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Successive linear programming (SLP) model for a financial planning problem

  • modifying constraint coefficients
  • while statement
  • basis in- and output and problem reloading
  • setting/accessing optimiser parameters
  • procedure
Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel User Guide', Section 12.1 Recursion

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   Mosel User Guide Example Problems

   file fin_nl.mos 
   Financial application solved by SLP.
   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, June 2003, rev. Jul. 2023

model "Recursion (NLP)"
 uses "mmxnlp"                       ! Use Xpress NonLinear

  NT=6                               ! Time horizon
  QUARTERS=1..NT                     ! Range of time periods
  M,P,V: array(QUARTERS) of real     ! Payments

  interest: array(QUARTERS) of mpvar ! Interest
  net: array(QUARTERS) of mpvar      ! Net
  balance: array(QUARTERS) of mpvar  ! Balance
  rate: mpvar                        ! Interest rate

 M:: [-1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
 P:: [206.6, 206.6, 206.6, 206.6, 206.6, 0]
 V:: [-2.95, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
 setinitval(rate, 0)                 ! Set initial values for variables
 forall(t in QUARTERS) setinitval(balance(t), 1)

                                     ! net = payments - interest
 forall(t in QUARTERS) net(t) = (M(t)+P(t)+V(t)) - interest(t)	

                                     ! Money balance across periods
 forall(t in QUARTERS) balance(t) = if(t>1, balance(t-1), 0) - net(t)	
                                     ! Interest rate
 forall(t in 2..NT) -(365/92)*interest(t) + balance(t-1) * rate = 0
 interest(1) = 0                     ! Initial interest is zero
 forall (t in QUARTERS) net(t) is_free
 forall (t in 1..NT-1) balance(t) is_free
 balance(NT) = 0                     ! Final balance is zero

! setparam("XNLP_VERBOSE",true)     ! Uncomment to see detailed output
 setparam("XPRS_NLPSOLVER", 1)       ! Use a local NLP solver
 setparam("XNLP_SOLVER", 0)          ! Select the SLP solver

 minimize(0)                         ! Solve the problem (get feasible)
                                     ! Print the solution
 writeln("\nThe interest rate is ", getsol(rate))
 write(strfmt("t",5), strfmt(" ",4))
 forall(t in QUARTERS) write(strfmt(t,5), strfmt(" ",3))
 write("\nBalances ")
 forall(t in QUARTERS) write(strfmt(getsol(balance(t)),8,2))
 write("\nInterest ")
 forall(t in QUARTERS) write(strfmt(getsol(interest(t)),8,2))


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