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Ground transport

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
E‑1 Car rental: Transport problem *** transport_graph.mos
data preprocessing, set operations, sqrt and ^2, if-then-elif
E‑2 Choosing the mode of transport: Minimum cost flow ** mincostflow_graph.mos
formulation with extra nodes for modes of transport; encoding of arcs, finalize, union of sets, nodes labeled with strings
E‑3 Depot location: Facility location problem *** facilityloc_graph.mos
modeling flows as fractions, definition of model cuts
E‑4 Heating oil delivery: Vehicle routing problem (VRP) **** vrp_graph.mos
elimination of inadmissible subtours, cuts; selection with `|', definition of model cuts
E‑5 Combining different modes of transport ***
modeling implications, weak and strong formulation of bounding constraints; triple indices
E‑6 Fleet planning for vans ***
maxlist, minlist, max, min

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 10: Ground transport[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file e2minflow.mos
   Choosing the mode of transport (Minimum cost flow)
   A company needs to transport chemical products stores in
   4 depots to 3 recycling centers by road or rail. Each depot
   transports to only specific recycling centers with varying
   cost per available transportation types. A single rail delivery
   must be between 10 and 50 tons. How should the company
   transport 180 tons of chemicals to minimize the total 
   transport cost?
   This contains the classical problem of coding a graph through 
   an N x N matrix with flow across arcs between pairs of nodes.
   The set of 'NODES' is the union of all nodes connected by elements
   in 'ARCS'.

   (c) 2008-2022 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002, rev. Mar. 2022

model "E-2 Minimum cost flow"
 uses "mmxprs", "mmsystem"

  NODES: set of string                  ! Set of nodes
  MINQ : integer                        ! Total quantity to transport
  A: array(ARCS:range,1..2) of string   ! Arcs
  COST: array(ARCS) of integer          ! Transport cost on arcs
  MINCAP,MAXCAP: array(ARCS) of integer ! Minimum and maximum arc capacities

 initializations from 'e2minflow.dat'

! Calculate the set of nodes
 NODES:=union(a in ARCS) {A(a,1),A(a,2)}

  flow: array(ARCS) of mpvar            ! Flow on arcs

! Objective: total transport cost
 Cost:= sum(a in ARCS) COST(a)*flow(a)

! Flow balance: inflow equals outflow
 forall(n in NODES | n<>"SOURCE" and n<>"SINK")
  sum(a in ARCS | A(a,2)=n) flow(a) = sum(a in ARCS | A(a,1)=n) flow(a)
! Min and max flow capacities
 forall(a in ARCS | MAXCAP(a) > 0) do
  flow(a) >= MINCAP(a)
  flow(a) <= MAXCAP(a)
! Minimum total quantity to transport
 sum(a in ARCS | A(a,1)="SOURCE" ) flow(a) >= MINQ

! Solve the problem
! Solution printing
 writeln("Total cost: ", getobjval)
 forall(a in ARCS | flow(a).sol>0)
  writeln(formattext("%7s -> %-7s: %g", A(a,1), A(a,2), getsol(flow(a))))


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