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Loading and cutting problems

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
D‑1 Wagon load balancing: Nonpreemptive scheduling on parallel machines ****
heuristic solution requiring sorting algorithm, formulation of maximin objective; nested subroutines: function returning heuristic solution value and sorting procedure, ceil, getsize, if-then, break, exit, all loop types (forall-do, repeat-until, while-do), setparam, qsort, cutoff value, loading a MIP start solution
D‑2 Barge loading: Knapsack problem ** burglar1.mos, knapsack_graph.mos
incremental problem definition with 3 different objectives, procedure for solution printing
D‑3 Tank loading: Loading problem ***
2 objectives; data preprocessing, as, dynamic creation of variables, procedure for solution printing, if-then-else
D‑4 Backing up files: Bin-packing problem ** binpacking_graph.mos
2 versions of mathematical model, symmetry breaking; data preprocessing, ceil, range
D‑5 Cutting sheet metal: Covering problem * g6transmit.mos, j2bigbro.mos
D‑6 Cutting steel bars for desk legs: Cutting-stock problem ** cutstock_graph.mos
set operation(s) on range sets, set of integer (data as set contents)

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 9: Loading and cutting stock problems[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file d1wagon.mos
   Load balancing of train wagons
   Sixteen boxes must be loaded on three railway wagons.
   Each wagon has a weight limit of 100 quintals. Which wagon
   should each box be assigned so that the heaviest wagon load
   is minimized. 
   A heuristic solution can be found by distributing all boxes
   to wagons by assigning the heaviest box to the least loaded
   wagon. This requires the boxes to be in order of decreasing
   weight. The sorting procedure introduces 'getsize', and nested
   'repeat-until', 'forall-do', and 'while' loops with break 
   condition. The implementation of the heuristic also introduces 
   the subroutine type 'function' to return the highest wagon load

   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002

model "D-1 Wagon load balancing"
 uses "mmxprs"

 forward function solveheur:real
 forward procedure shellsort(A:array(range) of integer, 
                             I:array(range) of integer)
  BOXES = 1..16                        ! Set of boxes
  WAGONS = 1..3                        ! Set of wagons

  WEIGHT: array(BOXES) of integer      ! Box weights
  WMAX: integer                        ! Weight limit per wagon

  ifload: array(BOXES,WAGONS) of mpvar ! 1 if box loaded on wagon, 0 otherwise
  maxweight: mpvar                     ! Weight of the heaviest wagon load

 initializations from 'd1wagon.dat'

! Solve the problem heuristically and terminate the program if the
! heuristic solution is good enough
 if solveheur<=WMAX then
  writeln("Heuristic solution fits capacity limits")

! Every box into one wagon
 forall(b in BOXES) sum(w in WAGONS) ifload(b,w) = 1
! Limit the weight loaded into every wagon
 forall(w in WAGONS) sum(b in BOXES) WEIGHT(b)*ifload(b,w) <= maxweight
! Bounds on maximum weight
 maxweight <= WMAX
 maxweight >= ceil((sum(b in BOXES) WEIGHT(b))/3)

 forall(b in BOXES,w in WAGONS) ifload(b,w) is_binary

! Alternative to lower bound on maxweight: adapt the optimizer cutoff value
! setparam("XPRS_MIPADDCUTOFF",-0.99999)

! Uncomment the following line to see the optimizer log

! Minimize the heaviest load
 minimize(maxweight)                    ! Start optimization
! Solution printing
 writeln("Optimal solution:\n Max weight: ", getobjval)
 forall(w in WAGONS) do
  write(" ", w, ":")
  forall(b in BOXES | ifload(b,w).sol=1) write(" ", b)
  writeln(" (total weight: ", getsol(sum(b in BOXES) WEIGHT(b)*ifload(b,w)), ")")


(! LPT (Longest processing time) heuristic: 
   One at a time place the heaviest unassigned box onto the wagon with 
   the least load
 function solveheur:real
   ORDERW: array(BOXES) of integer      ! Box indices in decreasing weight order
   Load: array(WAGONS,range) of integer ! Boxes loaded onto the wagons
   CurWeight: array(WAGONS) of integer  ! Current weight of wagon loads
   CurNum: array(WAGONS) of integer     ! Current number of boxes per wagon

 ! Copy the box indices into array ORDERW and sort them in decreasing
 ! order of box weights (the sorted indices are returned in array ORDERW)
  forall(b in BOXES) ORDERW(b):=b

 ! Distribute the loads to the wagons using the LPT heuristic
  forall(b in BOXES) do
   v:=1                                 ! Find wagon with the smallest load
   forall(w in WAGONS) v:=if(CurWeight(v)<CurWeight(w), v, w)     
   CurNum(v)+=1                         ! Increase the counter of boxes on v
   Load(v,CurNum(v)):=ORDERW(b)         ! Add box to the wagon
   CurWeight(v)+=WEIGHT(ORDERW(b))      ! Update current weight of the wagon
  returned:= max(w in WAGONS) CurWeight(w)  ! Return the solution value

 ! Solution printing
  writeln("Heuristic solution:\n Max weight: ", returned)
  forall(w in WAGONS) do
   write(" ", w, ":")
   forall(b in 1..CurNum(w)) write(" ", Load(w,b))
   writeln(" (total weight: ", CurWeight(w), ")")



(! Sort an array in decreasing order using a Shell sort method:
   * First sort, by straight insertion, small groups of numbers. 
   * Next, combine several small groups and sort them (possibly 
     repeat this step). 
   * Finally, sort the whole list of numbers.

   The spacings between the numbers of groups sorted during each 
   pass through the data are called the increments. A good choice
   is the sequence which can be generated by the recurrence
   i(1)=1, i(k+1)=3i(k)+1, k=1,2,...
   The implementation assumes that the indices of the array to sort
   have the values 1,...,N. The array to be sorted (first argument)
   remains unchanged, instead, we reorder the array of indices (second 

 procedure shellsort(A:array(range) of integer, I:array(range) of integer)
  inc:=1                                ! Determine the starting increment
  until (inc>N)  
  repeat                                ! Loop over the partial sorts
   inc:=inc div 3
   forall(i in inc+1..N) do             ! Outer loop of straight insertion
    while (A(I(j-inc))<A(v)) do         ! Inner loop of straight insertion
     j -= inc
     if j<=inc then break; end-if
    I(j):= v     
  until (inc<=1)


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