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Sudoku (CP and MIP models) Description Playing Sudoku: fill in the 9x9 grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1-9.
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Data Files sudoku.mos (!**************************************************************** Mosel example problems ====================== file sudoku.mos ``````````````` Sudoku puzzle - data read from file. (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Jul 2020 *****************************************************************!) model "sudoku (MIP)" uses "mmxprs", "mmsystem" parameters DATAFILE = "sudokug290705.dat" end-parameters forward procedure print_solution declarations XS = {'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I'} YS = 1..9 VALS = 1..9 VALUE: dynamic array(XS,YS) of integer v: array(XS,YS) of mpvar b: array(XS,YS,VALS) of mpvar end-declarations initializations from "Data/"+DATAFILE VALUE end-initializations ! Fix variables to the given values forall(x in XS, y in YS | exists(VALUE(x,y))) v(x,y) = VALUE(x,y) ! Associate binaries with cell variables forall(x in XS, y in YS) do forall(i in VALS) b(x,y,i) is_binary v(x,y) = sum(i in VALS) i*b(x,y,i) sum(i in VALS) b(x,y,i) = 1 end-do starttime:=gettime ! All-different values in rows forall(y in YS, i in VALS) sum(x in XS) b(x,y,i) = 1 ! All-different values in columns forall(x in XS, i in VALS) sum(y in YS) b(x,y,i) = 1 ! All-different values in 3x3 squares forall(k in 0..2, i in VALS) do sum(x in {'A','B','C'}, y in {1+3*k,2+3*k,3+3*k}) b(x,y,i) = 1 sum(x in {'D','E','F'}, y in {1+3*k,2+3*k,3+3*k}) b(x,y,i) = 1 sum(x in {'G','H','I'}, y in {1+3*k,2+3*k,3+3*k}) b(x,y,i) = 1 end-do ! Solve the problem minimize(0) if getprobstat=XPRS_OPT then print_solution end-if writeln("Total time: ", gettime-starttime) !**************************************************************** ! Solution printing procedure print_solution writeln("Solution:") write(" "); forall(x in XS) write(x," "); writeln forall(y in YS) do write(y, ": ") forall(x in XS) write(v(x,y).sol," ") writeln end-do returned:=true end-procedure end-model | |||||||||||||||||
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