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Maximum flow in a telecom network

We wish to test the reliability of a telecommunications network that consists of eleven sites connected by bidirectional lines for data transmission. The specifications require that the two sites (nodes) 10 and 11 of the network remain able to communicate even if any three other sites of the network are destroyed.

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Section 12.1 'Network reliability' (g1rely.mos) Similar problem: Section 15.1 'Water conveyance/water supply management' (j1water.mos)

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Data Files


! Data file for `maxflow.mos'

ARC: [
(1  2) 1
(1  3) 1
(1 11) 1
(2  3) 1
(2  8) 1
(2  9) 1
(3  4) 1
(3  9) 1
(3 10) 1
(3 11) 1
(4  5) 1
(4  6) 1
(4 11) 1
(5  9) 1
(5 11) 1
(6  7) 1
(6  9) 1
(6 10) 1
(7  8) 1
(7 10) 1
(8 10) 1
(9 10) 1]

POS: [[40 10] [70 10] [40 30] [10 70] [40 50] [70 70] 
      [100 70] [100 10] [70 50] [85 30] [10 50]]

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