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Economics and finance

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
H‑1 Choice of loans *
calculation of net present value
H‑2 Publicity campaign *
H‑3 Portfolio selection ** h7qportf.mos
sets of integers, second formulation with semi-continuous, parameters
H‑4 Financing an early retirement scheme **
inline if, selection with `|'
H‑5 Family budget **
formulation of monthly balance constraints including different payment frequencies; as, mod, inline if, selection with `|'
H‑6 Choice of expansion projects ** capbgt_graph.mos
experiment with solutions: solve LP problem explicitly, ``round'' some almost integer variable and re-solve
H‑7 Mean variance portfolio selection: Quadratic Programming problem *** folioqp_graph.mos
parameters, forall-do, min, max, loop over problem solving

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 13: Economics and finance problems[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file h4retire.mos
   Financing an early retirement scheme
   To finance a pre-retirement scheme, a bank can invest 
   in three different types of bonds during a given period
   of years. Bonds can be acquired only at the beginning of
   the first year. Some technical conditions are defined on
   the money not invested, the quantity of bonds to be bought 
   and the available money to be distributed. How many bonds 
   of each type should the bank acquire to minimize the money
   spent to cover the retirement scheme?

   A MIP model is implemented to determine the best way to 
   finance the retirement plan. To model the constraints 
   based on the maturity (duration) of the bond, conditionals
   over sums and the inline 'if' are used to generalize
   the set of constraints.

   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002

model "H-4 Retirement"
 uses "mmxprs"

  BONDS = {"SNCF","Fujitsu","Treasury"}  ! Set of bonds
  NT = 7                              ! Length of planning period
  YEARS = 1..NT
  DEM: array(YEARS) of integer        ! Annual payments for retirement
  VALUE: array(BONDS) of real         ! Unit price of bonds
  RATE: array(BONDS) of real          ! Remuneration rates paid by bonds
  RET: array(BONDS) of real           ! Unit annual interest of bonds
  DUR: array(BONDS) of real           ! Duration of loans
  INTEREST: real                      ! Interest for other secure investment
  buy: array(BONDS) of mpvar          ! Number of bonds acquired
  invest: array(YEARS) of mpvar       ! Other annual investment
  capital: mpvar                      ! Total capital required

 initializations from 'h4retire.dat'

 forall(b in BONDS) RET(b):= VALUE(b)*RATE(b)/100

! Annual balances
 capital - sum(b in BONDS) VALUE(b)*buy(b) - invest(1) = DEM(1)

 forall(t in 2..NT)
  sum(b in BONDS | DUR(b)+1>=t) (RET(b)*buy(b) + 
                                 if(DUR(b)+1=t, VALUE(b)*buy(b), 0)) +
   (1+INTEREST/100)*invest(t-1) - if(t<NT, invest(t), 0) = DEM(t)

 forall(b in BONDS) buy(b) is_integer

! Solve the problem: minimize invested capital
! Solution printing
 writeln("Total capital: ", getobjval)
 writeln("Number of bonds to buy:")
 forall(b in BONDS) write(b, ": ", getsol(buy(b)), 
                          " (price: ", VALUE(b)*getsol(buy(b)), ") ")
 writeln("\nOther investment:") 
 forall(t in 1..NT-1) write("   year ", t)
 forall(t in 1..NT-1) write(strfmt(getsol(invest(t)),9,3))

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