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Coco - A full production planning example

The Coco productional planning problem: multi-item, multi-period, multi-site production planning. A sequence of model versions show how the model was developed, to (a) use more sophisticated modeling features and (b) to extend the model, taking it from a simple linear model to one with fixed prices and logical decisions.
  1. xbcoco1: initial formulation, data, variables and constraints fixed
  2. xbcoco2: use parameters, data tables and subscripted variables.

    read data tables in from text data files (short-term planning).
  3. xbcoco3: like xbcoco2.c, but several time periods (mid-term planning).
  4. xbcoco : complete problem, data defined in the model definition (long-term planning).[download all files]

Source Files
By clicking on a file name, a preview is opened at the bottom of this page.[download][download][download][download]

Data Files


! Coco Problem Data: inim.dat
100, 150
 50, 100

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