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Coco - A full production planning example

The Coco productional planning problem: multi-item, multi-period, multi-site production planning. A sequence of model versions show how the model was developed, to (a) use more sophisticated modeling features and (b) to extend the model, taking it from a simple linear model to one with fixed prices and logical decisions.
  1. xbcoco1: initial formulation, data, variables and constraints fixed
  2. xbcoco2: use parameters, data tables and subscripted variables.

    read data tables in from text data files (short-term planning).
  3. xbcoco3: like xbcoco2.c, but several time periods (mid-term planning).
  4. xbcoco : complete problem, data defined in the model definition (long-term planning).[download all files]

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Data Files

 * Xpress-BCL Java Example Problems
 * ================================
 * file
 * `````````````````
 * Coco Problem Phase 3.
 * Introduce time periods and inventory.
 * (c) 2008-2024 Fair Isaac Corporation
 * author: S.Heipcke, Jan. 2000, rev. Mar. 2011

import com.dashoptimization.*;

public class xbcoco3 {
  static final int NP = 2; /* Number of products (p) */
  static final int NF = 2; /*           factories (f) */
  static final int NR = 2; /*           raw materials (r) */
  static final int NT = 4; /*           time periods (t) */

  static final String REVFILE = System.getProperty("XPRBDATA") + "/coco/revt.dat";
  static final String CMAKEFILE = System.getProperty("XPRBDATA") + "/coco/cmake.dat";
  static final String CBUYFILE = System.getProperty("XPRBDATA") + "/coco/cbuyt.dat";
  static final String REQFILE = System.getProperty("XPRBDATA") + "/coco/req.dat";
  static final String MXSELLFILE = System.getProperty("XPRBDATA") + "/coco/maxsellt.dat";
  static final String MXMAKEFILE = System.getProperty("XPRBDATA") + "/coco/mxmake.dat";
  static final String PSTOCK0FILE = System.getProperty("XPRBDATA") + "/coco/pstock0.dat";
  static final String RSTOCK0FILE = System.getProperty("XPRBDATA") + "/coco/rstock0.dat";

  static double[][] REV; /* Unit selling price of product p in period t */

  static double[][] CMAK; /* Unit cost to make product p at factory f */
  static double[][] CBUY; /* Unit cost to buy raw material r in period t */
  static double[][] REQ; /* Requirement by unit of prod. p for raw mat. r */
  static double[][] MXSELL; /* Max. amount of p that can be sold in period t */
  static double[] MXMAKE; /* Max. amount factory f can make over all prod.s */
  static double[][] PSTOCK0; /* Initial product p stock level at factory f */
  static double[][] RSTOCK0; /* Initial raw material r stock level at factory f*/

  static final double CPSTOCK = 2.0; /* Unit cost to store any product p */

  static final double CRSTOCK = 1.0; /* Unit cost to store any raw mat. r */
  static final double MXRSTOCK = 300; /* Max. amount of r that can be stored
                                            each f and t */


  static void modCoco3() {
    try (XPRBprob pb = new XPRBprob("Coco3"); /* Initialize BCL and create a new problem */
        XPRBexprContext context =
            new XPRBexprContext() /* Release XPRBexpr instances at end of block. */) {
      XPRBvar[][][] make, sell, pstock, buy, rstock;
      XPRBexpr lobj, lc;
      int p, f, r, t;

      make = new XPRBvar[NP][NF][NT];
      sell = new XPRBvar[NP][NF][NT];
      pstock = new XPRBvar[NP][NF][NT + 1];
      buy = new XPRBvar[NR][NF][NT];
      rstock = new XPRBvar[NR][NF][NT + 1];
      for (p = 0; p < NP; p++)
        for (f = 0; f < NF; f++) {
          for (t = 0; t < NT; t++) {
            make[p][f][t] = pb.newVar("make_p" + (p + 1) + "_f" + (f + 1));
            /* Amount of prod. p to make at factory f in period t */
            sell[p][f][t] = pb.newVar("sell_p" + (p + 1) + "_f" + (f + 1));
            /* Amount of prod. p sold from factory f in period t */
          for (t = 0; t < NT + 1; t++)
            pstock[p][f][t] = pb.newVar("pstock_p" + (p + 1) + "_f" + (f + 1));
          /* Stock level of prod. p at factory f at start of period t */
      for (r = 0; r < NR; r++)
        for (f = 0; f < NF; f++) {
          for (t = 0; t < NT; t++) buy[r][f][t] = pb.newVar("buy_r" + (r + 1) + "_f" + (f + 1));
          /* Amount of raw material r bought for factory f in period t */
          for (t = 0; t < NT + 1; t++)
            rstock[r][f][t] = pb.newVar("rstock_r" + (r + 1) + "_f" + (f + 1));
          /* Stock level of raw mat. r at factory f at start of per. t */

      lobj = new XPRBexpr();
      for (f = 0; f < NF; f++) {
          /* Objective: maximize total profit */
        for (p = 0; p < NP; p++) {
          for (t = 0; t < NT; t++)
          for (t = 1; t < NT + 1; t++) lobj.add(pstock[p][f][t].mul(-CPSTOCK));
        for (r = 0; r < NR; r++) {
          for (t = 0; t < NT; t++) lobj.add(buy[r][f][t].mul(-CBUY[r][t]));
          for (t = 1; t < NT + 1; t++) lobj.add(rstock[r][f][t].mul(-CRSTOCK));
      pb.setObj(lobj); /* Set objective function */

      for (p = 0; p < NP; p++) /* Product stock balance */
        for (f = 0; f < NF; f++)
          for (t = 0; t < NT; t++)
                pstock[p][f][t].add(make[p][f][t]).eql(sell[p][f][t].add(pstock[p][f][t + 1])));

      for (r = 0; r < NR; r++) /* Raw material stock balance */
        for (f = 0; f < NF; f++)
          for (t = 0; t < NT; t++) {
            lc = new XPRBexpr();
            for (p = 0; p < NP; p++) lc.add(make[p][f][t].mul(REQ[p][r]));
            pb.newCtr("RBal", rstock[r][f][t].add(buy[r][f][t]).eql(lc.add(rstock[r][f][t + 1])));

      for (p = 0; p < NP; p++)
        for (t = 0; t < NT; t++) {
            /* Limit on the amount of product p to be sold */
          lc = new XPRBexpr();
          for (f = 0; f < NF; f++) lc.add(sell[p][f][t]);
          pb.newCtr("MxSell", lc.lEql(MXSELL[p][t]));

      for (f = 0; f < NF; f++)
        for (t = 0; t < NT; t++) {
            /* Capacity limit at factory f */
          lc = new XPRBexpr();
          for (p = 0; p < NP; p++) lc.add(make[p][f][t]);
          pb.newCtr("MxMake", lc.lEql(MXMAKE[f]));

      for (f = 0; f < NF; f++)
        for (t = 1; t < NT + 1; t++) {
            /* Raw material stock limit */
          lc = new XPRBexpr();
          for (r = 0; r < NR; r++) lc.add(rstock[r][f][t]);
          pb.newCtr("MxRStock", lc.lEql(MXRSTOCK));

      for (p = 0; p < NP; p++)
        for (f = 0; f < NF; f++) pstock[p][f][0].fix(PSTOCK0[p][f]); /* Initial product levels */

      for (r = 0; r < NR; r++)
        for (f = 0; f < NF; f++) rstock[r][f][0].fix(RSTOCK0[r][f]); /* Initial raw mat. levels */

      /****SOLVING + OUTPUT****/
      pb.setSense(XPRB.MAXIM); /* Choose the sense of the optimization */
      pb.lpOptimize(""); /* Solve the LP-problem */
      System.out.println("Objective: " + pb.getObjVal()); /* Get objective value */

      /* Uncomment to print out the solution values */
      /* for(p=0;p<NP;p++)
         for(f=0;f<NF;f++) {
         System.out.print(make[p][f][t].getName() + ":" + make[p][f][t].getSol()
         + " " + sell[p][f][t].getName() +":" + sell[p][f][t].getSol());
         System.out.print(pstock[p][f][t].getName() +":" + pstock[p][f][t].getSol() + " ");

         for(f=0;f<NF;f++) {
         System.out.print(buy[r][f][t].getName() +":" + buy[r][f][t].getSol()
         + " ");
         System.out.print(rstock[r][f][t].getName() +":" + rstock[r][f][t].getSol()
         + " ");


  /**** Initialize the stream tokenizer ****/
  static StreamTokenizer initST(FileReader file) {
    StreamTokenizer st = null;

    st = new StreamTokenizer(file); /* Initialize the stream tokenizer */
    st.commentChar('!'); /* Use the character '!' for comments */
    st.eolIsSignificant(true); /* Return end-of-line character */
    st.ordinaryChar(','); /* Use ',' as separator */
    st.parseNumbers(); /* Read numbers as numbers (not strings)*/
    return st;

  /**** Read single line data file ****/
  static void readOneLineFile(String filename, double[] data) throws IOException {
    FileReader datafile = null;
    StreamTokenizer st;
    int i = 0;

    datafile = new FileReader(filename);
    st = initST(datafile);
    do {
      do {
      } while (st.ttype == st.TT_EOL); /* Skip empty lines */
      while (st.ttype == st.TT_NUMBER) {
        data[i++] = st.nval;
        if (st.nextToken() != ',') break;
    } while (st.ttype == st.TT_EOL);

  /**** Read multi line data file ****/
  static void readMultiLineFile(String filename, double[][] data) throws IOException {
    FileReader datafile = null;
    StreamTokenizer st;
    int i = 0, j = 0;

    datafile = new FileReader(filename);
    st = initST(datafile);
    do {
      do {
      } while (st.ttype == st.TT_EOL); /* Skip empty lines */
      while (st.ttype == st.TT_NUMBER) {
        data[j][i++] = st.nval;
        if (st.nextToken() != ',') {
          i = 0;
    } while (st.ttype == st.TT_EOL);

  /**** Read data from files ****/
  static void readData() throws IOException {
    int p, r;

    REV = new double[NP][NT];
    CMAK = new double[NP][NF];
    CBUY = new double[NR][NT];
    REQ = new double[NP][NR];
    MXSELL = new double[NP][NT];
    MXMAKE = new double[NF];
    PSTOCK0 = new double[NP][NF];
    RSTOCK0 = new double[NR][NF];

    /* Read the revenu data file */
    readMultiLineFile(REVFILE, REV);

    /* Read the production cost data file */
    readMultiLineFile(CMAKEFILE, CMAK);

    /* Read the raw material cost data file */
    readMultiLineFile(CBUYFILE, CBUY);

    /* Read the resource requirement data file */
    readMultiLineFile(REQFILE, REQ);

    /* Read the max. sales quantities data file */
    readMultiLineFile(MXSELLFILE, MXSELL);

    /* Read the production capacities data file */
    readOneLineFile(MXMAKEFILE, MXMAKE);

    /* Read the product stock data file */
    readMultiLineFile(PSTOCK0FILE, PSTOCK0);

    /* Read the raw material stock data file */
    readMultiLineFile(RSTOCK0FILE, RSTOCK0);


  public static void main(String[] args) {
    try {
      readData(); /* Data input from file */
    } catch (IOException e) {
    modCoco3(); /* Model and solve the problem */

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