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MIP start solutions and subtour elimination algorithm for the traveling salesman problem (TSP) Description This example shows how to construct and load solutions for the MIP branch-and-bound search. The model version f5touroptcbrandom.mos shows how to add subtour elimination constraints via solver callbacks during the MIP Branch-and-bound search.
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Data Files f5tourcbrandom.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file f5touroptcbrandom.mos `````````````````````````` Problem 9.6: Planning a flight tour (using randomly generated data with integer indices) - Creatig and loading heuristic start solutions - - Using preintsol callback to add subtour elimination constraints - (c) 2015 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Nov. 2015, rev. Feb. 2024 *******************************************************!) model "F-5 Tour planning (nodecb)" uses "mmxprs", "mmsystem" parameters NUM=40 TOL=10E-10 EXTRA_OUTPUT = false ! Whether to print information about solutions checked and cuts created end-parameters forward procedure print_sol forward procedure check_sol forward procedure two_opt forward procedure create_initial_tour(Tour : array(set of mpvar) of real) forward procedure create_initial_tour2(Tour : array(set of mpvar) of real) forward procedure cb_preintsol(isheur : boolean, cutoff : real) declarations starttime: real CITIES = 1..NUM ! Set of cities X,Y: array(CITIES) of real end-declarations starttime:=gettime setrandseed(3) forall(i in CITIES) X(i):=100*random forall(i in CITIES) Y(i):=100*random declarations NCITIES=getsize(CITIES) DIST: array(CITIES,CITIES) of integer ! Distance between cities NEXTC: array(CITIES) of integer ! Next city after i in the solution fly: array(CITIES,CITIES) of mpvar ! 1 if flight from i to j InitTour, InitTour2 : array(set of mpvar) of real MipSolutions : integer end-declarations forall(i,j in CITIES | i<>j) DIST(i,j):=round(sqrt((X(i)-X(j))^2 + (Y(i)-Y(j))^2)) ! Objective: total distance TotalDist:= sum(i,j in CITIES | i<>j) DIST(i,j)*fly(i,j) ! Visit every city once forall(i in CITIES) sum(j in CITIES | i<>j) fly(i,j) = 1 forall(j in CITIES) sum(i in CITIES | i<>j) fly(i,j) = 1 forall(i,j in CITIES | i<>j) fly(i,j) is_binary ! Set a callback to check heuristic solutions and create subtour elimination ! constraints for integer solutions setcallback(XPRS_CB_PREINTSOL, ->cb_preintsol) ! Set a callback to display intermediate solutions if EXTRA_OUTPUT: setcallback(XPRS_CB_INTSOL, ->print_sol) ! Prevent dominance or symmetry reductions by the Optimizer: ! Since the optimizer does not see the whole model (subtour elimination ! constraints are only generated on the fly), dual reductions may cut off ! the optimal solution. setparam("XPRS_MIPDUALREDUCTIONS", 0) ! Set some additional tuning/output controls for the solve. setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE", true) ! Enable Optimizer output ! Create an initial tour as a starting solution create_initial_tour(InitTour) create_initial_tour2(InitTour2) ! Start the solve of the problem and stop after the initial LP solution... minimize(XPRS_LPSTOP, TotalDist) ! ... load our initial tours ... addmipsol("InitTour", InitTour) addmipsol("InitTour2", InitTour2) ! ... and continue. minimize(XPRS_CONT, TotalDist) MipSolutions := getparam("XPRS_MIPSOLS") if (MipSolutions > 0) then print_sol end-if !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Create an initial tour as a starting solution for the MIP search. ! We simply visit every city in sequence. procedure create_initial_tour(Tour : array(set of mpvar) of real) forall(i,j in CITIES | i<>j) Tour(fly(i,j)) := 0 forall(i in CITIES | i>1) Tour(fly(i-1,i)) := 1 Tour(fly(NCITIES,1)) := 1 end-procedure ! This start solution first uses a greedy algorithm (nearest neighbour), ! followed by a 2-opt step to find possible local improvements procedure create_initial_tour2(Tour : array(set of mpvar) of real) declarations ToVisit,Visited:set of integer first,lasti,nexti: integer end-declarations forall(i,j in CITIES | i<>j) Tour(fly(i,j)) := 0 ToVisit:=CITIES first:=min(i in CITIES) i ToVisit-={first}; Visited+={first} lasti:=first while (ToVisit<>{}) do nexti:=getelt(ToVisit) forall(i in ToVisit) if DIST(lasti,i)<DIST(lasti,nexti) then nexti:=i end-if NEXTC(lasti):=nexti ToVisit-={nexti}; Visited+={nexti} lasti:=nexti end-do NEXTC(lasti):=first ! writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "s) Total distance 2a: ", sum(i in 1..NCITIES) DIST(i, NEXTC(i))) print_sol two_opt print_sol ! writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "s) Total distance 2b: ", sum(i in 1..NCITIES) DIST(i, NEXTC(i))) forall(i in CITIES) Tour(fly(i,NEXTC(i))) := 1 end-procedure !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Callback function triggered when the Optimizer has a new integer ! solution ! ! We use this function to reject any heuristic solutions that ! contain subtours. If 'isheur' is true then this is done by calling ! 'rejectintsol'. If 'isheur' is false then the solution came from ! an integral node. In this case we add at least one violated subtour ! elimination constraint. procedure cb_preintsol(isheur : boolean, cutoff : real) declarations iCity: integer nCitiesVisited,toursize: integer SUBTOUR: set of integer VISITEDCITIES: set of integer ncut:integer CutRange: range ! Counter for cuts cut: array(CutRange) of linctr ! Cuts cutid: array(CutRange) of integer ! Cut type identification type: array(CutRange) of integer ! Cut constraint type end-declarations ! Get the tour(s) forall(i in CITIES) forall(j in CITIES) if(getsol(fly(i,j))>=1-TOL) then NEXTC(i):=j break end-if ! Verify that we have a complete tour nCitiesVisited := 1; iCity := 1 while (NEXTC(iCity) <> 1) do iCity := NEXTC(iCity) nCitiesVisited += 1 end-do if nCitiesVisited < NCITIES then ! The tour given by the current solution does not pass through ! all the nodes and is thus infeasible. if isheur then ! Reject infeasible heuristic solution if EXTRA_OUTPUT: writeln("Rejected heuristic solution (has a ", nCitiesVisited, " city subtour)") rejectintsol else ! Create sub-tour elimination constraints VISITEDCITIES := {} forall (iFirstCity in CITIES) if not iFirstCity in VISITEDCITIES then SUBTOUR := {} iCity := iFirstCity while (iCity not in SUBTOUR) do SUBTOUR += {iCity} iCity := NEXTC(iCity) end-do ! Create the sub-tour elimination constraints as cut(s) toursize:=SUBTOUR.size if toursize < NCITIES then ! Exclude the subtour (at most toursize-1 of its legs can be used) cutid(ncut):= 0 type(ncut):= CT_LEQ cut(ncut):= sum(i in SUBTOUR) fly(i,NEXTC(i)) - (toursize - 1) ncut+=1 if EXTRA_OUTPUT: writeln("Cut ", ncut, ": ", SUBTOUR) ! Optional: Also exclude the inverse subtour cutid(ncut):= 0 type(ncut):= CT_LEQ cut(ncut):= sum(i in SUBTOUR) fly(NEXTC(i),i) - (toursize - 1) ncut+=1!) ! Optional: Add a stronger subtour elimination cut cutid(ncut):= 0 type(ncut):= CT_GEQ cut(ncut) := sum(i in SUBTOUR, j in (CITIES)-SUBTOUR) fly(i,j) - 1 ncut+=1 end-if VISITEDCITIES += SUBTOUR end-if ! Add cuts to the problem if ncut>0 then addcuts(cutid, type, cut) num_cuts_added+=ncut if (getparam("XPRS_VERBOSE")=true and EXTRA_OUTPUT) then node:=getparam("XPRS_NODES") depth:=getparam("XPRS_NODEDEPTH") writeln("Cuts added : ", ncut, " (depth ", depth, ", node ", node, ", obj. ", getparam("XPRS_LPOBJVAL"), ") count=", num_cuts_added) end-if end-if end-if end-if end-procedure !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Print the current solution procedure print_sol declarations ALLCITIES: set of integer CalcDistance: real end-declarations ! Get the final tour forall(i in CITIES) forall(j in CITIES) if(getsol(fly(i,j))>=1-TOL) then NEXTC(i):=j break end-if ! Recalculate the length of the tour CalcDistance := sum(i in 1..NCITIES) DIST(i, NEXTC(i)) writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "s) Total distance: ", CalcDistance) ALLCITIES:={} forall(i in CITIES) do if(i not in ALLCITIES) then write(i) first:=i repeat ALLCITIES+={first} write(" - ", NEXTC(first)) first:=NEXTC(first) until first=i writeln end-if end-do end-procedure !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check whether the current solution is a single tour and if yes, print it procedure check_sol declarations ALLCITIES: set of integer ntour: integer TOURLIST: array(TR:range) of list of integer TOL=10E-5 end-declarations ! Get the successor solution value of every city forall(i in CITIES) forall(j in CITIES | getsol(fly(i,j))>=1-TOL) do NEXTC(i):=j break end-do ! Calculate tour(s) ALLCITIES:={} forall(i in CITIES) do if(i not in ALLCITIES) then ntour+=1 TOURLIST(ntour)+=[i] first:=i repeat ALLCITIES+={first} TOURLIST(ntour)+=[NEXTC(first)] first:=NEXTC(first) until first=i end-if end-do ! Print tour output if TR.size>1 then writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "s) ", TR.size, " subtours: ", getobjval) else writeln("(", gettime-starttime, "s) Total distance: ", getobjval) forall(t in TR) do write(gethead(TOURLIST(t),1)) cuthead(TOURLIST(t),1) forall(i in TOURLIST(t)) write(" - ", i) writeln end-do end-if end-procedure !----------------------------------------------------------------- ! 2-opt algorithm: for all pairs of arcs in a tour, try out the effect ! of exchanging the arcs procedure two_opt declarations NCtemp: array(CITIES) of integer secondN,AInd: integer ADist: real end-declarations if getsize(CITIES)>3 then forall(n in CITIES) do secondN:=NEXTC(n) ADist:=DIST(n,NEXTC(n))+DIST(secondN,NEXTC(secondN)) AInd:=secondN repeat if DIST(n,NEXTC(n))+DIST(secondN,NEXTC(secondN)) > DIST(n,secondN)+DIST(NEXTC(n),NEXTC(secondN)) and ADist > DIST(n,secondN)+DIST(NEXTC(n),NEXTC(secondN)) then ADist:=DIST(n,secondN)+DIST(NEXTC(n),NEXTC(secondN)) AInd:=secondN end-if secondN:=NEXTC(secondN) until secondN=n if AInd<>NEXTC(n) then writeln("2-opt crossover: ", n, "-", NEXTC(n), " and ", AInd, "-", NEXTC(AInd), " Dist: ", ADist, "<", DIST(n,NEXTC(n))+DIST(NEXTC(n),NEXTC(NEXTC(n)))) forall(m in CITIES) NCtemp(m):=-1 i:=NEXTC(n) nextI:=NEXTC(i) repeat NCtemp(nextI):=i i:=nextI nextI:=NEXTC(i) until i=AInd ! Exchange the two arcs NEXTC(NEXTC(n)):=NEXTC(AInd) NEXTC(n):=AInd ! Inverse the sense of the tour between NEXTC(n) and AInd forall(m in CITIES | NCtemp(m)<>-1) NEXTC(m):=NCtemp(m) end-if end-do end-if end-procedure end-model
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