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MIP start solutions and subtour elimination algorithm for the traveling salesman problem (TSP) Description This example shows how to construct and load solutions for the MIP branch-and-bound search. The model version f5touroptcbrandom.mos shows how to add subtour elimination constraints via solver callbacks during the MIP Branch-and-bound search.
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Data Files f5tour3.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file f5tour3.mos ```````````````` Tour planning - traveling salesman problem (TSP) (See "Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP", Section 9.6: Planning a flight tour) Combination with CP as start solution does not work with the iterative MIP algorithm in 'f5tour.mos', the MIP model used here therefore contains the complete problem definition. ALG 1+2: use CP with local-search style enumeration to generate a start solution for the MIP search For small instances (up to approx. 50 cities) pure MIP tends to beat the combined approach. Beyond approx. 120 cities the problem grows too large for the formulations used here. *** This model cannot be run with a Community Licence for the provided data instances *** (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Dec. 2007, rev. Nov. 2019 *******************************************************!) model "F-5 Tour planning (MIP + CP)" uses "mmxprs", "mmsystem", "kalis" parameters DATAFILE="Data/gr96.dat" ALG=2 ! 0: pure MIP (no start solution) ! 1: CP heuristic for initial solution ! 2: LP as initial solution end-parameters forward public procedure print_CP_sol forward procedure print_MIP_sol declarations starttime: real CITIES: range ! Set of cities end-declarations starttime:=gettime initializations from DATAFILE CITIES end-initializations finalize(CITIES) CITIES1:= CITIES-{min(i in CITIES) i} ! **** MIP model **** declarations NCITIES=getsize(CITIES) DIST: array(CITIES,CITIES) of integer ! Distance between cities NEXTC: array(CITIES) of integer ! Next city after i in the solution fly: array(CITIES,CITIES) of mpvar ! 1 if flight from i to j y: array(CITIES) of mpvar ! Variables for excluding subtours end-declarations initializations from DATAFILE DIST end-initializations ! Objective: total distance TotalDist:= sum(i,j in CITIES | i<>j) DIST(i,j)*fly(i,j) ! Visit every city once forall(i in CITIES) sum(j in CITIES | i<>j) fly(i,j) = 1 forall(j in CITIES) sum(i in CITIES | i<>j) fly(i,j) = 1 forall(i,j in CITIES | i<>j) fly(i,j) is_binary ! Exclude subtours forall(i in CITIES, j in CITIES1 | i<>j) y(j) >= y(i) + 1 - NCITIES * (1 - fly(i,j)) ! **** CP model **** setparam("KALIS_DEFAULT_LB", 0) setparam("KALIS_DEFAULT_UB", NCITIES-1) declarations D: array(CITIES) of integer ! Auxiliary array flyc: array(CITIES) of cpvar ! Successor of a city end-declarations MAXD:= sum(i in CITIES) max(j in CITIES) DIST(i,j) setparam("KALIS_DEFAULT_UB", MAXD) declarations totaldist: cpvar ! Total travel distance (objective) end-declarations MAXD:= max(i,j in CITIES) DIST(i,j) setparam("KALIS_DEFAULT_UB", MAXD) declarations dist: array(CITIES) of cpvar ! Distance to successor of city i fsol: array(CITIES) of integer ! CP solution values end-declarations ! Assign values to 'flyc' variables as to obtain a single cycle, ! 'totaldist' is the distance travelled cycle(flyc, totaldist, DIST) ! Element constraints, defining 'dist' variables used in search ! (redundant constraints) forall(i in CITIES) do forall(j in CITIES) D(j):= DIST(i,j) dist(i) = element(D, flyc(i)) end-do ! **** Solving: CP start solution **** declarations CORDER: array(1..NCITIES) of integer ! Ordered city indices dsol: array(CITIES) of real ! LP solution values allsol: array(mpvar) of real ! MIP start solution sdist: integer ! CP objective function value end-declarations cp_set_solution_callback("print_CP_sol") setparam("KALIS_MAX_COMPUTATION_TIME", 60) ! Find a first solution case ALG of 1: do ! Initial solution generated by CP: cp_set_branching(assign_var(KALIS_LARGEST_MAX, KALIS_MIN_TO_MAX, dist)) if not (cp_find_next_sol) then writeln("No initial solution found") cpsol:=false end-if forall(i in CITIES) settarget(flyc(i), getsol(flyc(i))) forall(i in CITIES) settarget(dist(i), getsol(dist(i))) forall(i in CITIES) fsol(i):=flyc(i).sol cpsol:=true sdist:= getsol(totaldist) cp_reset_search totaldist <= sdist - maxlist(sdist * 0.001,1) cp_set_branching(assign_var(KALIS_LARGEST_MAX, KALIS_NEAREST_VALUE, dist)) setparam("KALIS_MAX_COMPUTATION_TIME", 10) end-do 2: do ! Using LP results as target values for CP: minimize(XPRS_LIN,TotalDist) ! Solve the LP-relaxation forall(i in CITIES) do minj:=i; minv:=0.0 forall(j in CITIES | i<>j) if getsol(fly(i,j))>minv then minj:=j; minv:=getsol(fly(i,j)) end-if dsol(i):= minv settarget(flyc(i), minj) settarget(dist(i), round(sum(j in CITIES | i<>j) DIST(i,j)*getsol(fly(i,j))) ) end-do qsort(SYS_DOWN, dsol, CORDER) forall(i in CITIES) Strategy(i):= assign_var(KALIS_LARGEST_MAX, KALIS_NEAREST_VALUE, {dist(CORDER(i+1))}) cp_set_branching(Strategy) end-do end-case if ALG<>0 then ! Solve the CP problem: minimize total distance using nearest-neighbor search ! on distance variables cpstart:=gettime while (gettime-cpstart<5 and cp_find_next_sol) do cpsol:=true sdist:= getsol(totaldist) forall(i in CITIES) settarget(dist(i),getsol(dist(i))) forall(i in CITIES) fsol(i):=flyc(i).sol cp_reset_search totaldist <= sdist - maxlist(sdist * 0.001,1) setparam("KALIS_MAX_COMPUTATION_TIME", 10) end-do if cpsol then loadprob(TotalDist) ! Load best CP solution as MIP start sol. forall(i in CITIES) allsol(fly(i,fsol(i))):=1 res:=loadmipsol(allsol) else writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "s) No CP start solution found.") end-if end-if ! **** Solving: MIP **** setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE", true) setparam("XPRS_MIPLOG", -500) setparam("XPRS_GOMCUTS",0) setparam("XPRS_HEURSEARCHEFFORT", 2) ! Increased local search effort setparam("XPRS_HEURSEARCHROOTSELECT", 7) setparam("XPRS_HEURSEARCHTREESELECT", 3) if ALG<>0 then setparam("XPRS_MAXNODE", 1000) else setparam("XPRS_MAXNODE", 1500) end-if minimize(TotalDist) ! Solve the MIP problem if getparam("XPRS_MIPSOLS") > 0 then print_MIP_sol else writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "s) No MIP solutions.") end-if !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Print the current CP solution public procedure print_CP_sol declarations ALLCITIES: set of integer end-declarations writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "s) Total distance: ", getsol(totaldist)) ALLCITIES:={} forall(i in CITIES) do if(i not in ALLCITIES) then write(i) first:=i repeat ALLCITIES+={first} write(" - ", flyc(first).sol) first:= flyc(first).sol until first=i writeln end-if end-do end-procedure ! Print the current MIP solution procedure print_MIP_sol declarations ALLCITIES: set of integer end-declarations writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "s) Total distance: ", getobjval) forall(i in CITIES) forall(j in CITIES) if(getsol(fly(i,j))>0.99) then NEXTC(i):=j break end-if ALLCITIES:={} forall(i in CITIES) do if(i not in ALLCITIES) then write(i) first:=i repeat ALLCITIES+={first} write(" - ", NEXTC(first)) first:=NEXTC(first) until first=i writeln end-if end-do end-procedure end-model
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