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Burglar - In-memory data exchange between Mosel models

  • runburglar.mos, burglar.mos - compile/load/run another model
  • runburglario.mos, burglar2r.mos - data exchange between models in memory using bin format
  • runburglarior.mos, burglar2r.mos - data exchange between models in memory using raw format
  • runburglardistr.mos, burglar2m.mos - data exchange between models in memory on the local host, combining 'bin:', 'rmt:', 'shmem:'
  • runburglardistr2.mos, burglar2m.mos - data exchange between models in memory on the remote Mosel instance, combining 'bin:', 'rmt:', 'shmem:'
  • runburglarmem.mos - compiling a model source from memory
Further explanation of this example: Whitepaper 'Generalized file handling in Mosel', Sections 6 Exchange of information with embedded models, 7 bin: using Mosel's binary format

Source Files


   Mosel User Guide Example Problems

   file runburglarmem.mos
   Compilation from memory.
   (c) 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Sep. 2014

model "Compile burglar.mos from memory"
 uses "mmjobs", "mmsystem"
   IDXCONFIG = 1         ! 1: range, 2: set of string

!**** The source of the submodel as multi-line strings ****
 public declarations
  source_of_model: text
  model_header, data1, data2, math_model: text
`--------------- Model start (header and options) ----------------
 model Burglar
 uses 'mmxprs'
--------------- Model start (header and options) ----------------`

`---------------- Data set using integer indices -----------------
  WTMAX = 102                    ! Maximum weight allowed
  ITEMS = 1..8                   ! Index range for items
  VALUE: array(ITEMS) of real    ! Value of items
  WEIGHT: array(ITEMS) of real   ! Weight of items

 VALUE :: [15, 100, 90, 60, 40, 15, 10,  1]
 WEIGHT:: [ 2,  20, 20, 30, 40, 30, 60, 10]
---------------- Data set using integer indices -----------------`

`---------------- Data set using string indices -----------------
  WTMAX = 102                    ! Maximum weight allowed
  ITEMS: set of string           ! Index set for items
  VALUE: array(ITEMS) of real    ! Value of items
  WEIGHT: array(ITEMS) of real   ! Weight of items

 VALUE :: (["camera", "necklace", "vase", "picture", "tv", "video", 
           "chest", "brick"])[15, 100, 90, 60, 40, 15, 10,  1]
 WEIGHT:: (["camera", "necklace", "vase", "picture", "tv", "video", 
           "chest", "brick"])[ 2,  20, 20, 30, 40, 30, 60, 10]
---------------- Data set using string indices -----------------`

`-------------- Definition of the mathematical model --------------
  take: array(ITEMS) of mpvar    ! 1 if we take item i; 0 otherwise

 ! Objective: maximize total value
 MaxVal:= sum(i in ITEMS) VALUE(i)*take(i)

 ! Weight restriction
 sum(i in ITEMS) WEIGHT(i)*take(i) <= WTMAX
 ! All variables are 0/1
 forall(i in ITEMS) take(i) is_binary

 maximize(MaxVal)                ! Solve the problem

 ! Print out the solution
 writeln("Solution:\n Objective: ", getobjval)
 forall(i in ITEMS)  writeln(' take(', i, '): ', getsol(take(i)))

-------------- Definition of the mathematical model --------------`

!**** Compose the parts to form the model source ****
 source_of_model:= model_header +
   if(IDXCONFIG=1, data1, data2) + math_model

!**** Main model ****
  modBurg: Model

                                   ! Compile the model from memory
 if compile("", "text:source_of_model", "tmp:burglar.bim")<>0 then exit(1); end-if
 load(modBurg, "tmp:burglar.bim")  ! Load the bim file
 run(modBurg)                      ! Start model execution
 wait                              ! Wait for model termination
 dropnextevent                     ! Ignore termination event message


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