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Loading and cutting problems

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
D‑1 Wagon load balancing: Nonpreemptive scheduling on parallel machines ****
heuristic solution requiring sorting algorithm, formulation of maximin objective; nested subroutines: function returning heuristic solution value and sorting procedure, ceil, getsize, if-then, break, exit, all loop types (forall-do, repeat-until, while-do), setparam, qsort, cutoff value, loading a MIP start solution
D‑2 Barge loading: Knapsack problem ** burglar1.mos, knapsack_graph.mos
incremental problem definition with 3 different objectives, procedure for solution printing
D‑3 Tank loading: Loading problem ***
2 objectives; data preprocessing, as, dynamic creation of variables, procedure for solution printing, if-then-else
D‑4 Backing up files: Bin-packing problem ** binpacking_graph.mos
2 versions of mathematical model, symmetry breaking; data preprocessing, ceil, range
D‑5 Cutting sheet metal: Covering problem * g6transmit.mos, j2bigbro.mos
D‑6 Cutting steel bars for desk legs: Cutting-stock problem ** cutstock_graph.mos
set operation(s) on range sets, set of integer (data as set contents)

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 9: Loading and cutting stock problems[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file d6cutbar.mos
   Cutting of steel bars into school desk legs 
   (1-dimensional cutting patterns)

   A company produces school desks of various heights. The
   legs are all cut from steel bars of 1.5 or 2 meters. How
   should an order be produced to minimize the trim loss?

   Note that each length of steel bars has a unique set of
   patterns. The total set of patterns is the union of these
   two sets. This problem also uses a 'set of integer' which is
   more general than a 'range [of integer]'.

   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002

model "D-6 Cutting steel bars"
 uses "mmxprs"

  PAT1 = 1..6; PAT2 = 7..12              ! Sets of cutting patterns
  PATTERNS = PAT1 + PAT2                 ! Set of all cutting patterns
  SIZES: set of integer                  ! Desk heights

  DEM: array(SIZES) of integer           ! Demands for the different heights
  CUT: array(PATTERNS,SIZES) of integer  ! Cutting patterns
  LEN: array(range) of integer           ! Lengths of original steel bars
  use: array(PATTERNS) of mpvar          ! Use of cutting patterns
 initializations from 'd6cutbar.dat'

! Objective: total loss
 Loss:= sum(p in PAT1) LEN(1)*use(p) + sum(p in PAT2) LEN(2)*use(p) - 
         sum(s in SIZES) 4*DEM(s)*s

! Satisfy demands
 forall(s in SIZES) sum(p in PATTERNS) CUT(p,s)*use(p) >= 4*DEM(s)

 forall(p in PATTERNS) use(p) is_integer

! Solve the problem
! Solution printing
  writeln("Loss: ", getobjval, "cm")
  write("Short bars: ", getsol(sum(p in PAT1) use(p)))
  writeln(", long bars: ", getsol(sum(p in PAT2) use(p)))
  write("Cutting patterns used:")
  forall(p in PATTERNS)
   write( if(getsol(use(p)) > 0 , " " + p + ":" + getsol(use(p)), "") )
  write("\nNumbers of legs cut: ")
  forall(s in SIZES)
   write(s, ":", getsol(sum(p in PATTERNS) CUT(p,s)*use(p)), " ")

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