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Output formatting for a transportation model

  • small LP problem
  • generate a nice printed output
  • using dynamic arrays for representing sparse data structures
  • reading several data arrays from a single data file
Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel User Guide', Section 3.2 A transport example and Section 10.1 Producing formatted output.

The section 'Traditional embedding: solving multiple scenarios' of the Xpress Whitepaper 'Embedding Optimization Algorithms' describes how to embed a similar transportation model into an application.

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel User Guide Example Problems

   file transport_graph.mos
   Graphical solution output with mmsvg.
   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S.Heipcke, 2006, rev. Sep. 2017

model "Transport (Graph)"
 uses "mmxprs", "mmsvg"

 forward procedure draw_solution

  REGION: set of string                 ! Set of customer regions
  PLANT: set of string                  ! Set of plants

  DEMAND: array(REGION) of real         ! Demand at regions
  PLANTCAP: array(PLANT) of real        ! Production capacity at plants
  PLANTCOST: array(PLANT) of real       ! Unit production cost at plants
  TRANSCAP: dynamic array(PLANT,REGION) of real
                                        ! Capacity on each route plant->region
  DISTANCE: dynamic array(PLANT,REGION) of real
                                        ! Distance of each route plant->region
  FUELCOST: real                        ! Fuel cost per unit distance

  flow: dynamic array(PLANT,REGION) of mpvar    ! Flow on each route
 initializations from 'transprt.dat'
! Create the flow variables that exist
 forall(p in PLANT, r in REGION | exists(TRANSCAP(p,r)) ) create(flow(p,r))
! Objective: minimize total cost
 MinCost:= sum(p in PLANT, r in REGION | exists(flow(p,r))) 
            (FUELCOST * DISTANCE(p,r) + PLANTCOST(p)) * flow(p,r)
! Limits on plant capacity
 forall(p in PLANT) sum(r in REGION) flow(p,r) <= PLANTCAP(p)

! Satisfy all demands
 forall(r in REGION) sum(p in PLANT) flow(p,r) = DEMAND(r)
! Bounds on flows
 forall(p in PLANT, r in REGION | exists(flow(p,r))) 
  flow(p,r) <= TRANSCAP(p,r)
 minimize(MinCost)                       ! Solve the problem

 draw_solution                           ! Solution drawing (SVG)

 procedure draw_solution
   YP: array(PLANT) of integer           ! y-coordinates of plants
   YR: array(REGION) of integer          ! y-coordinates of sales regions
  ! Scale the size of the displayed graph

  ! Determine y-coordinates for plants and regions
  ct:= 1+floor((getsize(REGION)-getsize(PLANT))/2)
  forall(p in PLANT, ct as counter) YP(p):= ct

  forall(r in REGION, ct as counter) YR(r):= ct
  ! Draw the plants
  svgaddgroup("PGr", "Plants", svgcolor(0,63,95))
  forall(p in PLANT) svgaddtext(0.55, YP(p)-0.1, p)
  ! Draw the sales regions
  svgaddgroup("RGr", "Regions", svgcolor(0,157,169))
  forall(r in REGION) svgaddtext(3.1, YR(r)-0.1, r)
  ! Draw all transport routes
  svgaddgroup("TGr", "Routes", SVG_GREY)
  forall(p in PLANT, r in REGION | exists(TRANSCAP(p,r)) ) 
   svgaddline(1, YP(p), 3, YR(r))
  ! Draw the routes used by the solution
  svgaddgroup("SGr", "Solution", SVG_ORANGE)
  forall(p in PLANT, r in REGION | exists(flow(p,r)) and getsol(flow(p,r)) > 0)
   svgaddarrow(1, YP(p), 3, YR(r))

  ! Save graphic in SVG format

  ! Display the graphic
  svgwaitclose("Close browser window to terminate model execution.", 1)


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