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Force required to lift an object Description Find the smallest amount of force required to lift an object, grasping it at a set of possible grasping points. Further explanation of this example:
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grasp_graph.mos (!********************************************************************* Mosel NL examples ================= file grasp_ive.mos `````````````````` Find the smallest amount of normal force required to "grasp" an object given a set of possible grasping points. SOCP formulation. Based on grasp.mod, gasp_exp.mod, grasp_nonconvex.mod Source: http://www.orfe.princeton.edu/~rvdb/ampl/nlmodels/grasp/ Reference: "Applications of Second-Order Cone Programming", M.S. Lobo, L. Vandenberghe, S. Boyd, and H. Lebret, 1998 - Graphical representation of results - (c) 2013 Fair Issac Corporation author: S. Heipcke, Nov. 2005, rev. Sep. 2017 *********************************************************************!) model "grasping (NL)" uses "mmxnlp", "mmsvg" parameters N = 6 ! Number of lifting points MU = 0.3 ! Friction coefficient end-parameters declarations RN = 1..N ! Set of lifting points DIM = 1..3 ! Set of dimensions P: array(RN,DIM) of real ! Contact point GRAD_NORM: array(RN) of real ! Auxiliary term V: array(RN,DIM) of real ! Unit normal vector at contact point f_ext: array(DIM) of real ! Externally applied force torq_ext: array(DIM) of real ! Externally applied torque force: array(RN,DIM) of mpvar ! Contact force at point nforce: array(RN) of mpvar ! Normal force at point munforce: array(RN) of mpvar ! Aux. var for SOCP reformulation tforce: array(RN,DIM) of mpvar ! Tangential force at point torq: array(RN,DIM) of mpvar ! Torque at point pressure: mpvar ! Objective variable, maximum of nforce Friction: array(RN) of nlctr ! Friction relation end-declarations ! Defining bounds and start values pressure is_free forall (d in DIM, i in RN) do force(i,d) <= 10 tforce(i,d) <= 2 torq(i,d) <= 10 force(i,d) >= -10 tforce(i,d) >= -10 torq(i,d) >= -10 setinitval(force(i,d), 1.0) end-do forall (i in RN) nforce(i) >= 0 f_ext :: [0.0, 0.0, -1.0] forall(d in DIM) torq_ext(d) := 0.0 ! Calculate parameters forall(i in RN) do ! P(i) is a contact point on a parabolic "nose cone" to be lifted P(i,1) := 0.3 + cos(2*M_PI*i/N) P(i,2) := sin(2*M_PI*i/N) P(i,3) := P(i,1)^2 + P(i,2)^2 GRAD_NORM(i) := sqrt( (2*P(i,1))^2 + (2*P(i,2))^2 + 1 ) ! V(i) is the unit normal vector at contact point P(i) V(i,1) := -2*P(i,1)/GRAD_NORM(i) V(i,2) := -2*P(i,2)/GRAD_NORM(i) V(i,3) := 1/GRAD_NORM(i) end-do ! Constraints: forall(i in RN) do ! Normal force at point P(i) nfDef(i):= nforce(i) = sum(d in DIM) V(i,d)*force(i,d) ! Tangential force at point P(i) forall(d in DIM) tfDef(i,d):= tforce(i,d) = force(i,d) - V(i,d)*nforce(i) ! Torq about (0,0,0) at point P(i) torq1Def(i):= torq(i,1) = P(i,2)*force(i,3) - force(i,2)*P(i,3) torq2Def(i):= torq(i,2) = P(i,3)*force(i,1) - force(i,3)*P(i,1) torq3Def(i):= torq(i,3) = P(i,1)*force(i,2) - force(i,1)*P(i,2) ! Objective function definition t_bnds(i) := nforce(i) <= pressure ! Definition of friction munforce(i)=MU*nforce(i) Friction(i):= sum(d in DIM) tforce(i,d)^2 <= munforce(i)^2 end-do ! Force balances forall(d in DIM) f_Balance(d) := sum(i in RN) force(i,d) = -f_ext(d) forall(d in DIM) t_Balance(d) := sum(i in RN) torq(i,d) = -torq_ext(d) ! Solving the problem setparam("xnlp_verbose", true) minimize(pressure) ! Solution display setparam("REALFMT", "%7.4f") forall(i in RN) do write("force(",i,") = ") forall(d in DIM) write(getsol(force(i,d)), " ") write("\ntorque(",i,") = ") forall(d in DIM) write(getsol(torq(i,d)), " ") writeln("\nnormal force(",i,") = ", getsol(nforce(i))) write("tangential force(",i,")= ") forall(d in DIM) write(getsol(tforce(i,d)), " ") writeln end-do writeln("\n Pressure = ", getsol(pressure)); !**************** Graphical representation of results **************** forall(i in 0..12) pcol(i):= svgcolor(200-10*i,200-10*i,200-10*i) svgaddgroup("plot", "Surface", SVG_GRAY) svgsetstyle(SVG_OPACITY, 0.35) svgsetstyle(SVG_FILL, SVG_CURRENT) svgaddgroup("plotC", "Cone", svgcolor(75,75,75)) svgsetstyle(SVG_OPACITY, 0.5) svgaddgroup("plotP", "Lift points", svgcolor(25,25,150)) svgsetstyle(SVG_STROKEDASH, "1,1") svgaddgroup("plotF", "Force", svgcolor(200,25,25)) svgsetstyle(SVG_STROKEWIDTH, 2) svgaddgroup("plotD", "Lifting direction", svgcolor(25,150,25)) svgsetstyle(SVG_STROKEWIDTH, 2) EPS:=0.0001 FAC:=2.5 FFAC:=2.5 ! Lifting points and forces forall(i in RN) do fz:=P(i,1)^2+P(i,2)^2 fz2:=(P(i,1)+if(abs(force(i,1).sol)>EPS,force(i,1).sol,0))^2+ (P(i,2)+if(abs(force(i,2).sol)>EPS,force(i,2).sol,0))^2 svgaddpoint("plotP",P(i,1)+fz/FAC,P(i,2)+fz/FAC) svgaddarrow("plotF",P(i,1)+fz/FAC,P(i,2)+fz/FAC, P(i,1)+FFAC*(if(abs(force(i,1).sol)>EPS,force(i,1).sol,0))+fz2/FAC, P(i,2)+FFAC*(if(abs(force(i,2).sol)>EPS,force(i,2).sol,0))+fz2/FAC) end-do ! Lifting direction fz:=(0.3)^2 svgaddpoint("plotD",1+0.3+fz/FAC,fz/FAC) svgaddarrow("plotD",0.3+fz/FAC,fz/FAC, 0.3-FFAC*f_ext(1)-f_ext(3)/FAC, -FFAC*f_ext(2)-f_ext(3)/FAC) ! Circle on which are located the lifting points M:=40 forall(i in 1..M) do fz:=(0.3 + cos(2*M_PI*i/M))^2 + (sin(2*M_PI*i/M))^2 fx:=0.3 + cos(2*M_PI*i/M) + fz/FAC; fy:=sin(2*M_PI*i/M)+fz/FAC fz2:=(0.3 + cos(2*M_PI*(i+1)/M))^2 + (sin(2*M_PI*(i+1)/M))^2 fx2:=0.3 + cos(2*M_PI*(i+1)/M) + fz2/FAC; fy2:=sin(2*M_PI*(i+1)/M)+ fz2/FAC svgaddline("plotP",fx,fy,fx2,fy2) end-do ! Surface of the cone forall(y in union(i in -12..12) {i/5}) forall(x in union(i in -12..12) {i/5}) do fz:=(x-0.3)^2+y^2 fz2:=(x-0.3+0.2)^2+y^2 fz3:=(x-0.3)^2+(y+0.2)^2 fz4:=(x-0.3+0.2)^2+(y+0.2)^2 svgaddpolygon("plot", [x+fz/5,y+fz/5,(x+0.2)+fz2/5,y+fz2/5, (x+0.2)+fz4/5,y+0.2+fz4/5,x+fz3/5,y+0.2+fz3/5]) svgsetstyle(svggetlastobj, SVG_STROKE, pcol(round(abs(x)*5)) ) svgsetstyle(svggetlastobj, SVG_FILL, pcol(round(abs(x)*5)) ) end-do ! Grid representing the cone forall(y in union(i in -12..12) {i/5}) forall(x in union(i in -12..12) {i/5}) do fz:=(x-0.3)^2+y^2 fz2:=(x-0.3+0.2)^2+y^2 svgaddline("plotC", x+fz/5,y+fz/5,(x+0.2)+fz2/5,y+fz2/5) end-do (! forall(x in union(i in -12..12) {i/5}) forall(y in union(i in -12..12) {i/5}) do fz:=(x-0.3)^2+y^2 fz2:=(x-0.3)^2+(y+0.2)^2 svgaddline("plotC", x+fz/5,y+fz/5,x+fz2/5,y+0.2+fz2/5) end-do !) ! Scale size of the displayed graph svgsetgraphscale(100) svgsetgraphlabels("x","y") svgsave("grasp.svg") svgrefresh svgwaitclose("Close browser window to terminate model execution.", 1) end-model | |||||||||||||
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