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Modeling PseudoBoolean Optimization problems with MIP Description A solver of PseudoBoolean optimization problems (PBO) that translates a problem into a MIP and solves it. Further explanation of this example: 'Xpress Python Reference Manual'
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example_gencons_pbo.py """ This example builds a Pseudoboolean optimization solver that uses the Xpress Optimizer library's General Constraints c.f. http://www.cril.univ-artois.fr/PB16/ http://www.cril.univ-artois.fr/PB16/format.pdf Parser loosely based on http://www.cril.univ-artois.fr/PB16/parser/SimpleParser.cc (c) 2020-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation """ import sys import re import xpress as xp class Term: def __init__(self, cons, conj): """ :param cons: coefficient :param conj: list of variables in the product """ self.constant = cons self.conjunction = conj class Constraint: def __init__(self, trms, sns, r): """ :param trms: List of terms in the constraint :param sns: Sense :param r: RHS """ self.terms = trms self.sense = sns self.rhs = r def ignore_ws(fh): """ Skip whitespaces. :param fh: file object :return: """ while True: ch = fh.read(1) if ch == ' ': continue else: move_back(fh) break def read_constant(fh): """ :param fh: file object :return: coefficient before a term in an expression """ constant = '' while True: ch = fh.read(1) if ch == 'x' or ch == '~' or ch == ' ' or ch == ';': move_back(fh) break else: constant += ch return float(constant) if constant != '' else 1.0 def move_back(fh): """ move file ptr one step back :param fh: file object :return: """ fh.seek(fh.tell() - 1) def read_variable(fh): """ read the variable indentifier :param fh: file object :return: variable as string """ ch = fh.read(1) if ch != 'x': print("Error. No variable identifier after negation at fpos {}".format(fh.tell() - 1)) sys.exit(-1) # read the variable index index = '' while True: ch = fh.read(1) if ch == ' ': move_back(fh) break index += ch if index == ' ': print("Error. No index after identifier at fpos {}".format(fh.tell() - 1)) sys.exit(-1) return 'x' + index def read_conj(fh): """ read the terms in a conjunction :param fh: file object :return: list of variables (with negations identified by '~' preceding the variable) """ conj = [] while True: ignore_ws(fh) ch = fh.read(1) if ch == '+' or ch == '-' or ch == '=' or ch == '<' or ch == '>' or ch == ';': move_back(fh) break if ch == '~': conj.append('~' + read_variable(fh)) else: move_back(fh) conj.append(read_variable(fh)) return conj def read_term(fh): """ read the entire term of an expression :param fh: file object :return: term of an expression, including the constant """ constant = read_constant(fh) ignore_ws(fh) conj = read_conj(fh) if conj is []: print("Error. Term returned zero or constant at pos {}".format(fh.tell())) sys.exit(0) return Term(constant, conj) def get_objective(fh): """ get the objective term :param fh: file object :return: objective sense, list of terms in the objective """ o_terms = [] o_sense = None # Ignore comments ch = '' while True: ch = fh.read(1) if ch == '*': fh.readline() else: break # Read objective: if ch == 'm': s = fh.read(2) o_sense = ch + s fh.read(1) # skip the colon while True: ignore_ws(fh) ch = fh.read(1) if ch == ';': fh.read(1) # skip newline break else: move_back(fh) term = read_term(fh) o_terms.append(term) return o_sense, o_terms def get_constraint(fh): """ reads all constraints :param fh: file object :return: list of constraint objects """ cons = [] c_sense = '' c_rhs = None c_expr = [] while True: ignore_ws(fh) ch = fh.read(1) if ch == '\n': break elif ch == ';': cons.append(Constraint(c_expr, c_sense, c_rhs)) if len(cons) % 10000 == 0: print("Read ", len(cons), "cons") c_sense = '' c_rhs = None c_expr = [] fh.read(1) # skip newline elif ch == '*': fh.readline() elif ch == '>': c_sense = '>=' fh.read(1) ignore_ws(fh) c_rhs = read_constant(fh) elif ch == '<': fh.read(1) c_sense = '<=' ignore_ws(fh) c_rhs = read_constant(fh) elif ch == '=': ignore_ws(fh) c_sense = '=' c_rhs = read_constant(fh) else: move_back(fh) term = read_term(fh) c_expr.append(term) return cons def build_expr(terms, variables): """ :param terms: List of Term objects in the expression :param variables: Xpress variables expressed in a dictionary :return: Xpress expression """ expr = None for term in terms: coeff = term.constant conjunction = term.conjunction if len(conjunction) == 1: # linear expr = coeff * variables[conjunction[0]] if expr is None else expr + coeff * variables[conjunction[0]] else: conj_terms = [] for item in conjunction: if item.startswith('~'): conj_terms.append(1 - variables[item[1:]]) else: conj_terms.append(variables[item]) expr = coeff * xp.And(*conj_terms) if expr is None else expr + coeff * xp.And(*conj_terms) return expr if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 2: print('A MIP-based Pseudoboolean solver') print('Usage: python example_gencons_pbo_solver.py <filename.opb>') sys.exit(-1) else: fname = sys.argv[1] try: with open(fname, 'r') as pbo: line = pbo.readline() # Read metadata pat = re.compile(r'#variable= (\d+)\s+#constraint= (\d+)') match = re.search(pat, line) if match: n_vars = int(match.group(1)) n_cons = int(match.group(2)) print(line) else: print('Problem metadata not provided on line 1') sys.exit(-1) pbo.seek(0) obj_sense, obj_terms = get_objective(pbo) print("Reading objective complete") constraints = get_constraint(pbo) print("Reading constraints complete") # Create the problem p = xp.problem() # Define the variables var_keys = ['x{}'.format(i) for i in range(1, n_vars + 1)] x = {i: p.addVariable(vartype=xp.binary) for i in var_keys} # Add objective if len(obj_terms) > 1: obj_expr = build_expr(obj_terms, x) xp_sense = xp.minimize if obj_sense == 'min' else xp.maximize p.setObjective(obj_expr, sense=xp_sense) # Add constraints for constraint in constraints: cons_expr = build_expr(constraint.terms, x) rhs = constraint.rhs sense = constraint.sense # print(cons_expr, sense, rhs) if sense == '<=': p.addConstraint(cons_expr <= rhs) elif sense == '>=': p.addConstraint(cons_expr >= rhs) else: p.addConstraint(cons_expr == rhs) print('Finished adding constraints') # Set a time limit (no limit otherwise) # p.controls.timelimit = 900 p.optimize() except FileNotFoundError: print("PBO instance file not found") sys.exit(-1)
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