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Ground transport

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
E‑1 Car rental: Transport problem *** transport_graph.mos
data preprocessing, set operations, sqrt and ^2, if-then-elif
E‑2 Choosing the mode of transport: Minimum cost flow ** mincostflow_graph.mos
formulation with extra nodes for modes of transport; encoding of arcs, finalize, union of sets, nodes labeled with strings
E‑3 Depot location: Facility location problem *** facilityloc_graph.mos
modeling flows as fractions, definition of model cuts
E‑4 Heating oil delivery: Vehicle routing problem (VRP) **** vrp_graph.mos
elimination of inadmissible subtours, cuts; selection with `|', definition of model cuts
E‑5 Combining different modes of transport ***
modeling implications, weak and strong formulation of bounding constraints; triple indices
E‑6 Fleet planning for vans ***
maxlist, minlist, max, min

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 10: Ground transport[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file e5combine.mos
   Combining different modes of transport

   A large load needs to be transported through 5 cities via 
   3 possible transportation modes. Transportation type can
   be changed in any of the three intermediate cities. How
   should this load be transported so that the total cost of
   transportation and changing modes is minimized?

   This problem introduces triple indices for the variable 
   'change' since this is the change from mode m to mode n
   for leg l.
   (c) 2008-2022 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002, rev. Mar. 2022

model "E-5 Combined transport"
 uses "mmxprs"

  NL = 4
  LEGS = 1..NL                          ! Legs of the transport
  MODES: set of string                  ! Modes of transport

  CTRANS: array(MODES,LEGS) of integer  ! Transport cost
  CCHG: array(MODES,MODES) of integer   ! Cost of changing mode of transport

 initializations from 'e5combine.dat'

  use: array(MODES,LEGS) of mpvar        ! 1 if a mode is used, 0 otherwise
  change: array(MODES,MODES,1..NL-1) of mpvar  ! 1 if change from mode m to n
                                               ! at end of leg, 0 otherwise

! Objective: total cost
 Cost:= sum(m in MODES, l in LEGS) CTRANS(m,l)*use(m,l) +
         sum(m,n in MODES,l in 1..NL-1) CCHG(m,n)*change(m,n,l)

! One mode of transport per leg
 forall(l in LEGS) sum(m in MODES) use(m,l) = 1
! Change or maintain mode of transport between every pair of legs
 forall(l in 1..NL-1) sum(m,n in MODES) change(m,n,l) = 1

! Relation between modes used and changes
 forall(m,n in MODES,l in 1..NL-1) use(m,l) + use(n,l+1) >= 2*change(m,n,l)

 forall(m in MODES, l in LEGS) use(m,l) is_binary
 forall(m,n in MODES,l in 1..NL-1) change(m,n,l) is_binary
! Solve the problem
! Solution printing
 writeln("Total cost: ", getobjval)
 forall(l in LEGS) do
  write("  ",l, "-", l+1,": ")
  forall(m in MODES | getsol(use(m,l))>0) do


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