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Local authorities and public services

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
J‑1 Water conveyance / water supply management: Maximum flow problem ** j1water_graph.mos, g1rely.mos
encoding of arcs, selection with `|', record data structure
J‑2 CCTV surveillance: Maximum vertex cover problem ** j2bigbro_graph.mos, g6transmit.mos, d5cutsh.mos
encoding of network, exists
J‑3 Rigging elections: Partitioning problem **** j3elect_graph.mos, partitioning_graph.mos
algorithm for data preprocessing; file inclusion, 3 nested/recursive procedures, working with sets, if-then, forall-do, exists, finalize
J‑4 Gritting roads: Directed Chinese postman problem **** j4grit_graph.mos
algorithm for finding Eulerian path/graph for printing; encoding of arcs, dynamic array, exists, 2 functions implementing Eulerian circuit algorithm, round, getsize, break, while-do, if-then-else, list handling
J‑5 Location of income tax offices: p-median problem ****
modeling an implication, all-pairs shortest path algorithm (Floyd-Warshall); dynamic array, exists, procedure for shortest path algorithm, forall-do, if-then, selection with `|'
J‑6 Efficiency of hospitals: Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) ***
description of DEA method; loop over problem solving with complete re-definition of problem every time, naming and declaring constraints

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 15: Local authorities and public services[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file j5tax.mos
   Choice of locations for income tax offices
   A graph representing the cities and major roads connecting
   them is provided. The population of each city and the 
   distance between two cities directly connected are also 
   known from the graph. Where should tax offices be located 
   to minimize the average distance per inhabitant to the 
   closest tax office?

   Given the graph, the distance matrix is calculated using a
   specialized algorithm (Floyd-Warshall), implemented by the
   procedure 'calculatedist'. These distances are used 
   in the MIP model where two families of decision variables 
   are defined.

   (c) 2008-2022 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002, rev. Mar. 2022

model "J-5 Tax office location"
 uses "mmxprs"

 forward procedure calculatedist

  CITIES = 1..12                        ! Set of cities

  DIST: array(CITIES,CITIES) of integer ! Distance matrix
  POP: array(CITIES) of integer         ! Population of cities
  LEN: dynamic array(CITIES,CITIES) of integer ! Road lengths
  NUMLOC: integer                       ! Desired number of tax offices
  build: array(CITIES) of mpvar         ! 1 if office in city, 0 otherwise
  depend: array(CITIES,CITIES) of mpvar ! (c,d) 1 if city c depends on office
                                        ! in city d, 0 otherwise

 initializations from 'j5tax.dat'

! Calculate the distance matrix

! Objective: weighted total distance
 TotDist:= sum(c,d in CITIES) POP(c)*DIST(c,d)*depend(c,d)

! Assign cities to offices
 forall(c in CITIES) sum(d in CITIES) depend(c,d) = 1
! Limit total number of offices
 sum(c in CITIES) build(c) <= NUMLOC
! Relations between dependencies and offices built
 forall(c,d in CITIES) depend(c,d) <= build(d)  
 forall(c in CITIES) build(c) is_binary

! Solve the problem
! Solution printing
 writeln("Total weighted distance: ", getobjval, 
        " (average per inhabitant: ", getobjval/sum(c in CITIES) POP(c), ")")
 forall(c in CITIES | getsol(build(c))>0) do
  write("Office in ", c, ": ")
  forall(d in CITIES | getsol(depend(d,c))>0) write(" ", d)


! Calculate the distance matrix using Floyd-Warshall algorithm
 procedure calculatedist
 ! Initialize all distance labels with a sufficiently large value
  BIGM:=sum(c,d in CITIES | exists(LEN(c,d))) LEN(c,d)
  forall(c,d in CITIES) DIST(c,d):=BIGM

  forall(c in CITIES) DIST(c,c):=0    ! Set values on the diagonal to 0
! Length of existing road connections
  forall(c,d in CITIES | exists(LEN(c,d))) do
! Update shortest distance for every node triple
  forall(b,c,d in CITIES | c<d )
   if DIST(c,d) > DIST(c,b)+DIST(b,d) then
    DIST(c,d):= DIST(c,b)+DIST(b,d)
    DIST(d,c):= DIST(c,b)+DIST(b,d)

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