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Output formatting for a transportation model Description
The section 'Traditional embedding: solving multiple scenarios' of the Xpress Whitepaper 'Embedding Optimization Algorithms' describes how to embed a similar transportation model into an application.
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transportressum.vdl <vdl version="5"> <!-- 'vdl' and 'vdl-page' must always be present --> <vdl-page> <!-- Structural element 'section': print header text for a section --> <vdl-section heading="Comparison of scenario results"> <vdl-row> <vdl-column> <p><span vdl-text="Viewing "></span><span vdl-text="=scenarios.length"></span><span vdl-text=" scenario(s)."></span></p> </vdl-column> </vdl-row> <vdl-row> <!-- Display the objective value --> <vdl-column heading="Total Cost"> <table class="insight-table table-main table-condensed"> <thead> <tr> <th vdl-repeat="=s in scenarios" vdl-text="=s.props.name"></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td vdl-repeat="=s in scenarios" vdl-text="=insight.Formatter.formatNumber(s.entities.MincostSol.value, '#,###.00')"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </vdl-column> </vdl-row> <vdl-row> <!-- Display 'flow' solution values using the default table format, enabling pagewise display with 10 entries per page --> <vdl-column size="12" heading="Quantities transported"> <vdl-table page-mode="paged" page-size="10"> <vdl-table-column entity="flow" heading="=s.props.name" vdl-repeat="=s,i in scenarios" scenario="=i"></vdl-table-column> </vdl-table> </vdl-column> </vdl-row> </vdl-section> </vdl-page> </vdl> | |||||||||||||
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