FICO Xpress Optimization Examples Repository
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Air transport

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
F‑1 Flight connections at a hub: Assignment problem * assignment_graph.mos, i1assign.mos, c6assign.mos
F‑2 Composing flight crews: Bipartite matching **** matching_graph.mos
2 problems, data preprocessing, incremental definition of data array, encoding of arcs, logical or (cumulative version) and and, procedure for printing solution, forall-do, max, finalize
F‑3 Scheduling flight landings: Scheduling problem with time windows ***
generalization of model to arbitrary time windows; calculation of specific BigM, forall-do
F‑4 Airline hub location: Hub location problem ***
quadruple indices; improved (re)formulation (first model not usable with student version), union of index (range) sets
F‑5 Planning a flight tour: Symmetric traveling salesman problem ***** tsp_graph.mos
loop over problem solving, TSP subtour elimination algorithm; procedure for generating additional constraints, recursive subroutine calls, working with sets, forall-do, repeat-until, getsize, not

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 11: Air transport[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file f3landing.mos
   Schedule plane landings
   Ten planes are scheduled to arrive at a large airport.
   Each plane has an earliest and latest arrival time. Within
   this time window, there is a target arrival time. Penalties
   are assigned to each minute a flight is early or late. Between
   each landing, there is a required security time interval.
   Which schedule minimizes the total arrival penalty given the 
   arrival time windows and required separating intervals?
   This problem calculates a specific BigM per index tuple for use
   in the formulation of the disjunctive constraints on landing times. 
   Note that the obvious pair of 'START' and 'END' for the time 
   windows cannot be used because 'END' is a reserved word in Mosel.

   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002

model "F-3 Landing schedule"
 uses "mmxprs"

  PLANES = 1..10                        ! Set of airplanes
  START, STOP: array(PLANES) of integer ! Start, end of arrival time windows
  TARGET: array(PLANES) of integer      ! Planned arrival times
  CEARLY, CLATE: array(PLANES) of integer ! Cost of earliness/lateness
  DIST: array(PLANES,PLANES) of integer ! Minimum interval between planes
  M: array(PLANES,PLANES) of integer    ! Sufficiently large positive values
  prec: array(PLANES,PLANES) of mpvar   ! 1 if plane i precedes j
  land: array(PLANES) of mpvar          ! Arrival time
  early,late: array(PLANES) of mpvar    ! Earliness/lateness

 initializations from 'f3landing.dat'

 forall(p,q in PLANES) M(p,q):= STOP(p) + DIST(p,q) - START(q)

! Objective: total penalty for deviations from planned arrival times
 Cost:= sum(p in PLANES) (CEARLY(p)*early(p) + CLATE(p)*late(p))

! Keep required intervals between plan arrivals
 forall(p,q in PLANES | p>q)
  land(p) + DIST(p,q) <= land(q) + M(p,q)*prec(q,p)
 forall(p,q in PLANES | p<q)
  land(p) + DIST(p,q) <= land(q) + M(p,q)*(1-prec(p,q))

! Relations between earliness, lateness, and effective arrival time
 forall(p in PLANES) do
  early(p) >= TARGET(p) - land(p)
  late(p) >= land(p) - TARGET(p)
  land(p) = TARGET(p) - early(p) + late(p)

 forall(p in PLANES) do
  START(p) <= land(p); land(p) <= STOP(p)
  early(p) <= TARGET(p)-START(p)
  late(p) <= STOP(p)-TARGET(p)
 forall(p,q in PLANES | p<q) prec(p,q) is_binary 

! Solve the problem
! Solution printing
 writeln("Total deviation cost: ", getobjval)
 writeln("Plane Arrival Target Deviation")
 forall(p in PLANES) 
  writeln(strfmt(p,3), strfmt(getsol(land(p)),8), strfmt(TARGET(p),8), 


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