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Polygon construction under constraints Description The set of examples describe models to create a polygon with various constraints and goals:
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Data Files polygon1.mos (!********************************************************************* Mosel NL examples ================= file polygon1.mos ````````````````` Maximize the area of polygon of N vertices and diameter of 1. The position of vertices is indicated as (rho,theta) coordinates where rho denotes the distance to the base point (vertex with number N) and theta the angle from the x-axis. -- Formulation using direct algebraic expressions -- (c) 2008 Fair Issac Corporation Creation: 2002, rev. Jun. 2023 *********************************************************************!) model "Polygon 1" uses "mmxnlp" parameters N=5 ! Number of vertices SOLVER=0 ! 0: SLP, 1: Knitro end-parameters declarations RN = 1..N Area: nlctr rho : array(RN) of mpvar ! Distance of vertex from the base point theta : array(RN) of mpvar ! Angle from x-axis D: array(RN,RN) of nlctr ! Limit on side length end-declarations ! Objective: sum of areas Area:= (sum (i in 2..N-1) (rho(i)*rho(i-1)*sin(theta(i)-theta(i-1)))) * 0.5 ! Bounds and start values for decision variables forall(i in 1..N-1) do rho(i) >= 0.1 rho(i) <= 1 setinitval(rho(i), 4*i*(N + 1 - i)/((N+1)^2)) setinitval(theta(i), M_PI*i/N) end-do ! Third side of all triangles <= 1 forall(i in 1..N-2, j in i+1..N-1) D(i,j):= rho(i)^2 + rho(j)^2 - rho(i)*rho(j)*2*cos(theta(j)-theta(i)) <= 1 ! Vertices in increasing order forall(i in 2..N-1) theta(i) >= theta(i-1) +.01 ! Boundary conditions theta(N-1) <= M_PI ! Last vertex above x-axis ! Optional parameter settings setparam("xnlp_verbose", true) ! Enable XNLP output log setparam("xnlp_solver", SOLVER) ! Select the solver ! In this example we will use a local solver setparam("xprs_nlpsolver", 1) ! Solve the problem maximise(Area) ! Solution output writeln("Area = ", getobjval) forall (i in 1..N-1) writeln("V", i, ": r=", getsol(rho(i)), " theta=", getsol(theta(i))) end-model | |||||||||||||||||||||
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