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Output formatting for a transportation model Description
The section 'Traditional embedding: solving multiple scenarios' of the Xpress Whitepaper 'Embedding Optimization Algorithms' describes how to embed a similar transportation model into an application.
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transportcustsel.vdl <vdl version="5"> <!-- Implementation of a table row filter --> <script> function filterRow(rowData, idx, current, Select) { // Plant === CURRENTPLANT && SELCUST for selecting the customers return (rowData[0] === current.value) && Select(rowData[1]).value; } </script> <vdl-page> <!-- 'vdl' and 'vdl-page' tags must always be present --> <!-- Structural element 'section': print header text for a section --> <vdl-section heading="Customer selection"> <vdl-row> <vdl-column size="12"> <vdl-row> <vdl-column><span vdl-text="Example of interaction between VDL elements: selecting customers and plant locations for display of input and result data in a filtered table."></span></vdl-column> </vdl-row> <vdl-row> <!-- Display the input values as a table for indices selected upfront. --> <!-- Several columns within a 'row' for display side-by-side, dividing up the total row width of 12 via 'size' setting on each column. --> <vdl-column size="4" heading="Customer selection"> <vdl-table> <vdl-table-column entity="SELCUST" editable="true"></vdl-table-column> </vdl-table> </vdl-column> <vdl-column size="8" heading="Data and results for selected customers"> <vdl-form> <vdl-field label="Plants" entity="CURRENTPLANT" options-set="PLANT"></vdl-field> </vdl-form> <vdl-table row-filter="=function(rowData, idx) {return filterRow(rowData, idx, scenario.entities.CURRENTPLANT, scenario.entities.SELCUST)}"> <vdl-table-column entity="TRANSCAP"></vdl-table-column> <vdl-table-column entity="DISTANCE"></vdl-table-column> <vdl-table-column entity="flow"></vdl-table-column> </vdl-table> </vdl-column> </vdl-row> </vdl-column> </vdl-row> </vdl-section> </vdl-page> </vdl> | |||||||||||||
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