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Boxes - Nonlinear constraints Description Stating a small production planning problem with nonlinear constraints to determine the size of objects to be produced.
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Boxes02.cpp #include <xpress.hpp> #include <stdexcept> // For throwing exceptions using namespace xpress; using namespace xpress::objects; using xpress::objects::utils::sum; using xpress::objects::utils::pow; using xpress::objects::utils::mul; using xpress::objects::utils::div; using xpress::objects::utils::scalarProduct; /** * A craftsman makes small wooden boxes for sale. He has four different types of box, * and can make each type in any size (keeping all the dimensions in proportion), but * all boxes of the same type must have the same size. The profit he makes on a box * depends on the size. He has only a limited amount of the necessary wood available * and a limited amount of time in the week to do the work. How many boxes should he * make, and what size should they be, in order to maximize his profit? */ // A box. class Box { public: const std::string name; // The name of this box. const double lengthCoeff; // Relative length of this box. const double widthCoeff; // Relative width of this box. const double heightCoeff; // Relative height of this box. const double profitCoeff; // Coefficient for the profit of this box, relative to its size. const double timeCoeff; // Coefficient for the production time of this box, relative to its ply. // Constructor Box(std::string name, double lengthCoeff, double widthCoeff, double heightCoeff, double profitCoeff, double timeCoeff) : name(name), lengthCoeff(lengthCoeff), widthCoeff(widthCoeff), heightCoeff(heightCoeff), profitCoeff(profitCoeff), timeCoeff(timeCoeff) {} // Override toString() method std::string toString() const { return name; } // resources required: nrBattens = size * 4 * (lengthCoeff + widhtCoeff + heightCoeff) double getBattensCoeff() const { return 4 * (lengthCoeff + widthCoeff + heightCoeff); } // resources required: ply = size^2 * 2 * (lengthCoeff * widthCoeff + widthC * heightC + heightC * lengthC) double getPlyCoeff() const { return 2 * (lengthCoeff * widthCoeff + widthCoeff * heightCoeff + heightCoeff * lengthCoeff); } }; // The boxes used in this example. const std::vector<Box> boxTypeArray = { Box("Cube", 1, 1, 1, 20, 1), Box("Oblong", 1, 2, 1, 27.3, 1), Box("Flat", 4, 4, 1, 90, 1), Box("Economy", 1, 2, 1, 10, 0.2) }; // The resource constraints used in this example. const double maxSize = 2.0; const int maxNumProducedPerBoxType = 6; const double maxNrBattens = 200.0; const double maxPly = 210.0; const double maxTime = 35.0; int main() { try { // Create a problem instance with verbose messages printed to Console XpressProblem prob; prob.callbacks.addMessageCallback(XpressProblem::console); // The number of each of the type of boxes that should be produced std::vector<Variable> numProduced = prob.addVariables(static_cast<int>(boxTypeArray.size())) .withType(ColumnType::Integer) .withName("numProduced_%d") .withUB(maxNumProducedPerBoxType) .toArray(); // The relative size (a multiplier of length/width/height) of each of the box types to produce std::vector<Variable> size = prob.addVariables(static_cast<int>(boxTypeArray.size())) .withType(ColumnType::Continuous) // This is the default value so not required to specify .withName("size_%d") .withUB(maxSize) .toArray(); /* Resource Availabililty Constraints */ // Construct Expression for ply required for each type of box std::vector<Expression> plyPerBoxType(static_cast<int>(boxTypeArray.size())); for (std::size_t i=0; i<boxTypeArray.size(); i++) { // plyPerBoxType = numProduced * size^2 * plyCoeff plyPerBoxType[i] = mul(numProduced[i], pow(size[i], 2.0)) * boxTypeArray[i].getPlyCoeff(); } // Inspect the constructed Expression std::cout << "Total ply: " << sum(plyPerBoxType).toString() << std::endl; prob.addConstraint(sum(plyPerBoxType) <= maxPly); /* Next, we construct a same type of resource constraint as above, but then for the total battens * instead of ply. Except, instead of using sum and mul, we use scalarProduct. */ // First collect the BattensCoefficients into one vector. We do this using the std::transform function // along with a lambda function from Box to double (similar to `map` function in Python if you are familiar) std::vector<double> battensCoeffs(boxTypeArray.size()); std::transform(boxTypeArray.begin(), boxTypeArray.end(), battensCoeffs.begin(), [](Box box) { return box.getBattensCoeff(); }); // battensPerBox = numProduced * size * battensCoeff prob.addConstraint(scalarProduct(numProduced, size, battensCoeffs) <= maxNrBattens); // Again a similar resource constraint as above, now for total time. // We use a different way to use sum (now with a lambda function) Expression totalTime = sum(static_cast<int>(boxTypeArray.size()), [&](int i) { // timeNeededForBox = 1 + timeCoeff * 1.5^(ply/10) Expression plyNeeded = pow(size[i], 2.0) * boxTypeArray[i].getPlyCoeff(); Expression timeNeeded = 1 + mul(boxTypeArray[i].timeCoeff, pow(1.5, div(plyNeeded, 10))); return numProduced[i] * timeNeeded; }); // Inspect the constructed Expression std::cout << "Total time: " << totalTime.toString() << std::endl; prob.addConstraint(totalTime <= maxTime); /* Construct the objective */ Expression totalProfit = sum(static_cast<int>(boxTypeArray.size()), [&](int i) { // profit = numProduced * size^1.5 * profitCoeff return numProduced[i] * pow(size[i], 1.5) * boxTypeArray[i].profitCoeff; }); // Inspect the constructed Expression std::cout << "Total profit: " << totalProfit.toString() << std::endl; // To make the objective linear, just maximize the objtransfercol and add non-linear constraint Variable objtransfercol = prob.addVariable(ColumnType::Continuous, "objTransferCol"); prob.setObjective(objtransfercol, xpress::ObjSense::Maximize); // Add the objective transfer row: objtransfercol = totalProfit prob.addConstraint(objtransfercol == totalProfit); // Dump the problem to disk so that we can inspect it. prob.writeProb("Boxes02.lp"); // By default we will solve to global optimality, uncomment for an MISLP solve to local optimality // prob.setNLPSolver(XPRS_NLPSOLVER_LOCAL); // Solve prob.optimize(); // Check the solution status if (prob.attributes.getSolStatus() != SolStatus::Optimal && prob.attributes.getSolStatus() != SolStatus::Feasible) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << prob.attributes.getSolStatus(); // Convert xpress::SolStatus to String throw std::runtime_error("Optimization failed with status " + oss.str()); } // Get the solution and print it std::vector<double> sol = prob.getSolution(); std::cout << std::endl << "*** Solution ***" << std::endl; // Printing the objective is currently not supported for nonlinear // std::cout << "Objective: " + prob.getNLPObjVal(); // Print out the variables for (std::size_t i = 0; i < boxTypeArray.size(); ++i) { if (numProduced[i].getValue(sol) > 0.0) { std::cout << "Producing " << numProduced[i].getValue(sol) << " " << boxTypeArray[i].toString() << " boxes of size " << size[i].getValue(sol) << "." << std::endl; } } return 0; } catch (std::exception& e) { std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; return -1; } }
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