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Loading and cutting problems Description
Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 9: Loading and cutting stock problems
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d4backup.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file d4backup.mos ````````````````` Bin packing: backup of files onto external storage units You would like to backup your 16 files onto external storage units ('disks') with 1.44Gb of capacity. How should the files be distributed in order to minimize the number of disks used? This is a simple bin-packing problem since each file can only be saved to one disk. (c) 2008-2022 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002, rev. Mar. 2022 *******************************************************!) model "D-4 Bin packing" uses "mmxprs" declarations ND: integer ! Number of disks FILES = 1..16 ! Set of files DISKS: range ! Set of disks CAP: integer ! Disk size SIZE: array(FILES) of integer ! Size of files to be saved end-declarations initializations from 'd4backup.dat' CAP SIZE end-initializations ! Provide a sufficiently large number of disks ND:= ceil((sum(f in FILES) SIZE(f))/CAP) DISKS:= 1..ND writeln("Calculated upper bound: ", ND) declarations ifsave: array(FILES,DISKS) of mpvar ! 1 if file saved on disk, 0 otherwise diskuse: mpvar ! Number of disks used end-declarations ! Limit the number of disks used forall(f in FILES) diskuse >= sum(d in DISKS) d*ifsave(f,d) ! Every file onto a single disk forall(f in FILES) sum(d in DISKS) ifsave(f,d) = 1 ! Capacity limit of disks forall(d in DISKS) sum(f in FILES) SIZE(f)*ifsave(f,d) <= CAP forall(d in DISKS,f in FILES) ifsave(f,d) is_binary ! Minimize the total number of disks used minimize(diskuse) ! Solution printing writeln("Number of disks used: ", getobjval) forall(d in 1..integer(getobjval)) do write(d, ":") forall(f in FILES | getsol(ifsave(f,d))>0) write(" ",SIZE(f)) writeln(" space used: ", getsol(sum(f in FILES) SIZE(f)*ifsave(f,d))) end-do end-model | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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