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Indicator and logic constraints

Examples of formulating linear and nonlinear indicator constraints with Mosel, and of formulating logic constraints for MIP models using the Mosel module 'advmod'.

Further explanation of this example: Whitepaper 'MIP formulations and linearizations', Sections 'Indicator constraints' and 'Logic constructs'

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   Mosel Example Problems

   file logctrexpl.mos
   Logical MIP constraints definition via advmod
   - Example discussed in mipformref whitepaper -

   (c) 2009 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2009, rev, Aug. 2023
model "testlog"
 uses "advmod"

! **** 'implies', 'not', and 'and' ****
 public declarations
  C: array(range) of linctr
  L: logctr                        ! Logical constraint
  x: array(R) of mpvar
 forall(i in R) x(i) <= 10*i-2
 C(1):= x(1)>=10
 C(2):= x(2)<=5
 C(3):= x(1)+x(2)>=12
 implies(C(1), C(3) and not C(2))
 forall(j in 1..3) C(j):=0              ! Delete the auxiliary constraints

! Same as:
 implies(x(1)>=10, x(1)+x(2)>=12 and not x(2)<=5) 

! Same as:
 L:= x(1)+x(2)>=12 and not x(2)<=5 ! Define (temporary) logical constraint
 implies(x(1)>=10, L)              ! State the implication
 L:= 0                             ! Delete the auxiliary

! **** 'or' and 'xor' ****
 public declarations
  p: array(1..6) of mpvar

 forall(i in 1..6) p(i) is_binary
! Choose at least one of projects 1,2,3 (option A)
! or at least two of projects 2,4,5,6 (option B)
  p(1) + p(2) + p(3) >= 1 or p(2) + p(4) + p(5) + p(6) >= 2

! Choose either option A or option B, but not both
  xor(p(1) + p(2) + p(3) >= 1, p(2) + p(4) + p(5) + p(6) >= 2)

 public declarations
  u, v: mpvar
  C1, C2, C11, C12: linctr
  C3, C13: logctr

! Formulation of u = min{x(1), x(2)}
 C1:= u <= x(1)
 C2:= u <= x(2)
 C3:= u >= x(1) or u >= x(2)

! Formulation of v = |x(1) - x(2)|
 C11:= v >= x(1) - x(2)
 C12:= v >= x(2) - x(1)
 C13:= v <= x(1) - x(2) or v <= x(2) - x(1)  

 setparam("XPRS_loadnames", true)
 setparam("XPRS_verbose", true)
 maximize(sum(i in R) x(i))
 writeln("Solution: ", getobjval)
 writeln("u=", u.sol, " v=", v.sol, " x=", array(i in R) x(i).sol,
   " p=", array(i in 1..6) p(i).sol)

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