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Solve an LP and a MIP using Xpress-R Description This example shows how to solve LP and MIP models. Further explanation of this example: Xpress R Reference Manual
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Data Files solving_an_lp_and_a_mip.R ##################################### # This file is part of the # # Xpress-R interface examples # # # # (c) 2022-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation # ##################################### #' --- #' title: "Solving an LP and a MIP Model" #' author: Gregor Hendel #' date: Dec. 2020 #' --- #' #' #' This example shows how to solve LP and MIP models. #' #' If you haven't done so already, please familiarize yourself with the Facility #' Location Example example, which we use throughout our quick examples. #' #' # Solving an LP #' #' We solve a very small LP and retrieve both the solution and the primal slacks of #' the solution. #' ## ----A simple 2 by 2 LP problem----------------------------------------------- suppressMessages(library(xpress)) # max x2 # s.t. x1 + x2 >= 11 # x1 + x2 <= 13 # - x1 + x2 >= 2 # - x1 + x2 <= 4 # x1,x2 >= 0 # create a fresh problem data problemdata <- list() # objective problemdata$objcoef <- c(0,1) # row coefficients as a dense matrix object problemdata$A <- matrix(c(1,1, 1,1, -1,1, -1,1), ncol = 2, byrow = T) # right hand side problemdata$rhs <- c(11,13, 2,4) # constraint sense problemdata$rowtype <- c("G", "L", "G", "L") # lower bounds on the variables problemdata$lb <- c(0,0) # upper bounds on the variables problemdata$ub <- c(Inf, Inf) # problem name problemdata$probname <- "2x2LP" # load everything into a (newly created) XPRSprob object 'p' p <- xprs_loadproblemdata(problemdata=problemdata) # change to maximization chgobjsense(p, -1L) # -1 stands for maximization, + 1 stands for minimization print(p) #' #' #' Let's solve this example LP and query the solution ## ----Solve This LP------------------------------------------------------------ # enable output to stdout setoutput(p) # summarize the optimization summary(xprs_optimize(p)) # print the LP status and the LP Objective value. We access them by passing # the attribute integer indices that are part of the Xpress package, but # not exposed upon loading the library to avoid polluting the global namespace print(getintattrib(p, xpress:::LPSTATUS)) print(getdblattrib(p, xpress:::LPOBJVAL)) # print the solution print(getsolution(p)$x) #' # Solving a MIP #' #' We read the Facility location problem from the introductory example. This frees #' the LP from before. #' ## ----Read Facility Location Problem------------------------------------------- readprob(p, "flp.lp") #' #' By printing the MIP entities attribute we can see that this is now a #' mixed-integer or, more precisely, a mixed-binary program: #' ## ----Print MIP Entities------------------------------------------------------- print(getintattrib(p, xpress:::MIPENTS)) #' #' We solve this problem using `xprs_optimize`. #' #' The optional flags argument allows to specify #' the LP root algorithm: 'b' for the barrier algorithm, 'd' for the dual simplex #' algorithm, and 'p' for the primal simplex algorithm. #' ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # optionally: try mipoptimize(p, "d") summary(xprs_optimize(p, "b")) #' #' To retrieve the MIP solution, we call ## ----Get the solution--------------------------------------------------------- print(getsolution(p)$x) #' which returns a named list with solution values 'x' and solution status 'status'.
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