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Burglar - In-memory data exchange between Mosel models

  • runburglar.mos, burglar.mos - compile/load/run another model
  • runburglario.mos, burglar2r.mos - data exchange between models in memory using bin format
  • runburglarior.mos, burglar2r.mos - data exchange between models in memory using raw format
  • runburglardistr.mos, burglar2m.mos - data exchange between models in memory on the local host, combining 'bin:', 'rmt:', 'shmem:'
  • runburglardistr2.mos, burglar2m.mos - data exchange between models in memory on the remote Mosel instance, combining 'bin:', 'rmt:', 'shmem:'
  • runburglarmem.mos - compiling a model source from memory
Further explanation of this example: Whitepaper 'Generalized file handling in Mosel', Sections 6 Exchange of information with embedded models, 7 bin: using Mosel's binary format

Source Files


   Mosel Example Problems 

   file runburglarior.mos
   Running a model from another Mosel model.
   Data exchange in memory using binary format using 'raw'.
   (c) 2013 Fair Isaac Corporation
       author: S. Heipcke, Apr. 2013

model "Run model burglar IO"
 uses "mmjobs", "mmsystem"

  modBurg: Model                    ! Submodel
  ISet,SSet: set of string          ! Index set for data arrays
  V,W: array(ISet) of real          ! Data arrays
  Solution: array(SSet) of real     ! Solution values

 V:: (["camera","necklace","vase","picture","tv","video","chest","brick"])
      [15, 100, 90, 60, 40, 15, 10,  1]
 W:: (["camera","necklace","vase","picture","tv","video","chest","brick"])
      [ 2,  20, 20, 30, 40, 30, 60, 10]

                                    ! Compile the model, save bim in memory
 if compile("", "burglar2r.mos", "shmem:burglar.bim")<>0 then exit(1); end-if
 load(modBurg, "shmem:burglar.bim") ! Load the bim file
 fdelete("shmem:burglar.bim")       ! bim file is no longer needed
 setdefstream(modBurg, F_OUTPUT, "null:")   ! Disable output from submodel

! Save data in shared memory
 initializations to IODRV
  [V,W] as "shmem:bdat"
                                    ! Start model execution, setting parameters
 run(modBurg, "IODRV='" +IODRV + "',DATA='shmem:bdat',SOL='shmem:Solution'")   
 wait                               ! Wait for model termination
 dropnextevent                      ! Ignore termination event message

! Retrieve solution from shared memory
 initializations from IODRV
  Solution as "shmem:Solution"

 forall(i in SSet)  writeln(" take(", i, "): ", Solution(i))


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