel comparison tolerance starttime:= gettime objval:=colgen ! Solve the problem by using ! column generation ! Solution printing writeln("(", gettime-starttime, " sec) Optimal solution: ", objval, " rolls, ", RP.size, " patterns") write(" Rolls per pattern: ") forall(i in RP) write(solpat(i),", ") writeln !************************************************************************ ! Column generation loop at the top node: ! solve the LP and save the basis ! get the solution values ! generate new column(s) (=cutting pattern) ! load the modified problem and load the saved basis !************************************************************************ function colgen:real declarations MAXCOL = 10 ! Max. no. of patterns to be generated dualdem: array(RW) of real ! Dual values of demand constraints c,a: array(RW) of real indx,xbest: array(RW) of integer dw,zbest: real bas: basis end-declarations setparam("XPRS_CUTSTRATEGY", 0) ! Disable automatic cuts setparam("XPRS_PRESOLVE", 0) ! Switch presolve off npatt:=NWIDTHS npass:=1 while(npass<=MAXCOL) do minimize(XPRS_LIN, minRolls) ! Solve the LP savebasis(bas) ! Save the current basis returned:= getobjval ! Get the objective value ! Get the solution values forall(j in 1..npatt) solpat(j):=pat(j).sol forall(i in RW) dualdem(i):=dem(i).dual ! Sort (basic) patterns into descending order shadow_price/width: forall(j in RW) do dw:=0 forall(i in RW) if (dualdem(i)/WIDTH(i) > dw) then dw:= dualdem(i)/WIDTH(i) k:= i end-if c(j):= dualdem(k) a(j):= WIDTH(k) indx(j):= k dualdem(k):= 0 end-do zbest:=knapsack(c,a,MAXWIDTH,NWIDTHS,xbest) write("(", gettime-starttime, " sec) Pass ", npass, ": ") if zbest < 1 then writeln("no profitable column found.\n") break else ! Print the new pattern writeln("new pattern found with marginal cost ", zbest-1) write(" Widths distribution: ") dw:=0 forall(i in 1..NWIDTHS) do write(WIDTH(indx(i)), ":", xbest(i), " ") dw += WIDTH(indx(i))*xbest(i) end-do writeln("Total width: ", dw) npatt+=1 create(pat(npatt)) ! Create a new var. for this pattern pat(npatt) is_integer minRolls+= pat(npatt) ! Add new var. to the objective dw:=0 forall(i in RW) if xbest(i) > 0 then dem(indx(i))+= xbest(i)*pat(npatt) ! Add new var. to demand constr.s if (ceil(DEMAND(indx(i))/xbest(i)) > dw) then dw:= integer(ceil(DEMAND(indx(i))/xbest(i))) end-if end-if pat(npatt) <= dw ! Set upper bound on the new var. loadprob(minRolls) ! Reload the problem loadbasis(bas) ! Load the saved basis end-if npass+=1 end-do end-function !************************************************************************ ! Solve (heuristically) the integer knapsack problem ! z = max{cx : ax<=b, x in Z^N} ! with b=MAXWIDTH, N=NWIDTHS !************************************************************************ function knapsack(c:array(range) of real, a:array(range) of real, b:real, N:integer, xbest:array(range) of integer):real declarations x: array(1..N) of integer z,ax,zbest: real end-declarations (! write ("Solving z = max{cx : ax <= b; x in Z^n}\n c = ") forall(j in 1..N) write (c(j),", ") write("\n a = ") forall(j in 1..N) write(a(j),", ") write("\n c/a = ") forall(j in 1..N) write(c(j)/a(j),", ") writeln("\n b = ", b) !) z:=0 ! Value of working solution ax:=0 ! Resource use of current solution zbest:=0 ! Value of best solution so far k:=0 repeat ! Construct a greedy solution using remaining items (k+1..N): forall(j in k+1..N) do x(j):= integer(floor((b-ax)/a(j))) z += c(j)*x(j) ax += a(j)*x(j) end-do ! Compare new solution to best so far and update best if necessary: if z > zbest then zbest:= z forall(j in 1..N) xbest(j):= x(j) end-if ! Backtrack: ! For each item type k used in solution, starting from least profitable, ! try deleting one item and replacing it by items of type k+1. ! If this gives a better linear solution, construct new integer solution. ! Otherwise, remove all items k and consider next item up (k--). k:=N-1 while(k>0) if (x(k) <> 0) then z -= c(k) ax -= a(k) x(k)-=1 if (z + c(k+1) * (b-ax)/a(k+1) >= zbest + EPS) then break else z -= x(k) * c(k) ax -= x(k) * a(k) x(k):= 0 k -=1 end-if else k -=1 end-if until (k<1) (! write(" z = ", zbest, "\n x = ") forall(j in 1..N) write(xbest(j), ", ") writeln !) returned:=zbest end-function end-model
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