FICO Xpress Optimization Examples Repository
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Planning problems

Problem name and type, featuresDifficultyRelated examples
C‑1 Planning the production of bicycles: Production planning (single product) ***
modeling inventory balance; inline if, forall-do
C‑2 Production of drinking glasses: Multi-item production planning ** prodplan_graph.mos
modeling stock balance constraints; inline if, index value 0
C‑3 Material requirement planning: Material requirement planning (MRP) **
working with index (sub)sets, dynamic initialization, automatic finalization, as
C‑4 Planning the production of electronic components: Multi-item production planning ** c2glass.mos
modeling stock balance constraints; inline if
C‑5 Planning the production of fiberglass: Production planning with time-dependent production cost *** transship_graph.mos
representation of multi-period production as flow; encoding of arcs, exists, create, isodd, getlast, inline if
C‑6 Assignment of production batches to machines: Generalized assignment problem * assignment_graph.mos

Further explanation of this example: 'Applications of optimization with Xpress-MP', Chapter 8: Production planning[download all files]

Source Files

Data Files


   Mosel Example Problems

   file c4compo.mos
   Planning the production of electronic components
   A company produces cards with microchips and electronic
   badges. They also produce the components for these. The 
   company would like to meet the forecasted demand while 
   minimizing the cost associated to production, storage, 
   and product changes.
   This is a simple planning problem with an addition of 
   one new cost type (product changes). A balance constraint 
   is necessary to define the products stored from one period
   to the next. 

   (c) 2008 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Mar. 2002

model "C-4 Electronic components"
 uses "mmxprs"

  NT = 6                                 ! Number of time periods (months)
  MONTHS = 1..NT
  PRODS = 1..4                           ! Set of components

  DEM: array(PRODS,MONTHS) of integer    ! Demand of components per month
  CPROD: array(PRODS) of integer         ! Production costs
  CSTOCK: array(PRODS) of real           ! Storage costs
  CADD,CRED: real                        ! Cost of additional/reduced prod.
  ISTOCK,FSTOCK: array(PRODS) of integer ! Initial and final stock levels

  produce: array(PRODS,MONTHS) of mpvar  ! Quantities produced per month
  store: array(PRODS,MONTHS) of mpvar    ! Stock levels at end of every month
  reduce: array(MONTHS) of mpvar         ! Reduction of production per month
  add: array(MONTHS) of mpvar            ! Increase of production per month

 initializations from 'c4compo.dat'

! Objective: total cost of production, storage, and change of prod. level
 Cost:= sum(p in PRODS, t in MONTHS) (CPROD(p)*produce(p,t) + 
                                      CSTOCK(p)*store(p,t)) +
        sum(t in 2..NT) (CRED*reduce(t) + CADD*add(t))

! Stock balance constraints (satisfy demands)
 forall(p in PRODS, t in MONTHS)
  store(p,t) = if(t>1, store(p,t-1), ISTOCK(p)) + produce(p,t) - DEM(p,t)

! Changes to the level of production
 forall(t in 2..NT) 
  sum(p in PRODS) (produce(p,t) - produce(p,t-1)) = add(t) - reduce(t)

! Guarantee final stock levels
forall(p in PRODS) store(p,NT) >= FSTOCK(p)

! Solve the problem
! Solution printing
  PNAME: array(PRODS) of string          ! Product names

 initializations from 'c4compo.dat'

 writeln("Total cost: ",getobjval)
 forall(t in MONTHS) write(strfmt(t,5))
 forall(p in PRODS) do
  write("\n", PNAME(p), ": Prod. ")
  forall(t in MONTHS) write(strfmt(getsol(produce(p,t)),5))
  write("\n", strfmt("Store ",14))
  forall(t in MONTHS) write(strfmt("("+store(p,t).sol+")",5))
 write("\nTotal         ")
 forall(t in MONTHS) write(strfmt(sum(p in PRODS) produce(p,t).sol,5))


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