FICO Xpress Optimization Examples Repository
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Drawing results of multiple optimization runs

This model produces a simple plot of solution values against different amounts for the security reserve, each point of the graph represents the solution to one optimization problem instance.

Further explanation of this example: 'Mosel Language Reference', Chapter 'mmsvg'

Source Files
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Data Files


! Data file for `a6electr.mos'

! Time periods
LEN: [    6     3     3     2      4      4      2]
DEM: [12000 32000 25000 36000  25000  30000  18000]

! Power plants
PMIN:   [ 750  1000  1200  1800]
PMAX:   [1750  1500  2000  3500]
CSTART: [5000  1600  2400  1200]
CMIN:   [2250  1800  3750  4800]
CADD:   [ 2.7   2.2   1.8   3.8]
AVAIL:  [  10     4     8     3]

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