FICO Xpress Optimization Examples Repository
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Economics and finance

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
H‑1 Choice of loans *
calculation of net present value
H‑2 Publicity campaign *
H‑3 Portfolio selection ** h7qportf.mos
sets of integers, second formulation with semi-continuous, parameters
H‑4 Financing an early retirement scheme **
inline if, selection with `|'
H‑5 Family budget **
formulation of monthly balance constraints including different payment frequencies; as, mod, inline if, selection with `|'
H‑6 Choice of expansion projects ** capbgt_graph.mos
experiment with solutions: solve LP problem explicitly, ``round'' some almost integer variable and re-solve
H‑7 Mean variance portfolio selection: Quadratic Programming problem *** folioqp_graph.mos
parameters, forall-do, min, max, loop over problem solving

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 13: Economics and finance problems[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file h5budget.mos
   Planning the family budget

   A mother wants to plan her family's annual budget.  A
   list of monthly expenses is provided as well as the
   family salary and allowances. Each month, the mother
   pays at least a given amount for leisure, but she would
   like to spend more in such activities. How should she
   balance the budget through the year to maximize the money
   available for leisure?

   This is a LP model similar to a production planning
   model where money can be transferred from one time
   period to the next one. To deal with the different
   periodicities of the expenses, the Mosel operator 'mod'
   is introduced. For the savings at the beginning of the
   first period, the conditional 'if' is used in the constraint

   (c) 2008-2022 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002, rev. Mar. 2022

model "H-5 Family budget"
 uses "mmxprs"

  MONTHS = 1..12                      ! Time period
  ITEMS: set of string                ! Set of shops
  INCOME, ALLOW: integer              ! Monthly income and allowance
  HMIN: integer                       ! Min. amount required for hobbies
  EXPENSE: array(ITEMS) of integer    ! Expenses
  FREQ: array(ITEMS) of integer       ! Frequency (periodicity) of expenses

  hobby: array(MONTHS) of mpvar       ! Money to spend for leisure/hobbies
  saving: array(MONTHS) of mpvar      ! Savings

 initializations from 'h5budget.dat'

! Objective: money for hobby
 Leisure:= sum(m in MONTHS) hobby(m)
! Monthly balances
 forall(m in MONTHS)
  sum(i in ITEMS | m mod FREQ(i) = 0) EXPENSE(i) + hobby(m) +
                  saving(m) <= INCOME + ALLOW + if(m>1, saving(m-1), 0) 

 forall(m in MONTHS) hobby(m) >= HMIN

! Solve the problem
! Solution printing
 writeln("Money for hobby: ", getobjval)
 write("Month   ")
 forall(m in MONTHS) write(" ", strfmt(m,4))
 setparam("realfmt", "%4g")     ! Reserve 4 char.s for display of real numbers
 write("\nHobby:  ")
 forall(m in MONTHS) write(" ", getsol(hobby(m)))
 forall(m in MONTHS) write(" ", getsol(saving(m)))

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