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Locating electrons on a conducting sphere Description Finds the equilibrium state distribution of electrons positioned on a conducting sphere.
The problem is formulated as a nonconvex NLP problem.
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sphere.mos (!********************************************************************* Mosel NL examples ================= file sphere.mos ``````````````` Find the eqilibrium state distribution of electrons positioned on a conducting sphere. Nonconvex NLP problem. - Alternative objective functions selected via parameter ALG - Based on AMPL model fekete.mod Source: http://www.orfe.princeton.edu/~rvdb/ampl/nlmodels/fekete/ *** This model cannot be run with a Community Licence for the provided data instance *** (c) 2013 Fair Issac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2013, rev. Jun. 2023 *********************************************************************!) model "Points on sphere" uses "mmxnlp" parameters NP = 50 MDIM = 3 ALG = 2 ! 0: minimize z, 1: maximize Separation, 2: minimize Potential end-parameters declarations POINTS = 1..NP ! Set of points to place DIMS = 1..MDIM ! Dimensions x: array(POINTS, DIMS) of mpvar ! Coordinate tuples z: mpvar ! Objective variable end-declarations ! Set initial values (= randomly distributed points on the sphere) setrandseed(3) if MDIM=2 then forall(i in POINTS) do theta(i):= 2*M_PI*random setinitval(x(i,1), cos(theta(i)) ) setinitval(x(i,2), sin(theta(i)) ) end-do elif MDIM=3 then forall(i in POINTS) do theta(i):= 2*M_PI*random phi(i):= M_PI*random setinitval(x(i,1), cos(theta(i))*sin(phi(i)) ) setinitval(x(i,2), sin(theta(i))*sin(phi(i)) ) setinitval(x(i,3), cos(phi(i)) ) end-do end-if forall (i in 1..NP, j in DIMS) x(i,j) is_free ! Alternative objective function definitions forall (i,j in POINTS | i<j) sum(k in DIMS) x(i,k)*x(j,k) <= z Separation:= sum(i,j in POINTS | i<j) log(sum(k in DIMS) (x(i,k)-x(j,k))^2) Potential:= sum(i,j in POINTS | i<j) 1/sqrt(sum(k in DIMS) (x(i,k)-x(j,k))^2) ! All points lie on the sphere forall(i in POINTS) sum(k in DIMS) x(i,k)^2 = 1.0 ! Setting up and solving the problem setparam("xnlp_verbose", true) ! In this example we will use a local solver, since it can be time consuming to solve it to global optimality setparam("xprs_nlpsolver", 1) case ALG of 0: minimize(z) 1: maximize(Separation) ! Maximize separation between points 2: minimize(Potential) ! Minimize potential energy (Coulomb potential) else writeln("Invalid optimization goal choice"); exit(1) end-case ! Test whether a solution is available nlstat:=getparam("XNLP_STATUS") if nlstat<>XNLP_STATUS_LOCALLY_OPTIMAL and nlstat<>XNLP_STATUS_OPTIMAL then writeln("No solution found.") exit(0) end-if ! Display the results writeln("Value of z = ", z.sol) writeln("Potential = ", Potential.sol) writeln("Separation = ", Separation.sol) forall(i in POINTS) do write(" x(", i, ") = [") forall(k in DIMS) write(x(i,k).sol, if(k<MDIM, ",", "")) writeln("]") end-do end-model
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