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Production planning under demand uncertainty Description Planning the production of several types of drinking glasses for the next N weeks subject to uncertain demand (formulated via scenarios) or uncertain resource capacity limits (polyhedral uncertainty). Further explanation of this example: Whitepaper 'Robust Optimization with Xpress', Section 3 Production planning under demand uncertainty
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Data Files c2glass_robust.mos (!****************************************************** Mosel Example Problems ====================== file c2glass_robust.mos ``````````````````````` Planning the production of glasses - Robust against demand scenarios or workers' absence - Based on c2_glass.mos (Mar 2002) (c) 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Apr. 2014 *******************************************************!) model "C-2 Glass production (scenarios)" uses "mmrobust" parameters DATAFILE="c2glass_scen.dat" IF_SCEN = true !false IF_WORK = false !true end-parameters declarations WEEKS: range ! Planning period PRODS: range ! Set of products SCEN: range ! Demand scenarios CAPW,CAPM: integer ! Capacity of workers and machines CAPS: integer ! Storage capacity SCENDEM: array(SCEN,PRODS,WEEKS) of integer ! Demand per product & week CPROD: array(PRODS) of integer ! Production cost per product CSTOCK: array(PRODS) of integer ! Storage cost per product ISTOCK: array(PRODS) of integer ! Initial stock levels FSTOCK: array(PRODS) of integer ! Min. final stock levels TIMEW,TIMEM: array(PRODS) of integer ! Worker and machine time per unit SPACE: array(PRODS) of integer ! Storage space required by products ABSENCE: dynamic array(WEEKS) of real ! Max. absence (hours) produce: array(PRODS,WEEKS) of mpvar ! Production of products per week store: array(PRODS,WEEKS) of mpvar ! Amount stored at end of week absent: dynamic array(WEEKS) of uncertain ! Absence of personnel demand: dynamic array(PRODS,WEEKS) of uncertain ! Uncertain demand SCENDATA: array(SCEN,set of uncertain) of real ! Aux. data structure end-declarations initializations from DATAFILE CAPW CAPM CAPS SCENDEM CSTOCK CPROD ISTOCK FSTOCK TIMEW TIMEM SPACE ABSENCE end-initializations ! Objective: sum of production and storage costs Cost:= sum(p in PRODS, t in WEEKS) (CPROD(p)*produce(p,t) + CSTOCK(p)*store(p,t)) if IF_SCEN then ! Demand scenarios forall(p in PRODS, t in WEEKS | sum(s in SCEN) SCENDEM(s,p,t)>0) create(demand(p,t)) forall(s in SCEN, p in PRODS, t in WEEKS | SCENDEM(s,p,t)>0) SCENDATA(s, demand(p,t)):= SCENDEM(s,p,t) scenario(SCENDATA) ! Stock balances forall(p in PRODS, t in WEEKS) do store(p,t) <= if(t>1, store(p,t-1), ISTOCK(p)) + produce(p,t) - demand(p,t) store(p,t) >= if(t>1, store(p,t-1), ISTOCK(p)) + produce(p,t) - max(s in SCEN) SCENDEM(s,p,t) end-do setparam("ROBUST_UNCERTAIN_OVERLAP", true) else forall(p in PRODS, t in WEEKS) store(p,t) = if(t>1, store(p,t-1), ISTOCK(p)) + produce(p,t) - SCENDEM(1,p,t) end-if ! Final stock levels forall(p in PRODS) store(p,WEEKS.last) >= FSTOCK(p) if IF_WORK then ! Limit on total absence (uncertainty set) forall(t in WEEKS) create(absent(t)) sum(t in WEEKS) absent(t) <= 0.05*CAPW*WEEKS.size forall(t in WEEKS) absent(t) <= ABSENCE(t) forall(t in WEEKS) absent(t) >= 0 setparam("ROBUST_UNCERTAIN_OVERLAP", true) end-if ! Capacity constraints forall(t in WEEKS) do if IF_WORK then sum(p in PRODS) TIMEW(p)*produce(p,t) <= CAPW -absent(t) ! Workers else sum(p in PRODS) TIMEW(p)*produce(p,t) <= CAPW/1.1 ! Workers end-if sum(p in PRODS) TIMEM(p)*produce(p,t) <= CAPM ! Machines sum(p in PRODS) SPACE(p)*store(p,t) <= CAPS ! Storage end-do ! Solve the problem minimize(Cost) ! Solution printing if getprobstat<>XPRS_OPT then writeln("No solution found."); exit(1) end-if writeln("Total cost: ",getobjval) writeln("Production plan:") write(" Week") forall(t in WEEKS) write(strfmt(t,7)) writeln forall(p in PRODS) do write(p,": Prod. ") forall(t in WEEKS) write(strfmt(getsol(produce(p,t)),7,1)) writeln write(" Store ") forall(t in WEEKS) write(" (", if( store(p,t).sol>0, strfmt(getsol(store(p,t)),4,1), " - "), ")") writeln end-do writeln("\nCapacities used:") writeln("Week",strfmt("Workers",8),strfmt("Machines",9),strfmt("Space",7)) forall(t in WEEKS) writeln(strfmt(t,2), strfmt(ceil(getsol(sum(p in PRODS) TIMEW(p)*produce(p,t))),8), strfmt(getsol(sum(p in PRODS) TIMEM(p)*produce(p,t)),10,2), strfmt(getsol(sum(p in PRODS) SPACE(p)*store(p,t)),9,2) ) end-model | |||||||||||
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