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Loading and cutting problems Description
Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 9: Loading and cutting stock problems
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d1wagon2.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file d1wagon2.mos ````````````````` Load balancing of train wagons (second version, using heuristic solution as start solution for MIP via 'addmipsol') Sixteen boxes must be loaded on three railway wagons. Each wagon has a weight limit of 100 quintals. Which wagon should each box be assigned so that the heaviest wagon load is minimized. The heuristic solution is used as the starting point for MIP. Instead of a custom sorting procedure, the heuristic uses a form of 'qsort' which sorts the index array of an array. (c) 2008-2022 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Sep. 2007, rev. Mar. 2022 *******************************************************!) model "D-1 Wagon load balancing (2)" uses "mmxprs", "mmsystem" forward function solveheur:real forward procedure solnotify(id:string, status:integer) declarations BOXES = 1..16 ! Set of boxes WAGONS = 1..3 ! Set of wagons WEIGHT: array(BOXES) of integer ! Box weights WMAX: integer ! Weight limit per wagon ifload: array(BOXES,WAGONS) of mpvar ! 1 if box loaded on wagon, 0 otherwise maxweight: mpvar ! Weight of the heaviest wagon load MaxWeight: linctr ! Objective function HeurSol: array(BOXES) of integer ! Heuristic solution AllSol: array(mpvar) of real ! Start solution for MIP end-declarations initializations from 'd1wagon.dat' WEIGHT WMAX end-initializations ! Solve the problem heuristically and terminate the program if the ! heuristic solution is good enough, otherwise, load heuristic solution ! as start solution into the Optimizer if solveheur<=WMAX then writeln("Heuristic solution fits capacity limits") exit(0) end-if ! Every box into one wagon forall(b in BOXES) sum(w in WAGONS) ifload(b,w) = 1 ! Limit the weight loaded into every wagon forall(w in WAGONS) sum(b in BOXES) WEIGHT(b)*ifload(b,w) <= maxweight ! Lower bound on maximum weight maxweight >= ceil((sum(b in BOXES) WEIGHT(b))/3) forall(b in BOXES,w in WAGONS) ifload(b,w) is_binary ! Alternative to lower bound on maxweight: adapt the optimizer cutoff value ! setparam("XPRS_MIPADDCUTOFF",-0.99999) ! Uncomment the following line to see the optimizer log ! setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE",true) ! Set the solution values for all discrete variables that are non-zero forall(b in BOXES) AllSol(ifload(b,HeurSol(b))):= 1 ! Minimize the heaviest load MaxWeight:= maxweight ! Objective must be a constraint ! otherwise 'minimize' reloads problem loadprob(MaxWeight) ! Load problem into the Optimizer addmipsol("HeurSol", AllSol) ! Load the heuristic solution setcallback(XPRS_CB_SOLNOTIFY,->solnotify) ! Reporting use of user solution ! Re-inforce use of user solution in local search heuristics setparam("XPRS_USERSOLHEURISTIC",3) minimize(MaxWeight) ! Start optimization ! Solution printing writeln("Optimal solution:\n Max weight: ", getobjval) forall(w in WAGONS) do write(" ", w, ":") forall(b in BOXES | ifload(b,w).sol=1) write(" ", b) writeln(" (total weight: ", getsol(sum(b in BOXES) WEIGHT(b)*ifload(b,w)), ")") end-do !----------------------------------------------------------------- (! LPT (Longest processing time) heuristic: One at a time place the heaviest unassigned box onto the wagon with the least load !) function solveheur:real declarations ORDERW: array(BOXES) of integer ! Box indices in decreasing weight order Load: array(WAGONS,range) of integer ! Boxes loaded onto the wagons CurWeight: array(WAGONS) of integer ! Current weight of wagon loads CurNum: array(WAGONS) of integer ! Current number of boxes per wagon end-declarations ! Copy the box indices into array ORDERW and sort them in decreasing ! order of box weights (the sorted indices are returned in array ORDERW) forall(b in BOXES) ORDERW(b):=b qsort(SYS_DOWN, WEIGHT, ORDERW) ! Distribute the loads to the wagons using the LPT heuristic forall(b in BOXES) do v:=1 ! Find wagon with the smallest load forall(w in WAGONS) v:=if(CurWeight(v)<CurWeight(w), v, w) CurNum(v)+=1 ! Increase the counter of boxes on v Load(v,CurNum(v)):=ORDERW(b) ! Add box to the wagon CurWeight(v)+=WEIGHT(ORDERW(b)) ! Update current weight of the wagon end-do returned:= max(w in WAGONS) CurWeight(w) ! Return the solution value ! Solution printing writeln("Heuristic solution:\n Max weight: ", returned) forall(w in WAGONS) do write(" ", w, ":") forall(b in 1..CurNum(w)) write(" ", Load(w,b)) writeln(" (total weight: ", CurWeight(w), ")") end-do ! Save the heuristic solution forall(w in WAGONS,b in 1..CurNum(w)) HeurSol(Load(w,b)):= w end-function !----------------------------------------------------------------- (! Optimizer callback function: Report on the use of the user solution (optional logging function) !) procedure solnotify(id:string, status:integer) writeln("Optimiser loaded solution '", id, "' status=", status) end-procedure end-model | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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