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Mandelbrot Description This model implements a queued execution of remote models (modelmandelhttpsub.mos) with result graphics displayed
in a web browser controlled by the root model mandelhttp.mos. On each node in the specified list we start K model instances. Each submodel instance is sent a rectangular area for which to calculate the pixel color values based on the Mandelbrot function f(z) = z^2 + c where z,c are complex numbers. The results are passed back via a file (located at the same place as this model, no write access to remote instances is required). Once the result has been displayed, the submodel is restarted for a new data set.
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mandelhttp.mos (!******************************************************* Mosel Example Problems ====================== file mandelhttp.mos ``````````````````` Mandelbrot function: f(z) = z^2 + c with z,c complex numbers. Main model communicating with HTML GUI and coordinating all submodels. On each node in the list NODESLIST we start K model instances. Each submodel instance is sent a rectangular area for which to calculate the pixel color values. The results are passed back via a file (located at the same place as this model, no write access to remote instances is required). Once the result has been displayed, the submodel is restarted for a new data set. - Testing HTTP - (c) 2013 Fair Isaac Corporation author: Y. Colombani, S. Heipcke, May 2013 *******************************************************!) model mandelbrothttp uses 'mmhttp','mmsystem'; parameters CONFIG=0 ! Color scheme and zoom ! >>>>> Try values 0,1,2,3,4 K = 2 ! Number of submodels per Mosel instance NUMPX = 1000 ! Graphic size in pixels NUM = 0 ! Model ID CWIDTH =1000 ! Window height (>=NUMPX) CHEIGHT =1000 ! Window width (>=NUMPX) SW =100 ! Size of subproblems in pixels end-parameters !!! Configure this list with machines in your local network, !!! there must be at least 1 entry in this list. NODELIST:=["",""] MAXND:= 8 ! Maximum node number expected by HTML display while (NODELIST.size*K>MAXND) do writeln("Removing node ", gettail(NODELIST,1)) cuttail(NODELIST,1) end-do if NODELIST.size=0 then writeln("Empty node list."); exit(1) end-if public declarations M: integer ! Number of remote Mosel instances A: range B: range NODES: array(B) of string end-declarations forall(n in NODELIST, M as counter) NODES(M):=n A:= 1..M*K finalise(A) finalise(B) public declarations modPar: array(A) of Model moselInst: array(B) of Mosel modid: array(set of integer) of integer ! Model index for model IDs modstartct, modendct, config: integer nbrunning:integer running:boolean active:array(A) of boolean nodnam:array(A) of string ev: Event XMin,XMax,YMin,YMax,HX,HY:real OffsetX,OffsetY:integer MAX_ITER: integer stoppressed: integer SQUARE: array(Squares:range,1..4) of integer RS=0..(SW*SW*3) solrec=public record x,y:integer h,w:integer points:array(RS) of integer end-record datanode= public record act:array(A) of boolean name:array(A) of string end-record solutions:list of solrec waitimg:list of integer finished:boolean end-declarations !***************** Subroutines ****************** !********************** !* Setup configuration !********************** procedure set_mandelbrot_config(c: integer) if c = 0 then XMin:=-1.5; XMax:=0.5 YMin:=-1; YMax:=1 elif c = 1 then XMin:=-0.90; XMax:=-0.915 YMin:=-0.245; YMax:=-0.23 elif c = 2 then XMin:=-0.9; XMax:=-0.98 YMin:=-0.3; YMax:=-0.22 elif c = 3 then XMin:=-0.91; XMax:=-0.94 YMin:=-0.3; YMax:=-0.27 elif c = 4 then XMin:=-0.926; XMax:=-0.934 YMin:=-0.264; YMax:=-0.256 end-if HX:=(XMax-XMin)/NUMPX HY:=(YMax-YMin)/NUMPX OffsetX:=-round(XMin/HX) OffsetY:=-round(YMin/HY) forall(s,t in 1..ceil(NUMPX/SW), sqct as counter) do SQUARE(sqct,1):= round(XMin/HX)+(s-1)*SW SQUARE(sqct,2):= minlist(round(XMin/HX)+s*SW-1,round(XMax/HX)) SQUARE(sqct,3):= round(YMin/HY)+(t-1)*SW SQUARE(sqct,4):= minlist(round(YMin/HY)+t*SW-1,round(YMax/HY)) end-do end-procedure !*************** !* Start solve !*************** procedure cmdstart(r:integer) initialisations from httpreqfile(r) config end-initialisations stoppressed:=-1 set_mandelbrot_config(config) writeln("Starting with config ",config) ! Start first lot of remote model executions modstartct:=0 nbrunning:=0 modendct:=0 forall(n in 1..minlist(M*K,getsize(Squares))) do modstartct+=1 nbrunning+=1 active(n):=true run(modPar(n), "MINX="+SQUARE(modstartct,1) + ",MAXX="+ SQUARE(modstartct,2) + ",MINY="+ SQUARE(modstartct,3) + ",MAXY="+SQUARE(modstartct,4) + ",NUM="+modstartct + ",HX="+HX + ",HY="+HY + ",NUMPX="+NUMPX + ",CONFIG="+config) end-do running:=true httpreply(r) end-procedure !*************************************************** !* Return an array indicating activity of each node !*************************************************** procedure updnodes(r:integer) declarations tosend:datanode end-declarations tosend.act:=active tosend.name:=nodnam httpreplyjson(r,tosend) end-procedure !******************* !* Save a solution !******************* procedure save_sol(num: integer) declarations sol:solrec end-declarations initializations from "bin:solmod"+num+".txt" sol end-initializations sol.x+=OffsetX sol.y+=OffsetY solutions+=[sol] fdelete("solmod"+num+".txt") end-procedure !********************************** !* Process solution/request queues !********************************** procedure updatequeues declarations sol:solrec req:integer end-declarations if solutions.size>0 and waitimg.size>0 then req:=getfirst(waitimg) cuthead(waitimg,1) sol:=getfirst(solutions) cuthead(solutions,1) httpreplyjson(req,sol) end-if end-procedure !***************** Main ****************** ! Start child nodes forall(i in B) if connect(moselInst(i), NODES(i))<>0 then exit(2); end-if if compile("g","mandelhttpsub.mos","tmp:ms.bim")<>0 then exit(3); end-if forall(j in A) do ! Load models load(moselInst(j mod M + 1), modPar(j), "rmt:tmp:ms.bim") modid(getid(modPar(j))):= j end-do ! Update node names forall(i in A) nodnam(i):=if(NODES(i mod M + 1)<>"", NODES(i mod M + 1), "(local)") stoppressed:=-1 forall(i in A) active(i):=false ! setparam("http_browser",'C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet explorer\iexplore.exe') setparam("http_startwb",true) setparam("http_listen","") setparam("http_defport",2533) setparam("http_defpage","mandelhttp.html") httpstartsrv(".","mosel/") repeat wait ev:=getnextevent if ev.class=EVENT_HTTPNEW then req:=integer(ev.value) case string(httpreqlabel(req)) of "end": do finished:=true; httpreply(req); end-do "updnodes": updnodes(req) "cmdstart": cmdstart(req) "cmdstop": do stoppressed:=req writeln("Stopping") end-do "updimg": if running or getsize(solutions)>0 then waitimg+=[req] else httpreplyjson(req) end-if else httpreply(req) end-case elif getclass(ev)=EVENT_END then modendct+=1 num:=modid(getfromid(ev)) active(num):=false save_sol(num) if modstartct<getsize(Squares) and (stoppressed<0) then modstartct+=1 active(num):=true run(modPar(num), "MINX="+SQUARE(modstartct,1) + ",MAXX="+ SQUARE(modstartct,2) + ",MINY="+ SQUARE(modstartct,3) + ",MAXY="+SQUARE(modstartct,4) + ",NUM="+num + ",HX="+HX + ",HY="+HY + ",NUMPX="+NUMPX + ",CONFIG="+config) else nbrunning-=1 end-if if (modendct>=getsize(Squares)) or (nbrunning<1) then updatequeues if stoppressed>=0 then httpreply(stoppressed) stoppressed:=-1 while (waitimg.size>0) do req:=getfirst(waitimg) httpreplyjson(req) cuthead(waitimg,1) end-do solutions:=[] end-if modendct:=0 running:=false writeln("Ready to start again") end-if end-if updatequeues until finished end-model
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