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Loading and cutting problems

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
D‑1 Wagon load balancing: Nonpreemptive scheduling on parallel machines ****
heuristic solution requiring sorting algorithm, formulation of maximin objective; nested subroutines: function returning heuristic solution value and sorting procedure, ceil, getsize, if-then, break, exit, all loop types (forall-do, repeat-until, while-do), setparam, qsort, cutoff value, loading a MIP start solution
D‑2 Barge loading: Knapsack problem ** burglar1.mos, knapsack_graph.mos
incremental problem definition with 3 different objectives, procedure for solution printing
D‑3 Tank loading: Loading problem ***
2 objectives; data preprocessing, as, dynamic creation of variables, procedure for solution printing, if-then-else
D‑4 Backing up files: Bin-packing problem ** binpacking_graph.mos
2 versions of mathematical model, symmetry breaking; data preprocessing, ceil, range
D‑5 Cutting sheet metal: Covering problem * g6transmit.mos, j2bigbro.mos
D‑6 Cutting steel bars for desk legs: Cutting-stock problem ** cutstock_graph.mos
set operation(s) on range sets, set of integer (data as set contents)

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 9: Loading and cutting stock problems[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file d2ship.mos
   Choice of wheat load for a ship
   A shipper has 7 clients that wish to ship wheat. Each has
   varying quantities of lots, size of lots, shipping price,
   and transport costs. How can the shipper maximize profit?
   Three incrementally defined problems are solved in series. 
   Each introduces a new constraint while still maximizing profit.
   Procedure "printsol" is used to print the different 
   solutions depending on which problem is solved.
   (c) 2008-2022 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002, rev. Mar. 2022

model "D-2 Ship loading"
 uses "mmxprs"

 forward procedure printsol(num:integer)

  CLIENTS = 1..7                    ! Set of clients

  AVAIL: array(CLIENTS) of integer  ! Number of lots per client
  SIZE: array(CLIENTS) of integer   ! Lot sizes
  PRICE: array(CLIENTS) of integer  ! Prices charged to clients
  COST: array(CLIENTS) of integer   ! Cost per client
  PROF: array(CLIENTS) of integer   ! Profit per client
  CAP: integer                      ! Capacity of the ship
  loadqty: array(CLIENTS) of mpvar  ! Lots taken from clients

 initializations from 'd2ship.dat'

 forall(c in CLIENTS) PROF(c):= PRICE(c) - COST(c)*SIZE(c)

 Profit:= sum(c in CLIENTS) PROF(c)*loadqty(c)

! Limit on the capacity of the ship
 sum(c in CLIENTS) SIZE(c)*loadqty(c) <= CAP

! Problem 1: unlimited availability of lots at clients

! Problem 2: limits on availability of lots at clients
 forall(c in CLIENTS) loadqty(c) <= AVAIL(c)


! Problem 3: lots must be integer
 forall(c in CLIENTS) loadqty(c) is_integer


! Solution printing
 procedure printsol(num:integer)
  writeln("Problem ", num, ": profit: ", getobjval)
  forall(c in CLIENTS) 
   write( if(getsol(loadqty(c))>0 , " " + c + ":" + getsol(loadqty(c)), ""))

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