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Cut generation for an economic lot-sizing (ELS) problem

This model implements various forms of cut-and-branch and branch-and-cut algorithms. In its simplest form (looping over LP solving) it illustrates the following features:
  • adding new constraints and resolving the LP-problem (cut-and-branch)
  • basis in- and output
  • if statement
  • repeat-until statement
  • procedure
The model els.mos also implements a configurable cutting plane algorithm:
  • defining the cut manager node callback function,
  • defining and adding cuts during the MIP search (branch-and-cut), and
  • using run-time parameters to configure the solution algorithm.
The version elsglobal.mos shows how to implement global cuts. And the model version elscb.mos defines additional callbacks for extended logging and user stopping criteria based on the MIP gap.

Another implementation (main model: runels.mos, submodel: elsp.mos) parallelizes the execution of several model instances, showing the following features:
  • parallel execution of submodels
  • communication between different models (for bound updates on the objective function)
  • sending and receiving events
  • stopping submodels
The fourth implementation (main model: runelsd.mos, submodel: elsd.mos) is an extension of the parallel version in which the solve of each submodels are distributed to various computing nodes.

Further explanation of this example: elscb.mos, elsglobal.mos, runels.mos: Xpress Whitepaper 'Multiple models and parallel solving with Mosel', Section 'Solving several model instances in parallel'.

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file elscb.mos
   Economic lot sizing, ELS, problem

   Basic version with large data set and logging callbacks.

   Economic lot sizing (ELS) considers production planning 
   over a given planning horizon. In every period, there is 
   a given demand for every product that must be satisfied by 
   the production in this period and by inventory carried over 
   from previous periods.
   A set-up cost is associated with production in a period, 
   and the total production capacity per period is limited. 
   The unit production cost per product and time period is 
   given. There is no inventory or stock-holding cost.
   - Using the GAPNOTIFY and CHECKTIME callbacks -    
   (c) 2012 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Sep. 2012, rev. Sep. 2022

model "ELS with logging callbacks"
 uses "mmxprs","mmsystem"

  DATAFILE = "els4.dat"
  T = 60
  P = 4

 forward function cb_node: boolean 
 forward procedure cb_intsol
 forward procedure cb_gapnotify(rt,at,aot,abt:real)
 forward function cb_checktime: boolean 

  TIMES = 1..T                               ! Range of time
  PRODUCTS = 1..P                            ! Set of products

  DEMAND: array(PRODUCTS,TIMES) of integer   ! Demand per period
  SETUPCOST: array(TIMES) of integer         ! Setup cost per period
  PRODCOST: array(PRODUCTS,TIMES) of integer ! Production cost per period
  CAP: array(TIMES) of integer               ! Production capacity per period
  D: array(PRODUCTS,TIMES,TIMES) of integer  ! Total demand in periods t1 - t2

  produce: array(PRODUCTS,TIMES) of mpvar    ! Production in period t
  setup: array(PRODUCTS,TIMES) of mpvar      ! Setup in period t

  starttime, logtime, objval, mipgap: real   ! Scalars used for logging info
  ctchecks, ctnode: integer                  ! Counters used in callbacks

 initializations from DATAFILE

 forall(p in PRODUCTS,s,t in TIMES) D(p,s,t):= sum(k in s..t) DEMAND(p,k)

! Objective: minimize total cost
 MinCost:= sum(t in TIMES) (SETUPCOST(t) * sum(p in PRODUCTS) setup(p,t) + 
                            sum(p in PRODUCTS) PRODCOST(p,t) * produce(p,t) )

! Satisfy the total demand
 forall(p in PRODUCTS,t in TIMES) 
   Dem(p,t):= sum(s in 1..t) produce(p,s) >= sum (s in 1..t) DEMAND(p,s)

! If there is production during t then there is a setup in t
 forall(p in PRODUCTS, t in TIMES) 
  ProdSetup(p,t):= produce(p,t) <= D(p,t,getlast(TIMES)) * setup(p,t)

! Capacity limits
 forall(t in TIMES) Capacity(t):= sum(p in PRODUCTS) produce(p,t) <= CAP(t)

! Variables setup are 0/1
 forall(p in PRODUCTS, t in TIMES) setup(p,t) is_binary 

! Uncomment to get detailed MIP output
! setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE", true)
! All cost data are integer, we therefore only need to search for integer
! solutions
 setparam("XPRS_MIPADDCUTOFF", -0.999)

!**** Setting callbacks for logging
 setcallback(XPRS_CB_INTSOL, ->cb_intsol)
(! The INTSOL callback implements the stopping criterion
   'Stop if model runs for more than 60sec and new solution is just slightly 
   A simpler version, namely 'Stop MIP search after n seconds without a new 
   incumbent' can be obtained by setting the control MAXSTALLTIME:
 setparam("XPRS_MAXSTALLTIME", 60)
 setcallback(XPRS_CB_PRENODE, ->cb_node) 
 mipgap:= 0.10
 setparam("XPRS_MIPRELGAPNOTIFY", mipgap)
 setcallback(XPRS_CB_GAPNOTIFY, ->cb_gapnotify)  
! Invoke the CHECKTIME callback once every 3 seconds only:
 setcallback(XPRS_CB_CHECKTIME, ->cb_checktime)


 minimize(MinCost)                    ! Solve the problem
 writeln("Time: ", gettime-starttime, "sec,  Nodes: ", getparam("XPRS_NODES"),
         ",  Solution: ", getobjval) 
 write("Period  setup    ")
 forall(p in PRODUCTS) write(strfmt(p,-7))
 forall(t in TIMES) do
  write("\n ", strfmt(t,2), strfmt(getsol(sum(p in PRODUCTS) setup(p,t)),8), "     ")
  forall(p in PRODUCTS) write(getsol(produce(p,t)), " (",DEMAND(p,t),")  ")


!@doc.descr Function called at every B&B node
! Return value 'true' marks node as infeasible
 function cb_node: boolean 
   if timeNow-logtime>=5 then
     bbound:= getparam("XPRS_BESTBOUND")
     actnodes:= getparam("XPRS_ACTIVENODES")
     writeln(timeNow-starttime, "sec. Best bound:", bbound, "  best sol.:",
                text(objval), text(" - ")), 
             "  active nodes: ", actnodes)
   returned:= false 

!@doc.descr Store and display new solution
 procedure cb_intsol
   objval:= getparam("XPRS_LPOBJVAL")   ! Retrieve current objective value
    writeln(gettime-starttime, "sec. New solution: ", objval)
   ! If model runs for more than 60sec and new solution is just slightly
   ! better, then interrupt search
   if gettime-starttime>60 and abs(lastobjval-objval)<=5 then 
     writeln("Stopping search (insufficient improvement after time limit)")

!@doc.descr Notify about gap changes
(! With the setting XPRS_MIPRELGAPNOTIFY=0.10 this routine will be 
  called first when gap reaches 10%. We then reset the target, so that it 
  gets called once more at a 2% smaller gap
 procedure cb_gapnotify(rt,at,aot,abt:real)
   writeln(gettime-starttime, "sec. Reached ", 100*mipgap, "% gap.")
   mipobj:= getparam("XPRS_MIPOBJVAL")
   bbound:= getparam("XPRS_BESTBOUND")
   relgap:= abs( (mipobj-bbound)/mipobj )
   if relgap<=0.1 then
     ! Call "setgndata" to return new target value to the Optimizer
     setgndata(XPRS_GN_RELTARGET, mipgap)
   if relgap<=0.02 then
     setgndata(XPRS_GN_RELTARGET, -1)  ! Don't call gapnotify callback any more

!@doc.descr Notify about time limit checks within the solver
(! Return value 'true' will stop the solver (this will be the case 
  when Mosel measures 20 seconds elapsed time).
 function cb_checktime: boolean
   tcompl:= getparam("XPRS_TREECOMPLETION")*100
   writeln(gettime-starttime, "sec. Checking time limit (", ctchecks, 
     " total checks), nodes: ", cnode, ". Est. tree completion ", tcompl, "%")
   if gettime-starttime > 20 then
     writeln("**** Stopping search from checktime")


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