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Puzzles and pastimes from the book `Programmation Lineaire'

The following models implement solutions to the puzzles published in the book `Programmation Lineaire' by C. Gueret, C. Prins, and M. Sevaux (Eyrolles 2000, in French). Each problem is implemented as a MIP and as a CP model.

Problem nameDifficulty
K‑1 Playing Mastermind **
K‑2 Marathon puzzle *
K‑3 Congress puzzle *
K‑4 Placing chips *
K‑5 Nephew puzzle **
K‑6 N-queens problem *

These models show how to formulate different logical constraints using binary variables (MIP models) or logical constraint relations and global constraints (CP models).[download all files]

Source Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file k2marath.mos
   Marathon puzzle
   Dominique, Ignace, Naren, Olivier, Philippe, and Pascal
   have arrived as the first six at the Paris marathon.
   Reconstruct their arrival order from the following
   a) Olivier has not arrived last
   b) Dominique, Pascal and Ignace have arrived before Naren 
      and Olivier
   c) Dominique who was third last year has improved this year.
   d) Philippe is among the first four.
   e) Ignace has arrived neither in second nor third position.
   f) Pascal has beaten Naren by three positions.
   g) Neither Ignace nor Dominique are on the fourth position.
   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002

model "K-2 Marathon"
 uses "mmxprs"

  POS = 1..6                          ! Arrival positions
  RUNNERS = {"Dominique","Ignace","Naren","Olivier","Philippe","Pascal"}
  arrive: array(RUNNERS,POS) of mpvar ! 1 if runner is p-th, 0 otherwise

! One runner per position
 forall(p in POS) sum(r in RUNNERS) arrive(r,p) = 1 
! One position per runner
 forall(r in RUNNERS) sum(p in POS) arrive(r,p) = 1 
! a: Olivier not last
 arrive("Olivier",6) = 0

! b: Dominique, Pascal and Ignace before Naren and Olivier
 sum(p in 5..6) (arrive("Dominique",p)+arrive("Pascal",p)+arrive("Ignace",p)) =
 sum(p in 1..3) (arrive("Naren",p)+arrive("Olivier",p)) = 0
! c: Dominique better than third
 arrive("Dominique",1)+arrive("Dominique",2) = 1
! d: Philippe is among the first four
 sum(p in 1..4) arrive("Philippe",p) = 1

! e: Ignace neither second nor third
 arrive("Ignace",2)+arrive("Ignace",3) = 0

! f: Pascal three places earlier than Naren
 sum(p in 4..6) arrive("Pascal",p) = 0
 sum(p in 1..3) arrive("Naren",p) = 0

! g: Neither Ignace nor Dominique on fourth position
 arrive("Ignace",4)+arrive("Dominique",4) = 0
 forall(p in POS, r in RUNNERS) arrive(r,p) is_binary
! Solve the problem: no objective

! Solution printing
 forall(r in RUNNERS) writeln(r,": ", getsol(sum(p in POS)p*arrive(r,p)) )


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